Source: Chengdu Business Daily

On February 22, Hangzhou released news that this year, he will have the first child and wife to have childcare subsidies to the same couple.

Red Star journalists sorted out that in addition to Hangzhou, in addition to Hangzhou, Jinan and other places have previously introduced the funding subsidy policy of encouraging fertility, especially for childbirth and three children.

On February 20th, the "return home" activity jointly launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry and other units and the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University ended.In the data obtained by the activity, the topic of "nearly 30 % of rural youth has no fertility" once rushed on Weibo to search."Rural youths, like urban youths, there are also many people who are unwilling to have children. Will this subsidy really encourage everyone to give birth?" Some netizens said.

In response, the former Vice President of the Chinese Population Society and the Institute of Population and Development, the School of Economics, Nankai University, told Hongxing Journalists that the Chinese population has experienced negative growth.For those who are not willing, whether such subsidy measures are effective to be observed."I think not only should I encourage families with two children and three children, but I should also subsidize families who have one child."

As the main person in charge of the report of "return to the country", Lu Dewen, the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University, expressed that he hopes that the population will grow reasonably.Young people, don't let them want to disappear quickly.

Introduce maternity subsidy policy in many places:

Hangzhou and Jinan subsidize the family of two children and three children

On the afternoon of February 22, at the third plenary session of the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress of Hangzhou, the Hangzhou Municipal Government's 2023 people's livelihood project votes were decided.This year, Hangzhou will have the first child and wife to have two children and three children, and the newborn children's household registration will be registered with a family parenting subsidy in Hangzhou.10,000 yuan.

The staff of the Hangzhou Health and Health Committee said in an interview with Zhejiang Daily that according to the 2022 population birth rate, the total amount of parenting subsidies is expected to be around 140 million yuan, which will cover 25,000 families.

On January 11th, according to, the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the implementation plan for the long -term balanced development of the Jinan City Optimization Performance Policy to promote the promotion of the maternity policy.The two -child and three -child families born each child issued 600 yuan per month for childcare subsidies until the child was 3 years old.

Red Star journalists have found that Shenyang, Changsha, Yunnan and other places have also recently promulgated a plan for maternity subsidies for two -child and three -child families.

In contrast, Shenzhen intends to give maternity subsidies to families who have one child.

In January of this year, the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Commission issued the management measures of Shenzhen parenting subsidy (draft for comments), which intends to issue parenting subsidies to citizens in accordance with the differentiated progressive progressive type.It stipulates that if the first child of childbirth and register the household registration, it is planned to issue 3,000 yuan of one -time maternity subsidies. In addition, 1500 yuan for childcare subsidies is issued each year, and a total of 7,500 yuan will be issued in three years.Those who have a second child and register for households will be issued by 5,000 yuan in one -time maternity subsidies. In addition, 2,000 yuan of parenting subsidies will be issued each year, and a total of 11,000 yuan will be issued in three years.If the third child of childbirth and register the household, it is planned to issue 10,000 yuan of one -time maternity subsidies. In addition, 3,000 yuan of parenting subsidies will be issued each year, and a cumulative subsidy of 19,000 yuan will be issued in three years.On average, the number of maternity subsidies received by families with three children each year.

"Nearly 30 % of rural youth has no fertility will" on the hot search

Far from the level of pessimism, this is just the current willingness of the questionnaire recovery

In 2022, the Chinese population has increased negatively, and subsidies are issued in many places to encourage fertility.However, the data show that whether it is a city or a rural areas, the fertility of contemporary young people has declined significantly.

According to the questionnaire survey of "2023 Return to Hometown", a total of 104917 valid questionnaires were recovered, covering 425 cities/counties/districts of 34 provincial administrative regions in China, of which 57,334 were in rural areas, accounting for 54.6%of the total number of questionnaires.The area is 47583, accounting for 45.4%of the total number of questionnaires.

Questionnaire data shows that the proportion of youth without fertility is 27.72%, the proportion of one child is 38.04%, the proportion of the second child's willingness is 32.49%, and the proportion of three or more willingness is 1.75%.

"The proportion of non -fertility will be nearly 30 %, but this data is not the proportion of rural youthless willingness, but the total proportion of rural and urban youth covered by questionnaires." As the main person in charge of the report, Wuhan University UniversityLu Dewen, the China Rural Governance Research Center, told the Red Star reporter that if it is opened, the proportion of rural areas of no fertility will be about 24%, and the proportion of youthless youths in cities is about 31%.

