Cultural perspective

At the beginning of the Lunar New Year, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center announced that the research team of the center hopes to open the Singapore Chinese Culture and English Knowledge Base in mid -2023 to let more people understand local culture.The news came and attracted the attention of Chinese people.As early as the 1980s and the 1990s, in order to strengthen the traditional Chinese culture of Singapore, officials cooperated with private institutions to launch the Singapore Chinese Culture Month and organize various activities.Singapore Chinese Cultural Month has later developed into the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center. The former focuses on the content of the program, and the latter focuses on hardware facilities.However, there are rare statements about "Singapore Chinese Culture".

To figure out the true meaning of the Chinese culture in Singapore, first of all, it is necessary to understand what "culture" is.Although in general cognition, culture is an abstract concept, but comprehensively the interpretation of Eastern and Western scholars, it is not difficult to summarize the meaning of Chinese culture that conforms to the national conditions of Singapore, that is: 1. Social behavior specifications include folk customs and folk customs.Forms of behavior culture; 2. Psychological needs of the public, that is, to meet the religious beliefs and popular public culture that the people need; 2. Cultural and artistic forms are exquisite culture of artistic creation and system processing.

There is a cross -ethnic blend of Rong Nai,

In terms of Singapore, Volkswagen Culture is the first time that the makeup arts are held once a year, and exquisite culture can be created in literary creation or music and painting art.Popular culture can be integrated with exquisite culture to achieve the goal of "exquisite culture popularization".For example, in 1982, Xinhua Poet Du Nanfa wrote lyrics, and the poems of Zhang Pan's poems were uploaded on the makeup art parade in 2011. Another example is a 270 -meter long, 7 -meter -long, 7 -meter in the makeup art parade,The huge scroll of the wide painting was created by the Chinese painter Huang Yihui, the Malay painter Luo Xinhan and the Indian visual artist Vijiaya.

From these two examples, we not only see the popularity of exquisite culture in Singapore Chinese culture, but also the merger of the cross -ethnic group with a large cross -ethnic group.

Cai Qisheng, president of the Singapore Zongxiang Guild Association, revealed on the Spring Festival group that the Zongxiang Guild Hall will hold a cross -race project to allow public people to participate in cultural activities of different races to improve their perception of each other.Regarding the consensus between cross -ethnic exchanges and integration, I have suggested that the "Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award" hosted by the Chinese Cultural Center of Singapore has added the "Cross -ethnic Cultural Contribution Award".In this group, as long as the cultural groups or cultural people, cultural people, Zongxiang Club or individuals, which have made significant contributions to the cross -ethnic culture, have the opportunity to win the prize.(Reward the contribution of cross -ethnic culture, Lianzharian Morning News · Speech on October 23, 2021).

Since the Chinese culture in Singapore is based on the geopolitical and geographical location of Singapore, and it is bred from the social soils of the multi -ethnic and multicultural social soil, Singapore Chinese culture is unquestionable.The overall interests of the country are based on national policies, emphasizing bilingual education and dual culture, covering cross -language, cross -ethnic groups, and cross -cultural integration.

Cultural significance is the top priority

Whether a person belongs to a certain ethnic group, in addition to the inherent bloodlines, more importantly, the cultural significance developed the day after tomorrow.What is cultural significance?To put it simply, to know the mother tongue written by the mother, to know the cultural customs passed down by the mother, such as the Chinese New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival, the Mid -Autumn Festival, etc.Values.As for whether the "Lunar New Year" can be used with the "Chinese New Year", I think it should be collected and used, and it does not have to be used on one end. The focus is on understanding the meaning of the New Year's reunion.meaning.

The Chinese culture in Singapore is based on Chinese culture, but it is not fully copied Chinese culture.From China's farming culture to the island's urban culture, as an immigrant society, Singapore attaches more importance to openness and integration.In the early days of the customs of Chinese culture in Singapore, the five dialect five dialects of Fujian, Guangdong, Chao, Hakka, and Qiong. After the establishment of diplomatic relations in the new China in 1990, a large number of new immigrants arrived.The customs and values of immigration.

As the main carrier of Chinese customs and values, the continuity of Chinese education is urgent.Regarding this, the official spares no effort to join the inheritance of Chinese culture in Chinese curriculum and the cultivation elements of morality, which can be seen from the 2007 and 2015 primary school Chinese standard courses.

According to the Chinese Standard Course of Elementary School 2007, there are six courses. The first item "takes into account the cultivation of language skills and the improvement of humanistic literacy", in addition to laying a good Chinese foundation for students, cultivating students' listening and speaking ability, literacy, and literacy.In addition to the ability to write ability, reading ability, writing ability, and comprehensive use of language skills, it should also emphasize the inheritance of Chinese culture and the cultivation of morality to improve students' humanistic literacy.

