Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

A Radio program host recently broke the news that President Biden had a "destroy Taiwan" plan, and was fried in Taiwan. Although Taiwan officials and the United States associations in Taiwan "clarified", referring to "unreal information", Also known as the "strong rock" of Taipin and the United States.But the effect seems to be inconsistent, but the related topics are frying hotter.The series of words and deeds of the United States, including forcing the global semiconductor chip leader TSMC to set up the US factory, discuss the mainland's attack on Taiwan, implement the "coke soil policy" in Taiwan, bomb TSMC factory, turn Taiwan into a "landlit island", fight the Liberation Army to fight alleys and fight alley.They all triggered the people on the island's suspicion of the "suspicious beauty" emotions in the United States, and the heated discussion of the rumors of "destroying the Taiwan" has exacerbated this emotion.

In the middle of this month, Nixon, the host and political analyst of Washington Radio, "broke the news" in the social media that the internal news of the White House revealed that Biden was asked what the "new conservative Ukraine scheme" was askedProject) answers when they are even more catastrophic, "Wait Untilla You Plan for the Destruction of Taiwan".This "breaking news" was quoted by former Taiwan legislator Cai Zhengyuan last week, and caused heated discussions on the island.

Washington broke the news that heated discussions on the island

Tate densely clarifying difficult to block the crowd

"Breaking the news" seems to be quite lethal. From the Taiwan Executive Dean Chen Jianren, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the DPP legislators to the United States Association (AIT), the air group clarified.Chen Jianren said that Taiwan -US relations are "the best in history" and call on the public not to trust rumors; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that the source of the news is not facts without verification.Refers to people with intentional people deliberately enlarged suspicion, anti -American theory, and disseminating unrealistic information, echoing the mainland's "cognitive war" against Taiwan; the American Association spokesman in the Taiwan Association (AIT) also issued a statement saying that Biden had a voting to support ""Taiwan Relations Law" continues to help Taiwan's self-defense and other positions, and promises to "Rock-Soli" to Taiwan.Some DPP legislators said that since Biden said that the United States would send troops to be said to be a "mouth error", this time it may be his "mouth mistake".

However, the above clarification is difficult to block the public mouth. Whether Biden has said that sentence has been said, all the "clarifications" have not been mentioned.Some Taiwanese netizens questioned, "Why did the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarify?" "Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs verify? How do you know it is fake?"Is the US President Biden clarified? "Didn't the Tsai government say that the current relationship between Taiwan and the United States is good, so ask for a clear and let the United States come out to explain.

The news that the storm is so big, which is not related to the continuous fermentation of the "suspicion of the United States" in Taiwanese society. In recent years, many words and deeds in the United States have indeed been suspected of "destroying the Taiwan" by self -recruitment.Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the topic of "Ukraine Today, Tomorrow" in the United States has made a tension atmosphere of the Taiwan Strait. Last year, it was sold to Taiwan 8 times to encourage Taiwan to implement the "Holy Pig (Arrow Pig) Strategy".", Sell 14 M136 crater car carrying the iblei system to Taiwan, to make Taiwan a" Land Thunder Island ". U.S. military security experts advocate the use of" coke soil policy "to fight the mainland, and even advocate Taiwan to destroy infrastructure when necessary.The attitude towards TSMC is regarded as the first step in "destroying the Taiwan".

More than 60%of the world's semiconductors and 92%advanced chips are from Taiwan. The Taiwan Body Circuit Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) is a leading enterprise. Therefore, it is regarded as the most important geopolitical assets in Taiwan.The name of the silicon shield.As early as November 2021, the American Army War Institute mentioned that if the mainland attacked Taiwan, Taiwan should destroy TSMC to make the mainland lose interest in Taiwan.The article attracted the attention of the mainland. At that time, the National Taiwan Affairs Office responded that "TSMC was not the reason why China seeks unified."In October last year, foreign officials quoted anonymous U.S. officials that in order to prevent Mainland from obtaining advanced chip manufacturing technology, the White House was studying various strain plans. "In the worst case, the United States will withdraw from the engineer of the stagnant electricity and bomb TSMC."In December of the same year, under the intimidation of the United States, TSMC went to the United States to invest in factories.However, according to the latest US media reports, TSMC acknowledged that this cost of $ 40 billion was "bad business decision."But in any case, TSMC has become "Miki Power".

"Suspicious American Theory" is not only suspicious of the US guards, but also worries about the use of Taiwan's combat field consumption in China.The polls announced by the European and American Institute of the Taiwan Institute of Technology in the middle of last month found that 56.6%of the respondents "did not agree" or "very disagree" the United States is a country that is a credit.Worried that Taiwan would become the second Ukraine, the worrieds accounted for 51.6%, and 43.6%of the not worried. For whether the U.S. military would cooperate against Taiwan during the war, the believers were only 42.8%, and 46.5%did not believe.It can be seen that the "suspicious beauty" emotion has accounted for in Taiwan.

Promoting scorched soil to destroy TSMC

DPP cooperates with beautiful arrow pigs

Like Ukraine to consume Russia, the purpose of the United States to play the "Taiwan card" is to consume China. It is not important to destroy the strategic purpose of Taiwan for the United States.In this regard, the Democratic Progressive Party will not see it clearly, but they will cooperate with the US strategy and strive to disinfect the "suspicion of the United States". It will also use the news of the United States to increase the news of the garrison in Taiwan.During the military service period, he purchased the US military backup and developed asymmetric combat power. It was necessary to be the "bonus" in the United States. This is whether the United States or Taiwan is like a guard or destroying the platform.