Guo Liangping column

The high -speed development of China's 30 years of reform and opening up first benefits from the industrial transfer and free trade policies of developed capitalist countries under globalization.A large number of foreign trade has caused the overpopulation that has troubled China for hundreds of years, becoming a dividend of the population overnight, and also turning China into a world factory overnight, provided that it is integrated into the world capitalist system.In 2022, the population declined for the first time since the Great Famine in the 1960s, causing a considerable degree of panic.Considering that China is rapidly entering an aging society, this seems to be a double mighty sign that worsening, and even some mainstream economists in the West began to predict that China can never surpass the United States in terms of economic aggregate.

In 2022, the number of deaths in China exceeded the number of births, causing a total population to decrease by 800,000.In January this year, India officially became the world's largest population, earlier than expected, and this trend will continue: China has released the second child in 2016, and then it will be fully let go.No effect was received.For every 1,000 people in 2021, 7.52 babies were born in China, 11.06 in the United States, and 16.42 in India. Even Britain was far exceeding China, with 10.08.China's decreased population and aging era have arrived at the same time.

However, the decrease in population should be dividends.China fully implemented a one -child policy in 1980. At that time, the population was 980 million, which was considered an unbearable burden.In fact, when the population reached 800 million in the early 1970s, the government felt tremendous pressure.At that time, Mao Zedong said, "800 million people, do you not fight?" According to the idea at that time, the population began to decline from 1.4 billion. Although it was too late, it should still be a good thing.

This should be the same.We can do such an ideological test: China's GDP (GDP) was 121 trillion yuan (RMB, about $ 18 trillion, the same below) in 2022. It was 367.9 billion yuan (US $ 218.5 billion) in 1978 (US $ 218.5 billion).; In 2022, the Chinese population was 1.4118 billion, and 956 million in 1978; the per capita GDP was 385 yuan (229 US dollars) in 1978, and by 2022, it reached 85,724 yuan ($ 2745).(Edit: According to the exchange rate of the year)

Assume that productivity is unchanged -production mode and technology will be difficult to retreat once it is formed, and the total population is sharply reduced to the level of 1978. According to the per capita output value of 2022, it is calculated. China's GDP still has 83 83A trillion yuan (1.231 trillion US dollars, about 50%of the US GDP in 2022), only retreating to the level of 2017.In the average population of 8.3 trillion yuan to 956 million yuan, the per capita is 86,820 yuan, which is higher than 85,724 yuan in 2022.

In other words, after the population is reduced, the per capita GDP increases when the productivity remains unchanged.Productivity is usually increased. As long as its growth is higher than the United States, although the population has declined sharply, the total economic volume will surpass the United States sooner or later.To expand the economic scale by growing population, it will bring many negative effects.

Decreased population can alleviate the pressure on the natural environment and resources; the source of pollution is reduced, and it does not need to import so many energy sources, which can be replaced with self -produced renewable energy sources.Transportation can be less blocked, and the housing is more spacious and cheaper. The pressure of competition in the labor and human resources market will be relatively reduced. It will even promote technological progress to make up for labor shortages, thereby increasing productivity.These are bonus, and they are also unable to achieve under capitalist logic.Capitalism is like drugs, and it is natural to become natural after addiction.

The decreasing population is the common phenomenon of developed countries, and now China has also joined their ranks prematurely.The reason is that capitalist production methods and values have completely changed the instinct of human beings for thousands of years. Personal burdens and enjoyment rather than families have become the main pursuit.It can be said that this is a vicious cycle caused by a deliberate capitalist: In order to consume does not lag behind neighbors, you must work hard to make more money, so the pressure of life continues to increase, which makes you unwilling to bear the responsibility of raising the next generation.

The root cause of low fertility rates is the huge change of social lifestyle and values -contemporary Chinese people who have been with them for thousands of years are no longer the same species.motivation.The traditional logic of "multi -child and more blessing" is completely unreasonable. The pension system of individuals is changing the traditional family relationship.

Consumption -driven economic growth is essentially capitalist.Consumption is determined by income, and the income of ordinary people is undergoing increasing pressure.This pressure is symbiosis with capitalism, and has continued to increase with technological progress.When artificial intelligence (AI) fully replaces the labor force, it is the time when the production method of capitalist production is died.The country that prepared this can be able to settle first and move towards the post -capitalism.

The essence of socialism is beyond market logic.Do another ideological test: According to the total population of the median per capita income, you can get the total needs of the society. This actual demand is always less than the market demand with the ability to pay, and the capitalist production is arranged according to the latter. This is arranged. This is arranged. This is arranged.That is why there are crisis of excess production, a large amount of production capacity and a large number of foods and other necessities of life are destroyed, and a large number of just built buildings have been blown up.

