Source: Nikkei Chinese website

Author: Shimizu Stone Beads

February 24th is the first anniversary of Russia's military offense in Ukraine. At present, there is a trend of reviewing how major enterprises should deal with this crisis.Shortly after the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, McDonald's and HEINEKEN, a large European beer company, announced their withdrawal from the Russian market.To this matter, the flag shouted was Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a professor at the School of Management of Yale University in the United States.

The research team consisting of Professor Jeffrey Sauronfield compiled a list of multinational companies that decided to withdraw or stop and reduce Russian business.At the same time, the list of corporate companies that continue to carry out Russian business.By allowing consumers to easily understand the form of "companies that respond to the Ukraine crisis and companies that are not in crisis", they have put pressure on companies to decompose with Russia.

The list of Yale University School of Management shows that as of February 23, more than 1,100 multinational companies have decided to withdraw or stop and reduce Russian business.Western companies are so united and are considered the first time since the 1980s against South African racial isolation policies.Some people praise that this is a good example of making decisions based on moral concepts to get rid of simple profits of profits.

But on the other hand, some research results have questioned such evaluations.

That's a paper published by Niccolò Pisani Professor of the School of International Management and Development (IMD) of Switzerland (IMD) and Simon Evenett, a professor at the University of St. Curon, Switzerland.The paper pointed out that as of November 2022, in companies headquartered in the EU (EU) and the Seventh -way Group (G7), less than 8.5 % of the company's company peeled out of Russian business.These two researchers believe that "the divesticking business requires time, and the proportion of the future may increase."

Jeffrey Sonfield of Yale University disagrees with this conclusion.In a letter to the US media, he criticized that the papers published by Switzerland "the purpose is to weaken the unity of Western companies. It is conducive to confirming the Russian President Putin's view of Russia's economy (error) view".He also held skepticism about the quality of research papers. Therefore, two universities in Switzerland issued a statement that criticized Jeffrey Sonanfield, etc., and well -known universities in the United States and Europe appeared in an opposite attitude.

It takes time to judge which conclusion is correct, but it does not take the company to get rid of Russia as it developed like the initial imagination.Some companies are also difficult for buyers who have found business after they announce their withdrawal from Russia, and choose to continue their business for humanitarian reasons.According to the US industry magazine VARIETY, although Hollywood showed a anti -Russian gesture, after Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022, more than 140 American films were still released in Russia.

Switzerland's survey pointed out that the proportion of withdrawal from Russia is higher among the US and Finnish companies, and it is lower in Italy and Japan.On the occasion of the shareholders' meeting, all companies need to be prepared to explain the reasons for staying in Russia.