Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Wang Shangzhi

ChatGPT artificial intelligence AI has become the object of more than 100 million people internationally internationally internationally.If human "inquiry" is equivalent to some kind of "prayer", now AI has surpassed any religion and becomes the latest "first god" to respond to this world!Once you ask ChatGPT about "when the cross -strait fights", "how to fight on both sides of the strait", "how to stop the cross -strait war", the AI answer is also very intriguing.

The narrative logic of

ChatGPT is quite different in the narrative logic of "analysis" or "prediction". Therefore, once the theme of cross -strait warfare is involved, if the word "please analyze" or "please predict" is added, there are often very different answers.Especially once the "Beijing/Mainland Government will launch ...", "The United States/Biden wants to destroy Taiwan ..." and other narrative words will cause the ChatGPT's AI logic to fall into a huge trap or contradiction. In the endEven vaguely or refused to answer further.

Artificial intelligence AI actually tracks and records the "countless thinking records released by humans", but it will also extract some kind of "angle and attitude" from "response and dialogue".For example, many online interviewers in mainland China recently blame "when will mainland China unify Taiwan"?In the end, AI's face replied to "who unified and who is not necessarily", it is really interesting!

But if you add some "prerequisites for narrative sentences", such as "referring to the historical experience of the mainland government and the United States to motivate and participate in the war", then please analyze and predict "whether Taiwan will have a war", "whether the mainland government will launch the launchThe "Taiwan Strait War" and "whether the United States will get involved in the Taiwan Strait War", obviously artificial intelligence AI will give "answers that most people worry about"!

"Thinking" of artificial intelligence AI itself, of course, the content of the data is still based on the vast data mainly based on the Internet, but the "judgment" and "description" of AI neural calculations, on the theme of the "Cross -Strait War""Content, angle, narrative" obviously prefer the relevant research, news and materials of "long -term publishing on the Internet" in Europe and the United States and mainland China, and almost do not see the perspective of thinking in Taiwan.

Because of this, ask ChatGPT "when will the cross -strait fight"?The experience of these series of "dialogue" is not fun, but it does bring a lot of induction and reflection.Especially artificial intelligence AI is particularly suitable for "precise logic to question". Once the cause and effect, the main narrative and the adverbing clauses are clearly described, the analysis of AI extraction and induction is often thought -provoking, and sometimes it really seems to be a "deity persuasion of the gods.""People who are interested in thinking about cross -strait relations are trying to try, and it is best to ask questions in English.

Many people have been impressed by recently. It may be that the error rate of ChatGPT involves "Taiwan data information" is quite high!Even the county heads of the county and cities have made mistakes, highlighting that in the world's vast and endless massive information, Taiwan's information on the one hand is "widow -like well", and on the other hand, it is a helpless fact that "the international intersection is extremely low".In fact, the Democratic Progressive Party has only done "Great Passage" in recent years, and has not seriously promoted Taiwan's international exchanges. This is why it is difficult to obtain the description of the "Taiwan perspective description from Chatgpt's perspective of Taiwan."" ".

As in the "real destiny" of Taiwan in the cross -strait war, the DPP government now has only "steps and follow the United States."The emotional face between anger!Many international situations and military experts advocate that the United States and Taiwan elections in 2023 and 2027 will be the peak of dangerous crisis in the cross -strait war. Even ChatGPT will also quote a lot. The decisions on both sides of the strait are so cautious.