China's countermeasures to cope with the economic crisis and the decline in population are almost different from capitalist countries -de -production capacity and encourage fertility, the purpose is to support market demand, not to meet social needs.Encourage consumption to be restricted by employment, and employment is restricted by technological progress.This follows the logic of capitalist: the reduction of population reduction will damage productivity because the development of productivity is subject to market capacity, and the latter mainly depends on the increase in the number of employment.Once the employment decreases, the market will shrink, causing artificially selling production capacity to restore the balance of supply and demand in the market.Decreased labor force also causes the adverse change of the population proportion of taxpayers and pensions, which may lead to fiscal bankruptcy and social turmoil.

From the perspective of global perspective, the policy that encourages fertility has not been successful in any country.The structural reasons are all contributed by capitalism: the worldview and values of the individualism, especially consumerism; the vocational women who have been educated; the heavy burden of work pressure and raising the next generation; urbanization and commercialization lead to lifestyle and social cultureChanges, etc.A large amount of absorption of immigrants to support labor can cause social conflicts and political turmoil, and welfare countries will lead to financial and debt problems.

These traditional solutions come from the ideas of capitalist habits, all of which are cure the standards.In Einstein's words, the fool is to repeat the same thing and look forward to different results.The Chinese economy integrates into the world capitalist system, and it has also caused it to accept the basic contradictions of capitalist production methods.Socialism is to overcome this basic contradiction, so that economic growth does not rely on the expansion of population scale and increased resource investment.

On the contrary, the reduction of population should bring multiple dividends, such as more conducive to recovering the harmony between man and nature; from the alienation of capital to humanity, returning to the nature and comfort zone of human beings;Harmony, finding the meaning of life outside of money exchange; pursuing the quality of life of non -commercialization; reducing the proportion of humans in the biological circle, is also conducive to sustainable development.

Therefore, socialist China should be able to come up with a solution that is different from capitalism and turn the population decline into a critical moment.The ideal ideal of Marx's communism is actually very simple, that is, to allow social production to directly connect with social needs, produce the people's lives, and remove the market, employment and capital chase.In this way, the capacity utilization rate will be increased in large quantities instead of removing production capacity when many people are hungry and frozen to maintain market profit.

Here, the huge challenge facing socialism is mainly reflected in two aspects: what to replace the market's disciplineWhat instead of profit is the driving force for economic activities.Successfully responding to these two challenges, and avoiding obtaining and raising lazy people -welfare countries and former socialist countries are the key to the success of human beings.

The centralized plan economy has proven to be unable to cope with these two challenges and defeats the capitalist market economy.The situation in China is that it cannot return to the planned economy, nor can it continue to follow the road of the capitalist market economy, because this will inherit almost all issues that are currently plagued by capitalist countries.

In other words, only innovation can go.What requires here is a large number of institutional innovation and extensive experiments under decentralization conditions, rather than the current large -scale centralized power, because anyism and thoughts, including Marxism, have no ready -made answers.Therefore, the priority is the loosening of ideology, and the extensive test based on the common value of human beings, not the theoretical or dogmatic -oriented.

The biggest obstacle is the habitual thinking and existing interests and institutional patterns. These are the products of the capitalist market economy, but they are regarded as a natural righteousness.Fortunately, China is not long in liberal immersion. It is easier to change the string more than the old capitalist countries, and it also has the advantages of top -level design and execution in the system.What is lacking is the vitality of innovation.

To highlight the nature of Chinese socialism, a series of problems must

1. No longer compete with GDP with other countries, and turn the focus to people's development indicators;

2. Focus on more effective use of production capacity, not production capacity;

Three, destination reform to obtain the necessary independent policy space;

Fourth, gradually redefine employment, and change the nature and content of the work in a planned manner, so that everyone and people of all ages are useful;

5. Abandon consumerist ideology;

6. Promote the core values of socialism and make it root in the corresponding economic and social system;

Seven, the certification and statistical system of transformation and expansion of value;

Eight, better safeguard labor rights;

Nine, explore more fair and humane new production methods.

China should develop production technology and layout of productivity in accordance with the future population and labor scale and structure, in order to maintain productivity and improve living standards in the context of the population and labor for continuous reduction.

In short, the so -called demographic dividend is capitalist, and the dividend of the reduction of the population is socialist.With this goal, it really surpasses and defeat capitalism.

The author is the National University of Singapore

Senior Researcher of East Asia Institute

The reduction of population should bring multiple dividends, such as more conducive to recovering the harmony between man and nature; from the alienation of capital to humanity, returning to the human nature and comfort zone;Finding the meaning of life outside of money exchange; pursuing non -commercial quality of life; reducing the proportion of humans in the biological circle is also conducive to sustainable development.