Chen Guoxiang

Guo Taiming, founder of Taiwan Hon Hai Group, once again publicly expressed his willingness to run for president.Nearly four years ago, he participated in the primary election of the Kuomintang presidential candidate, and lost his party out of anger after defeating South Korean Yu.This time, he hoped that the Kuomintang amended the rules of the game so that he could break through the rules and regulations and participate in the primary election again.His actions caused heated discussions, especially for the Kuomintang to tailor him twice to build a election method. Does it overwhelm himself on the party constitution?Does the behavioral model of such corporate leaders different from the usual chapters of the political game just reflect that entrepreneurs are not suitable for national leaders?

Guo Taiming's business achievements have achieved the achievements of arrogance. The companies of nearly one million employees across the Taiwan Strait and have a pivotal position on the global supply chain. Even when former US President Trump took office, he hoped that he would be the US manufacturing industry.Fuxing played a leading role and personally participated in his new plant to start the soil breaking ceremony.He was enthusiastic about public welfare and donated medical and charity in his hands.During the crown disease, Taiwan faced a serious shortage of vaccine. He took the lead in donating, overcome difficulties, relieved the urgent need, and won a lot of lottery.Now he thinks about it again, wants to return to the political rivers and lakes, and roll thousands of snow in Taiwan.

Guo Taiming is domineering. This personality and style are the key factor of his career, but it does not change to politics, but it seems incompatible.His awareness of democratic procedures is no different from the rules within the enterprise. He believes that he can modify it at any time, just to implement the will of the operator's interest.However, the government and political parties are not for profit. The regulations must surpass personal interests and good and evil. Everyone must do it, and it must maintain a certain degree of stability.The most important difference is that corporate leaders can say one person alone, and the rules are allowed to formulate and modify it; the government and political parties cannot be transferred by personal will.

Based on the party's financial needs four years ago, Guo Taiming returned to the party with an honorary party member, but after the primaries were defeated, he immediately turned his face, not only withdrawn the party, but also scolded the Kuomintang.The nominated Korean Yu reflects his basic literacy of the democratic competition, such as dung, lacks democracy.Four years later, I wanted to make a comeback, and I also asked the Kuomintang to "give a set" and open a special case for him. It was simply regarding the Kuomintang as his branch company and must act according to his intentions.

Governing the country is different from doing business

Many business operators in their own corporate kingdoms are like closing the door as emperor, and they are dedicated; the democratic political system is different, and the leader cannot be able to lead himself on the law.Otherwise, the system and laws cannot be binding to all applicants. Leaders can selectively comply with or create the law at will, then the national rule of law and political party norms will disappear.If Guo Taiming is based on his own convenience, even the party constitution must be rubbed arbitrarily for him, and once he becomes the highest leader of the country, wouldn't the democratic system and institutional rules and regulations become a tool to implement his own?

Of course, political parties have the main goal of obtaining the regime, and providing Qiaomen for the most victorious person to provide legitimacy. However, the main problem for Guo Taiming to choose the president is not to be qualified, but whether it is appropriate.Can he transform from a successful entrepreneur to a competent political leader?

It is very different in operating enterprises and leaders.Leading the country is a matter of managing everyone. Policy goals must be taken care of by multiple parties. The process of doing things must be compromised, and it must be followed by the law.The biggest difference from operating enterprises is that government power tends to be separated and have a balance mechanism, which constitutes a constraint on the exercise of the power of leaders.

Enterprises take profit as the main goal. The leaders are small and small for the established system and regulations, and they can be arbitrarily arbitrarily. Moreover, corporate organizations can be set up flexibly. Employees can be used to do it.Implement from top to bottom.Once a successful entrepreneur dominates the state, it will inevitably feel that it will be tied up.Endless, and do it with the principle of efficiency, so it is difficult to decide quickly and achieve work.

There are many national leaders in the world, but there are not many successful cases.Trump is a manifestation.He has no experience in politics. He has been running his own career, acting arbitrarily, and not being able to communicate and coordinating, so he is often strong.He also lacks a macro global perspective. He is accustomed to the focus and start from a single goal. The policy lacks comprehensive care planning, such as advocating "the United States first".status.Based on corporate business thinking, he has greatly reduced taxes. Although he increases his willingness to invest in corporate investment and boosted the economic growth rate, it has also deteriorated the gap between government finances and the gap between the rich and the poor.He raised his stick to curb the rise of China, but he was used to the use of tariffs, and he was clumsy to combine the coalition of the allies, and the results were not effective.

During the four -year administration of Trump, the habit of businessmen has not changed. It has always ignored the system, legal and value balance, and often arrogant. As a result, the policy of governance has led to lack of political achievements.Entering Congress not only interfere with the discussion, but also cause great harm to American democracy.His governing performance is very different from the goals he preached. Even if "businessmen save the economy" cannot stand the long -term test, and even the "manufacturing industry returns to the United States" almost pays a lot.The sequelae he left is even much greater than the governance, and he cannot be a model of successful success in business.

Trump's governance and performance proof. The businessman's president does not necessarily be Wanling Dan who promotes the development of the country. Former South Korean President Li Mingbo is almost close.The performance of Li Mingbo's operating enterprise was not in Trump. He also experienced the transformation and experience of Mayor Seoul, and then promoted from the outstanding mayor to the president who was highly hoped.However, his achievements are also inaccurate. The most important thing is that the "747 Economic Development Plan" promised by him when running the president, one item has not been achieved.%, The goal he announced is far from the goal, and smashed the business of businessmen to do a good job in the economy.President Li Mingbo lacks a tree in diplomatic and against North Korea, but has left a lot of disadvantages in the internal affairs, especially the corruption scandal around relatives and close relatives. In the end, he was prison because of his greed.

Guo Taiming's eclectic and wild personality surpassed Li Mingbo, which is similar to Trump. The smart and capable of doing things and the extraordinary ability to meet the standards.However, his entrepreneurial personality, the style of entrepreneurs who do not be restricted, the style of entrepreneurial style, and domineering and domineering behavior are incompatible with the superiority of the national leaders.What he is most questioned is that he has huge assets in mainland China. Once he becomes a president, can he be completely autonomous without being coerced on the other hand; and his cross -strait and international corporate relations are wrong.No doubt.

Guo Taiming is a successful entrepreneur, but a political intern. Political words and deeds are immature or unattractive.It must be attacked by the Democratic Progressive Party, causing accumulated scars, and must have a lot of problems. There may be more problems than solved problems.So people in Taiwan believe that he will be a competent president, it is really difficult.

The author is the former chairman of the Central News Agency

Taiwan senior media person