Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hangzi Ya

In the first anniversary of the Ukrainian war, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the Chinese position document on political resolution of the Ukraine crisis, which is equivalent to officially on the table of the Ukrainian war.This is a very good "position document", which takes care of the concerns of all parties while not being restrained by the concerns of any party.It stands for peace, and at the same time reflect China's national interests, and more importantly, it is not a "peace plan" that is circulated outside.

Ukrainian issues are too complicated. Relevant parties are the generations of tigers and wolves, and there are not much oil and water in the battlefield. There is no need to go to muddy water in China, and there is no strength to mention the "peace plan".When you stand, it ’s good to show your posture. If you are willing to fight, let them continue to fight. China continues to observe calmly. It is the best way to watch the tiger fighting in the mountains.

China's main task is still developing the economy and doing a good job of people's livelihood. Taking advantage of the strategic opportunity period, it is more large to make its economic volume.Some.Now this world is in a severe turbulence change cycle. No one knows what will happen next. China must hurry up to make the ship bigger. The greater the ship's survivability, the stronger.Essence

The war has been carried out to this day. All parties participating in the war are very anxious and want to pull China into the water.The United States wants to pack China and Russia together, promote the decoupling of the West and China, block China's rise and revival process, and accelerate the world into the new cold war pattern.Take the pressure on the positive battlefield and the pressure of international sanctions to Russia, and take the shudder for Russia's interests.On the Internet, there are also many filial sons of the United States and Russia, and the grandson of the United States and Russia hit various banners as the US Russia call, and desperately encouraged China to launch the water.

Under these forces, the Chinese government has always maintained a great strategic determination, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, and maintaining a proper distance from the war.The position document released by the Chinese government violates the "UN Charter's purpose and principles" and infringe on the hegemony of "sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity" in other countries.Unilateral sanctions "and" Cold War Thinking "put forward some specific suggestions for ending the war crisis as soon as possible.It may not be a document that both are satisfied with the United States and Russia, but it is a document that reflects China's position and interests.

China approved by the United Nations General Assembly on demanding that Russia's resolution of the withdrawal of the Ukrainian territory withdrawn from the Ukrainian territory's resolution immediately reflected China's position again.

So, will China provide "fatal aid" for Russia?I think the probability is not possible, at least not at present.The United States said that they got the information of Russia intending to "fatal assistance" in China and intended to be public. Considering that the perfoction of the United States and the security system of Russian loopholes, they may really stole something from the Kremlin, but these things these things, but these thingsThe authenticity is seriously doubtful.

The above is not that China cannot help Russia, but it depends on timing and conditions.

Now the war is still carried out on Ukraine's land. No matter how complicated the reason, it is a war that is aimed at the purpose of annexing a sovereign state.Moreover, although Russia has suffered heavy losses, it is not enough to support it. At this time, the risk of breaking with the mainstream world at this time supports Russia on a large scale at the cost of sacrificing its own development interests. What can China get?

In addition to morality,

In addition to morality, it also talks about interests. In the current situation, in the current international relations, there is no childlike imagination that does not care about its own safety and interests to be dragged down to the water.Everyone must be combined with interests, and under the premise of being "cost -effective" in each other to make the relationship more consolidated.

In the case of fighting against the United States and aid North Korea, China had only sent troops to the geographical pattern and the country's long -term interests under the cold war structure under the security of China's border security.In the Crimean war in the 19th century, Russian Tsar was in a quagmire that was in the war that was jointly bleed by Britain and France because of the wrong judgment situation.Only to get rid of the passive situation.Is the Ukrainian war at the same level?I'm afraid it's far from.

So, wait a while, the nature of the war is still evolving. China has a firm strategic determination. Although it has been on the table, it must continue to maintain a proper distance with the war.Go up and do the national hard and hard strength.

Actifications can be discussed, but it is also limited to talk about that international politics has no love or hate for no reason, and now everyone is a person who has seen the world.It must be a large -scale price for large -scale assistance.China is not "destiny" Russia. Of course, assistance can be assisted.Truthful things cannot be done at a loss of money.