However, Lu Dewen also said that such data cannot be said to be completely accurate, and it is far from the degree of pessimism of population growth.

"First of all, our questionnaires are carried out through Weibo. Young people who use Weibo and are willing to participate in the questionnaire are relatively highly knowledgeable. Such people's thoughts are more open and avant -garde. Relatively speakingStrong. In addition, for those who participated in the questionnaire, this is just their current will. At present, there is no willingness to give birth, and it does not mean that in the future, they will not have children for life. Once they meet people they like, or change their ideas, they will happen.Change. But relatively speaking, young people with willingness to have fertility generally will not change much in the future. "

Why did the rural youth group have a decline in fertility?

Experts: increased cost+conceptual impact

However, Lu Dewen also said that even if it did not reach nearly 30%of the Internet, about 24%of rural young people have no willingness to give birth to children, it is already a high proportion.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics in 2021, the National Bureau of Statistics' notice on the investigation of rural youth marriage relations, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Shandong, Sichuan and other relevant statistical departments extracted some areas from June to July for corresponding investigations.Take Ningbo, Zhejiang as an example. Among the local youths that have been married or divorced, the proportion of one child is 62.5%, the proportion of two children is 23.21%, the proportion of three children is 0.89%, and 13.39%of the interviewees have not given birth.Essence

Lu Dewen said that now it seems that about 24%of the rural youth showed no fertility, which is less than 31%of urban youth without fertility.But this data shows a relatively consistent upward trend, that is to say, the changes in rural areas are consistent with the city.

Talking about the decline in the decline in rural youth fertility and unwillingness to have children or less children, Lu Dewen said that this change is basically the same as the reasons for the decline in urban youth fertility."In the past, the second child in the countryside was the bottom line, at least two, but now the second child is the upper limit.

First of all, many rural youths choose to enter towns or urban life, which is more than the cost of living in rural areas, and raising children itself will increase the burden.In addition, there is a change in ideology. Although many people are born in the countryside, with the changes in study and work, the cognition has changed, it pays more attention to the realization of self -worth, paying more attention to their feelings, and unwilling to give birth to children or more children.Consumption.


Will maternity subsidy be effective?

Experts: No need to sell "population anxiety"

Reduce the burden on youth

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on January 17 this year, the birth population was 9.56 million in 2022, and the death population was 10.41 million.Negative growth.

On August 20, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress voted to adopt the decision to modify the population and family planning law.Three children.

According to the former new observation of the Vice President of the Chinese Population Society and the Institute of Population and Development of the School of Economics of Nankai University, the effect of the policy has not yet obviously appeared, and the effect of maternity subsidies on increasing the willingness of young people to increase young people.observe.

"For those who have decided whether to have childbirth and give birth to a few children, I don't think I will change their ideas because there will be a child to get a child, but this kind of maternity subsidy has the significance and guidance of encouraging everyone to give birth. In additionI think that not only requires subsidies for two -child and three -child families, but one -child family also needs to have a certain maternity subsidy. "

Yang Hua, a professor, researcher and doctoral instructor of Wuhan University Social College, said in an interview with the Beijing News in 2021 that the education of townships and towns is well done so that the descendants of farmers do not have to go to the county town to study and save farmers' families' lives and life and life of farmers' families.The cost of marriage, at the same time, allows urbanization in rural areas to accompany sufficient employment opportunities.For example, when farmers flow to the county to buy a house, they can employment in the county seat at the same time. This is the real urbanization and is the urbanization that does not increase the burden of farmers' life.In China, there are at least 56 million rural population. If you can do a good job of education and improve employment opportunities in counties, it is believed that county will become the "storage pool" of China's fertility highland and population growth.

"Compared to the child's willingness to be" solidified ', rural youth and county youths are affected by family and environmental factors, and they still have the willingness to fertility and even have more children. "It is necessary to build a friendly society to reduce the burden on youth, and do not let youth, especially the rural youth's willingness to disappear quickly.

Original newly said that although the population of China's population has increased negatively, it is not necessary to over -sell "population anxiety."

"The decline in population is actually a inevitable stage of social development and progress. Many countries will encounter similar problems. What we need to do is to change from a large population country to a strong country.There are many things. At the same time, to build a childlike -friendly society and maintain a reasonable population growth. At this stage, I don't think it is necessary to sell too much to sell 'population anxiety'. "