Source: China News Weekly

Author: Cao Ran

After searching the Presidential Archives, before the arrest of the government, and the "special envoy" of the DPRK, the South Korean prosecutor's investigation of the politicians of the progressive camp was further upgraded.On February 16, the Central Procuratorate of the Seoul Central Committee asked the court to approve the arrest (arrest) Li Zaiming in the name of suspected corruption, malfeasance, and bribery.

Li Zaiming is the leader of South Korea ’s largest party in the wild party and the largest party of the Congress, and is the highest leader of the progressive camp since the former President Moon Jae -in.In the 2022 Presidential Election, Li Zaiming lost to Yin Xiyue, who was re -elected by the current president and a conservative camp with a gap of 240,000 votes.

Whether Li Zaiming's allegations are reliable, the three parties have their own words.The prosecutor said that he was "enforcement of law enforcement", and Li Zaiming emphasized "political revenge".Yin Xiyue came forward by senior officials of the presidential office that he had nothing to do with the prosecutor's actions.

"In any case, using prosecutors to try to arrest the largest first in the wild party as the" national political partner ", it is violating political morality, and it is something that has not been done in the past."The director of the director pointed out to China News Weekly on February 16 that Yin Xiyue used his special relationship with the procuratorate to conduct a large -scale "retaliatory survey" of the progressive camp.The power of the opponent.

Quan Zhizhi stated that all this "will eventually point to the judicial treatment of former President Moon Jae -in."On January 2 this year, Li Zaiming went to Wen Zaiyin's hometown Liang Shan to visit his predecessors.Wen Zaiyin said at the time that the history of South Korea was backstream, but "the democraticism that could not be achieved must not retreat", and called on progressive camp persons to unite Li Zaiming.

Old cases that have been turned out

The "big case loading in history" in the Korean media is actually an old case.From 2010 to 2018, Li Zaiming was the mayor of South Korea, South Korea, and ushered in the rapid rise of his administrative reputation. Chengnan City also built many large -scale development projects.However, in 2021, development projects such as Dazhuang Cave and Xinli New City were exposed to the problem of sending interests to officials to send officials. The prosecutor then launched an investigation, including hundreds of people, including Li Zaiming, and did not confirm that Li Zaiming was suspected of crime.

After 2022 Yin Xiyue's government came to power, a series of prosecutions around Li Zaiming started again.Prosecutors believe that during the construction of the aforementioned development project, Li Zaiming revealed to developers to reveal the internal confidentiality of the Chengnan City Government and Chengnan Metropolitan Development Company through the assistance provided by the developers through the relatives.Unable to obtain additional profits, causing huge losses.

Li Zaiming emphasized that Chengnan City obtained a total value of 550.3 billion won (570 million yuan) from the previous development project.In addition to the arrested development projects, the prosecutors have checked hundreds of times, but they did not come up with any new substantial evidence, and the political pertinence was obvious.

Since Yin Xiyue took office, South Korean prosecutors have been controversially investigating the "corruption" and "malfeasance" of politicians.Yin Xiyue himself graduated from the Department of Law of the Seoul University of Seoul. He was born in a vocational prosecutor and was the chief prosecutor. He also served as the Attorney General of the Seoul Central Procuratorate, who was responsible for investigation and arresting Li Zaiming, and was closely related to the judicial system in the senior official.

It is worth noting that the prosecutor's arrest of the current parliament of parliament must pass the arrest motion in Congress.Because Li Zaiming's common Democratic Party occupied 169 seats in Congress, the probability of motion proposal was unable to pass.Earlier, the prosecutor's motion proposal from Lu Xiong, a co -Democratic member of the co -Democratic Party, was rejected by Congress.Analyst analyst at the progressive camp pointed out that the prosecutor knew that he could not achieve it and repeatedly arrested the representatives of the progressive camp. The purpose was to "destroy its reputation."

In the history of Korean politics, the figures of the camp have always been known for their nostalgia.In 2009, former President Roh Moo -hyun died of a cliff after being accused of bribery.In the last article published publicly during his lifetime, Roh Moo -hyun did not debate again about the proven unreasonable allegations. Instead, "as a former president, my reputation and moral trust have been completely over ... Now I am not everyone in Roh Moo -hyun is not everyone's where everyone is everyone.The symbol of the value of pursuit ... everyone should give up me. "In 2019, Park Yuanchun, then mayor of Seoul, who was also a human rights lawyer, was also a human rights lawyer, as allegations of "sexual harassment" as the human rights lawyer.

However, on the other hand, not everyone can maintain its original intention.During the Tenyin government from 2017 to 2022 alone, Anxi, a common Democratic Party No. 2, was in prison for sexual assault.Cao Guo, known as the "Jiangnan left", has frequent scandals after being appointed by the Minister of Legal Affairs, which has even caused the supporters of the progressive club to a comprehensive division.This is also one of the key reasons for Yin Xiyue, who is regarded as a prosecutor's identity.

In addition, in recent years, the global political polarization has gradually combined with the retaliation culture of Korean politics, which has shocked the world during the 2022 election.Li Zaiming and Yin Xiyue are deeply trapped in a series of scandals such as "real estate fraud gates", "gambling door", "instigating the door", "mother -in -law cheating door", "resume fake door", "fortune -telling witch door door", and other scandals.For the "Big Rotten Conference", "refresh the lower limit".Although he is also a human rights lawyer with Wen Zaiyin, Li Zaiming often expresses his excitement, inciting nationalism, and even called "South Korea Trump" by some Korean media.

