Liao Jianyu

Gunbuster Nickel Mine Switching Factory (GNI), a Chinese -funded enterprise (GNI), a Chinese -funded Chinese enterprise in Morrovari, North Morwa, Indonesia. The recent conflict between Chinese workers and Indonesian workers reflects that Chinese enterprises have problems in Indonesia.

Indonesian workers in the GNI nickel mineral smelter have put forward the demands of improving workers' safety, working environment and salary increase.Indonesia's United Union (SPN) on behalf of Indonesian Labor and GNI's investor negotiations.On January 13, the labor and management negotiations have made progress, but the factory refuses to re -hire employees who have been terminated.The Indonesian United Union was announced on January 14.According to reports, members of the union held peaceful demonstrations not only need to strike in Indonesian workers, but also Chinese workers in the factory to strike together, but Chinese workers are unwilling to join.That night, Chinese workers who continued to work and Indonesian workers had physical conflicts, causing two people to die, one was Indonesian workers, and the other was Chinese workers, and many were injured.

Some social media pointed out that in the conflict, Chinese workers first started, and the local police said that it was the Indonesian demonstrator first.The demonstrators burned GNI's heavy vehicles, destroyed heavy machines, and burned some factory buildings; demonstrators also went to the female workers' dormitory in the factory to plunder their property and burned them.Military and police jointly dispatched order to maintain order, arrested 72 perpetrators, the scene was quickly controlled, and the factory resumed production soon, but the situation was quite tense.

Zoko actively encourages the development of the nickel mining industry

How this strike has evolved into a conflict between workers in China and India, and out of control into a bleeding incident is still under investigation, but three problems behind the incident: one is the difference between ethnic groups and culture; the other is the internal internal Chinese enterprises.Third, the big gap between Sino -Indian workers in terms of salary.The incident also showed that some people deliberately destroyed the nickel mining policy of Indonesian President Zoko.

Indonesia is the largest producing country in nickel ore.Nickel ore is the main raw material for manufacturing steel, batteries and electric vehicles.Before 2020, the nickel ore output from Indonesia was all non -smelting nickel seedlings, and the price was very low.After Zoko President, foreign companies invited foreign companies to invest in nickel mineral smelting factories.Those investors who have obtained a license but have not built a smelter have been canceled.

China's development requires a large amount of nickel ore, so it soon becomes the largest nickel -mine investment country in Indonesia.Most of the Nickel Mine Smoile Factory is concentrated in Surawesi Province, and Morovali County has also become the richest county in Indonesia due to minerals.Many Indonesian workers are hired by the mining of nickel ore, which also drives many local small enterprises, including food stores, homestays, grocery stores, etc.

The Great Government encourages the policies of nickel ore, which increases Indonesia's nickel ore income many times.Earlier, Indonesia's exported nickel ore revenue was only $ 1 billion (about S $ 1.4 billion), but the revenue obtained from smelting nickel ore in 2021 was US $ 20.9 billion (about S $ 29.3 billion). It is estimated that it will increase to 300 in 2022$ 100 million (about 42 billion yuan).

Zoko believes that the policy of developing nickel mining not only increases Indonesia's revenue, but also encourages developed countries to transfer technology to Indonesia. One day, Indonesia will become a nickel mining country.However, Indonesia's nickel ore policy has caused European countries to oppose it. They complained to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO also pointed out that Indonesia banned the output of non -smelting nickel ore illegal. Indonesia should output unsold (cheap) nickel seedlingsEssenceHowever, the Indonesian government believes that the policy of exploiting developing countries in developed countries is very unfair, so they have appealed.

The Zoko government accepts the investment of Chinese companies in Indonesia in order to industrialize Indonesia's nickel mining.However, this time the Morovali conflict, if it is not solved well, may affect the investment of Chinese enterprises in Morovari, and it will also affect Zoko's dream of nickel ore.

Sales of selling the country

The Secretary of the State -owned Enterprise Department, now the anti -Zoko Say Dudu said that the government excessively preferentially treats China to invest in China, which is simply selling Indonesia to China.He claims that most of the income of nickel ore flows into Chinese pockets, and there are very few people staying in Indonesia.Another anti -Zoko union active Na Ying Guolan, which compares Chinese companies to the Dutch East India Company in the Dutch colonial era, specifically exploited Indonesia's workers and resources.

