Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

A high -altitude scraised balloon from mainland China. After floating to the United States, it has set off a stir in the past few weeks.This "spy balloon" commonly known as the "spy balloon" not only delayed the trip of US Secretary of State Brillin's visit to the mainland in early February, but also temporarily interrupted the US -China leaders Biden and Xi Jinping at the G20 Bali Island Summit in November last year.EssenceAlthough the "balloon disorder" is still there, from the recent perspective of the American -China interaction, the two sides are still trying to find "communication" opportunities in the lip gun war.

This point, from Bringson's security conference in Munich and Wang Yi, director of the Mainland Government Foreign Affairs Office, shows that the willingness to communicate with high -level communication between the two sides has not been interrupted. When Bai Deng recently commented on the balloon incident for the first time, although his statement would not be caused by his statement.He apologized to the air balloon of the mainland, but hoped to speak directly with Xi Jinping to clarify the truth. He emphasized that the United States did not intend to seek a new cold war, which means that the two sides are actively looking for "down steps."

U.S. -China relations came to Biden from the era of President Trump, and all the way to the big pattern of "two strong competition". However, in order to avoid the two sides from wiping guns and getting out of control, they may damage and regional interests.As a result, the two sides set up a "guardrail" in the exchange to ensure that the competition in the guardrail was high, and there were cooperation in the competition.Generally expected that if there is no difference, the US -China balloon incident is expected to return to peace after a period of time.

The high competition in the United States and China still actively starts the opportunity of exchange. Coincidentally, cross -strait relations have also recently reported many signs of "communication".Li Xiaodong, deputy director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, was also allowed to come to Taiwan, and many industrial and commercial groups also intended to organize the delegation to visit the mainland in March and April.Compared with August last year, cross -strait was once in a state of "murderous war" because of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Peiosi in the United States House of Representatives. At this moment, although the cross -strait relations were already in spring, it was at least dawn.

Last year's cross -strait relations were tense. Not only did the mainland implement military exercises on Taiwan, but the central line of the Taiwan Strait became the past.Sell in the mainland.What is even more thrilling is that in the past, many U.S. officials and think tanks have made predictions on the Taiwan Strait War in succession.Borderless anxiety.

According to the recent release of the "Taiwan Strait Safety poll" carried out from January 1st to 4th from the 21st Century Foundation, as many as 82.0%of the respondents described thisOver the years, the mainland's attitude towards Taiwan; 47.5%of the respondents believe that military conflicts or war may occur on both sides of the strait, but 46.9%also said that it is impossible.For the expectations of war, it can be said to be five or five waves.

For Taiwan, US -China relations are torn from the sharp tears in the past few years to enter the period of controllable confrontation and communication.The window, which allows cross -strait relations to be extremely important, is particularly important.

First, control risks and strive to establish cross -strait guardrails.Last year, Perosi visited Taiwan and directly caused the Taiwan Strait crisis. This year, the new House of Representatives Speaker McCarthy took office. It is rumored that he will visit Taiwan during the year. Compared with Pelossi, he was the speaker who was out of office at the time.Biden's hostile camp does not need to worry about the political layout of the US government. Once you visit Taiwan, you can imagine the impact.

Although the Taiwan -US Democratic League has a strong relationship, in the face of such a major variable, the government must respond early and set a safe guardrail in the United States and Lutai in the United States and Lutai.It is necessary to take care of US -Taiwan relations, and cross -strait relations are the top priority in US Lutai relations.

The second is to gradually accumulate goodwill in the gradual increase in cross -strait exchanges and find the basis of cross -strait dialogue.Cross -strait relations are frozen for three feet. It is not a day's cold. It is necessary to speak common political languages between the night and night, share the same values, and seek fish without different fate;; Taking through communication, cross -strait economic, trade, transportation and personnel exchanges between the strait of the epidemic.

The trip to the thousands of miles began under the feet. The cross -strait interaction in the past 30 years has always retreated, and there are always progress. Only by not giving up the desire for peace is the blessing of both sides of the strait.