After Yin Xiyue was selected as the president, the common Democratic Party led by Li Zaiming was still the largest party of Congress. Between the government and the hospital, it naturally formed a comprehensive confrontation.The South Korean Congress on February 8th, on the grounds of the rolling case of Li Xiangmin, the chief of the Ministry of Administration Li Xiangmin on the grounds of the rolling incident of Litai Academy, which caused more than 160 people in October last year, caused more than 160 people.In this context, it is not surprising that the first prosecution, message, and capture of the first prosecution, message, and arrest in the history of South Korean prosecutors are not surprising.

"Presidential Mantra" is fully upgraded?

Li Zaiming was suspected of corruption, but was just the latest in a series of judicial investigations by the South Korean prosecutor's ones after Yin Xiyue came to power.Since May 2022, the prosecutor has first accused Wen Zaiyin government set up a "blacklist" to the former conservative camp officials in the early days of its establishment. Based on this, the former industry resources minister Bai Yunzheng and former unified minister Zhao Mingjun were equal.Since then, the "fishermen's repatriation case" and "civil servant murder case" involved in the North Korean policy have been investigated. On December 3, the same year, Xu Xun, the former presidential security office of the Presidential Palace.At present, the two cases have entered the court for trial.

These cases are mostly similar to Li Zaiming's case.For example, prosecutors often conduct investigations with multiple cases and crimes at the same time.While being questioned by the Central Procuratorate of the Seoul Central Committee, Li Zaiming also responded to the investigation of the "Southern Football Club Sponsorship" case.It is worth noting that Yin Xiyue has also served as the prosecutor's chief procuratorate in the Land Procuratorate.

During the investigation of the aforementioned case, prosecutors are often criticized. Even in August last year, they searched the Presidential Archives to search for evidence to find Wen Zaiyin's decision -making materials.In June of the same year, South Korean Prime Minister Han Dexun just went to Pingshan Village to visit Wen Zaiyin, who lived in seclusion.Such a change in less than two months made Seoul shock.In the case of Li in the Ming, the first inspection in the history of South Korean prosecutors was the first in the wild party, and Li Zaiming made a multi -round question for more than 10 hours. Sometimes Li Zaiming said that he could not accept the night interrogation until more than 10 pm.

South Korea's political scene has "presidential curse". The three previous presidents of Wen Zaiyin Roh Moo -hyun, Li Mingbo, and Park Geun -hye were all prosecuted. At present, a series of investigations launched by prosecutors have also been directed by the outside world.Wen Zaiyin.The prosecutor initially accused the former unified minister Zhao Mingjun's "abuse of power" and was considered to be based on the name of Zhao Mingjun to find a breakthrough in the former government's crime of policies in North Korea.Breaking the policy of the DPRK as the breakthrough is because the affairs involved in the DPRK often exist "gray"In history, Lin Dongyuan, the president of the National Inmosphere of the Golden Dazhong period, was arrested for secretly communicating with North Korea and South Korea.

The prosecution also wants to get such clues from Li Zaoming, it is not known.After serving as the mayor of Chengnan City, Li Zaiming became a knowledge of Gyeonggi -do, and he became more likely to have Wen Zaiyin. In particular, he participated in the government decision -making of the crown disease.But he was not the core member of the Wen Zaiyin team, and he also criticized the government in the later period of Wen Zaiyin.

Analysts worry that Li Zaiming was arrested by the prosecutor's arrest, which means that the Korean political "presidential curse" has been fully upgraded.Earlier, the "Presidential Mantra" was limited to the "liquidation" of the next government's main official officials in the next government.The first in the opposition party as the opposition party, as the most important "national political partner" of the ruling party, has never been arrested by prosecutors.Yin Xiyue was far lower than Wen Zaiyin, Park Geun -hye and other predecessors because of the initial support rate of ruling, and played the "liquidation card" of the "Iron Prosecutor" early. Now it has been upgraded to the prosecution of the common Democratic Party leader, or triggered the two camps of Korean politics to be completely thoroughCrisis of opposition.

At the beginning of Yin Xiyue's came to power, Wen Zaiyin once said that hatred and violence could not change the world.When Wen Zaiyin became the new president in 2017, South Korean society seemed to see an elegant and gentle political age.The new presidents and his teams were mostly human rights lawyers from the Democratic Movement of South Korea. They were closely related to the prestigious former president Kim Dazhong and Roh Moo -hyun.But more than five years later, Seoul's political opposition was unprecedentedly fierce.After the "retirement", Wen Zaiyin, who walked dogs, storage, and bookstores in the countryside, was getting closer and closer to this liquidation storm.

At the Congress in early February, the two parties in the opposition and the opposition investigated Li Zaiming fiercely.However, Han Dongxun, who is also a professional prosecutor with Yin Xiyue as a professional prosecutor, said that he has no hostility to the common Democratic Party. The most glorious moment in the prosecutor's career is to participate in the investigation of the Park Geun -hye government in the early days of the Wen Zaiyin government.Han Dongxun said that he hoped that both parties to the opposition and the opposition could dismiss the misunderstanding.Such a "elegant" moment is rare in today's Korean politics.