There are eight courses in the 2015 Chinese Standard Course of Elementary School. The fifth item "cultivates emotions and inherit Chinese culture" stipulates that in addition to the "core values of the 21st century skills" as the guidance, the Chinese curriculum should cultivate students.In addition to the emotions and correct values, they should also pay attention to the inheritance of the Chinese culture, so that students can feel and understand the charm and value of Chinese language and culture from an early age.Traits.

As for the theme of textbooks, whether it is the use of classical literature, modern literature, or local literature creation as textbooks, it is inseparable from the category of cultivating students' active outlook on life and correct world view, including family ethics of honoring parents, respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly;The national identity of racial harmony and citizenship; the Chinese identity identity of Chinese customs and the concept of Chinese people; cooperating with global development, looking at the concepts of the world and love to protect nature.In other words, Chinese classes are citizenships and cultural courses. This is the characteristics of Singapore Chinese curriculum for decades.

One thing that must be clarified is that even if Chinese has a lot of relationships with Chinese Chinese, it is not the same as Chinese.Chinese is "Chinese+Chinese mutation". This is the most appropriate expression I have seen about the relationship between Chinese and Chinese so far.Now that there is an objective facts of "out -of -the -world mutation", there is also a need for tolerance.

Life practice and art processing

On January 31, 2023, Lianhe Morning News Avian Cultivation of the local Chinese culture condensed people's hearts and pointed out: "The memory and achievements of Chinese culture in local history should not stay on a website and become information that lacks vitality.The connection of the whole society is a lively life tradition that uses daily life and unknown. "It is true that culture comes from life practice and is tempered in art processing.The independent founding of the country is nearly a man. After decades of evolution and accumulation, the Chinese culture and arts of Singapore have been eliminated and accumulated. If you carefully sort out and carefully construct, you should be cast into a spectacular tower.

For example, the Singapore hawker culture, which was successfully applied in 2020, is a food culture that belongs to the popular level. While celebrating the success of the application, we should not ignore the exquisite food culture belonging to Singapore.Famous chef Chen Ximing launched a bilingual version of ceramic art and cooking skills in 2019: Trinity chef Chen Ximing's spiritual creation, showing Singapore's exquisite cooking skills not to allow other national exquisite cooking skills, and the author's years of hard work in the creation of ceramic craftsmanship.In 2022, Chen Ximing's other exquisite cooking and meticulous ceramic works were gently pressed and published under the light pressure. The recipe was presented in Chinese and English.

Touring history is a major feature of Chinese culture in Singapore.For example, I have participated in the reimbursement of the Yuehai Qing Temple, and the Yuehai Qing Temple: a new dialogue between architecture and historyYang Yanshan, an associate professor of the Department of Architecture and Sustainable Design of Jiapo Science and Technology Design University, has already clarified the history and development history of the architecture. After the completion of the restoration project, he insists on tracking the context of history and finds the history of building temples in the early 19th century.

For more than, Xie Wenheng, a researcher at the National University of Singapore, who has studied puppet opera for many years, and Yang Peihua, associate professor of the Nanyang University of Science and Technology of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, who tried to record the local traditional craftsmanship, together with the unforgettable Singaporean traditional Chinese puppetThe drama reproduces the historical traces of the art of Chinese traditional Chinese puppet shows in Singapore.

In addition to the above -mentioned cultural workers, there is also Chen Yu, assistant professor of the Department of Architecture of the National University of Singapore, and is committed to promoting the study and protection of the ancient Chinese monuments.In the early days of Chinese businessmen Lin Road and Lin Bingxiang, Nanyin musician Ding Macheng, and calligrapher Pan Pan's former residence ancestor, showed the spirit of historical traceability.

The above -mentioned cultural workers not only have a considerable culture, but they tirelessly exploring the spirit of Singapore Chinese culture are the manifestations of cultural energy and spirit, and they are also worthy of the attention and sorting by writers.

In general, the Chinese culture of Singapore is derived from this land, and a culture with local culture with Chinese culture as a reference but incomplete.The shape of this culture is a symbol of Singapore's soft power, and it must also be guided by the overall national interests of Singapore.

The author is a local amateur writer

The Chinese culture in Singapore is based on Chinese culture, but it is not fully copied Chinese culture.As a immigration society, Singapore attaches more importance to openness and integration.The shape of this culture is a symbol of Singapore's soft power, and it must also be guided by the overall national interests of Singapore.