Source: Ming Pao

Many countries in the world have recently launched a "talent battle". Canada, which has a low population and low birth rate, the government also plans to recruit a large number of immigrants to cope with the labor gap.However, experts believe whether the Ruyi abacus of immigration to save the economy remains to be watched.

Daily batch special visa beckoned to outstanding young people

Japan currently has a "high dedicated" plan to absorb expertise, and scores for the applicant's academic qualifications, work experience, income and other scores. If you exceed a certain score, you can give the "High Telecommunications No. 1" qualification for 5 years.After 3 years, it can be converted into the "No. 2 Qualification" for unlimited residence.The government held a cabinet meeting that absorbed foreign talents the day before, and decided to set up a "special high talent system", that is, in the field of academic research or professional and technical, applicants If they have "a master's degree or an annual income of more than 20 million yen" or "work"Experience for more than 10 years and annual income of more than 20 million yen "can apply for permanent residence rights after living in Japan for one year; this shortened qualification for permanent residence rights is also applicable to the field of business management, that is, applicants have at least 5 yearsWork experience and annual income can be more than 40 million yen.The Japanese government also beckoned with outstanding young people who graduated from the top 100 universities in the world and provided to work in Japanese companies. They can apply for a "specific event" visa. It is extended from the current short -term stay to only two years to find jobs.

Like Japan, the problem of Canadian aging and declining childization with a population of about 37 million has become more severe in recent years.The Canadian Statistics Bureau pointed out that as of 2021, more than two of the labor population aged 15 to 64 became the upcoming retired 55 to 64 -year -old person, which is a new high in the country and one of the country's vacancies in the country.Immigration is now the biggest driving force for the growth of the Canadian population. From 2016 to 2021, there were 1.8 million people in the local area, and nearly eight became new immigrants.So far, local immigrants have exceeded 8.3 million, accounting for 23%of the population. The proportion is the highest since 1921.If the current situation continues, all the new population of the Canadian country will be all immigrants by 2032, and immigrants will increase to 34% in the next 20 years.The federal government announced last November that it plans to absorb about 500,000 immigrants from this year to 2025, an increase of about 25%from 2021.

Immigration may stimulate extra emotional populist

In recent years, many countries that have caused a shortage of labor due to the aging population have successively launched new measures to attract immigrants, workers or foreign talents. However, increasing immigration may also arouse the emotional and populist parties of local people.Geoffrey Cameron, an associate professor at the Department of Political Sciences at the University of McMaster Canada, pointed out that unlike people in the United States, the United Kingdom and other places, unlike the government's incomparable control of immigrants and leading immigrants to compete for local resources. Although Canada has attracted a large number of immigrants for many years, But the public generally believes that the government can effectively manage the immigration system and benefit the country.Canada introduced the scoring system in 1967 to solicit high -tech economic immigrants, and launched a national policy that supports cultural diversification in 1971. Since then, it also authorizes the local government and the federal to formulate the immigration goal of the demand.The foundation of the immigration view.

However, this situation is gradually changing.Due to the increase in illegal immigrants in recent years, it has increased throughout the United States, provoking public opinion concerns that the abuse of refugee aid for the abuse of refugees and threatening the social welfare system.The increase in legal immigrants has also made households in short supply, property prices have risen sharply, and living costs have risen.

Add half of people to support the increase of immigrants

The cultural integration of immigrants has also argued. The recent investigation of the Canadian Institute of Environmental Research shows that although 58%of the respondents support Canada to increase immigrants and 69%do not think that too much immigration, the nearly half of the interviewees thinkNew immigrants "did not accept the value of Canada."The Governor of Quebec stated that in order to avoid immigration to "further weaken French culture in the province", it will limit not to more than 50,000 immigrants each year.The study of McMatt University in 2020 shows that 20%of the people interviewed people think that the crown disease epidemic has made it negatively negative on the migration view. About 10%of the respondents experience racial discrimination, especially Asians,Most respondents believe that the number of immigrants should be reduced after the epidemic, and only 20 % of the respondents believe that immigrants are the key to the Canadian economic recovery.

David Green, a professor of economics at the University of British Columbia, said that immigrants will not inevitably bring economic growth, especially when the Canadian social infrastructure has been pressured.Foreign workers, handling people in various industries, have not been encouraged to invest in enterprises to improve economic capacity, and criticize the official "no plan", as if only the goal of achieving the number of immigrants.Green bluntly stated that the Canadian government should not consider the acceptance of immigrants as a matter of course. Once immigrants are difficult to integrate into difficulties, locals will inevitably question the practice of continuing to attract immigrants, and they may become a political bomb.