The fuse of the North Molovari conflict is the safety and welfare issue of workers.Carter Saiying, the leader of the Morovari union, said that GNI ignored the safety and welfare of Indonesian workers. For example, there was no sufficient equipment, the working environment was not safe, which caused Indonesian workers to casualties.The labor party demanded that the employer improves the safety measures and the working environment, but the factory has disappeared, and the trade union calls on strike.

Muslim Workers' Brotherhood Chairman Da Ying Wakhiden said that Indonesian labor wages working in GNI are low and only 5 million shields (about S $ 440) per month.Double salary.He complained that the policies of Indonesia's marine affairs and investment co -ordinating Minister Rouhut were allowed to "exploit Indonesia workers" and "sell Indonesia to China" by Chinese enterprises.

However, Mamman Adraman, vice chairman of the Seventh Committee of the Indonesian Parliament, gave a more comprehensive evaluation.He said that Indonesia needs foreign capital, including Chinese capital, and not all Chinese companies like critics exploited workers.However, he admits that there is indeed a problem between the management of GNI and the Indonesian workers, and it must be solved by both the workers.He pointed out that the two sides of the labor and management are two sides of a coin, and there is a relationship of cold lips, and one party cannot have no other party.However, Maman also said that China -India workers have cultural differences and different work attitudes and values.Chinese workers can accept the harsh working environment and long working hours, and Indonesian workers cannot accept it.Therefore, Chinese workers should understand the culture of Indonesian workers, communicate with Indonesian workers, and need to understand Indonesian language.

Maman pointed out that some Chinese -enterprise nickel -mined smelting factories lack safety equipment, and the working environment is harsh, and it must be corrected. The government must take action immediately.At the same time, he was very concerned about the situation of no governmentism and the workers resorted to violence.He said that the government cannot tolerate the burning of the property of others.

The security environment of

GNI smelting factories has been publicly secret.On December 22 last year, two Indonesian workers accidentally causing casualties at work.The accident triggered the struggle between the workers and the capital, which caused a conflict on January 14.

However, Maman added that the situation of GNI does not mean the general phenomenon of the China -Niche Nickee Mine -Mine Arts Factory.Many Chinese companies have a good security and working environment.Even so, the government must strengthen supervision of foreign capital to meet the demands of Indonesian labor safety and welfare.

Indonesian elites' views on Chinese workers and Chinese enterprises are inconsistent.The wealthy merchants led by former Vice President Yusov Carra believed that Morovali had Chinese workers everywhere, and even welded workers in the factory used Chinese workers.He pointed out that all Indonesian workers were used in his Bukaka enterprises and had no foreign workers.

Ruhut believes that the nickel ore smelting industry has just started in Indonesia and lacks talents, so Chinese workers are temporarily used.With the transfer of technology, the number of guest workers will naturally decrease.The southern Sulawesi province's PT Vale (PT Vale) pointed out that most of the people are now Indonesians.

However, there are many Chinese companies in Sulawesi, and the number of Chinese workers is huge, which has aroused dissatisfaction among anti -government people and Indonesian workers.

calls on the government to take over the nickel ore plant

On January 30 this year, Wangjiaxi held an Indonesian entrepreneur gathering. Yusov Cara, who was originally born in South Suslawesi, was invited to attend and delivered a speech.He said that the incidents in Beimorovari could not be repeated, and also pointed out that as long as the local government takes over these foreign nickel mine smelting companies, such incidents will not occur.He said that Indonesian nickel managed by foreignersThere is nothing to be proud of the mining smelting factory.Kara believes that local entrepreneurs in Indonesia are capable of operating these companies and support the South Suslawishi Provincial Government and entrepreneurs to take over the Nickel Mine Switching Factory of Luwu Timur.He also urged to take over other Chinese nickel mining smelting factories.Obviously, Kara is encouraging Indonesian nationalist emotions.

Police are also investigating the strike conflict.Indonesian elites have different views on Chinese and Chinese workers, and their attitudes towards Zoko Nickel Mine are not consistent.However, the most important thing is to solve labor disputes and improve Indonesian labor benefits, and find out the perpetrators to eliminate obstacles for Zoko's dream of nickel mine.

The author is Singapore's Yusov Isa East South Asian Research Institute

Senior visiting researcher

Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute part -time professor