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On February 6, Turkey occurred two major earthquakes at the 7.8 and 7.7 levels of the Ri Shi, causing severe damage and casualties. The emergency rescue is currently underway.This reminds me of a political and geographical earthquake experienced in China in 1976.

This year is the most unfortunate year in modern Chinese history, and it is also the darkest year in China in my memory.Many Chinese leaders died one after another this year, Zhou En died in January, Zhu De died in July, Mao Zedong died in early September, and a gang of four crushed in October.

Especially after Mao Zedong's death, all entertainment activities immediately stopped, and they were not allowed to sing, release movies, and speakers (this is the main entertainment activities in China's rural areas in the 1970s).At that time, in the band of rural primary schools, I pulled the erhu, and also pulled the low beard. The main performances of the eyebrows that popular in south of Shanxi; I also said that Allegro, cross talk and three and a half sentences.At that time, Sino -Soviet relations reached a trough and confronted each other. China criticized the Soviet Union as the Imperial Empire of Suxiu Society. Our cross talk content was mainly to criticize the Soviet leader Khrushchev and Brezhnev.The Soviet Union realizes communism. In fact, the Soviet people can only eat potato roasted beef.

After the Gang of Four, Hua Guofeng became the leader of China.Every time we have to sing Jiaotongshan (Hua Guofeng's ancestor home).

A joke was caught and approved

At that time, the entire China was still full of class struggle, cultural revolution, and two ordinary people.There is such a real story: After Mao Zedong's death, everyone suddenly lost the backbone. I do n’t know who leads the country, as if the sky collapsed.One day a peasant and neighbors squatted at the door for lunch. He jokingly said, "No one is the chairman, I will go, and our people are the leaders of the country."I do n’t know who reported it immediately. Soon the County Public Security Bureau came to catch him a few cars. The five flowers began to switch to the village parade to fight.A bare -handed farmer can subvert a country's regime, and now it is absurd in retrospect.

1976 is the year of China's political earthquake, and it is also a year when the geographical earthquake is frequent.

On July 28, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in Tangshan. According to official statistics, more than 240,000 people died and more than 160,000 casualties. This is the second earthquake in Chinese historical records; and this yearThere are four earthquakes above Class 6 in Inner Mongolia, Tangshan, Yunnan, and Sichuan. From north to south, it seems that all China is "shaking" for a while, and the leaders have died one after another.mean.

I was just 10 years old at that year, living in the west of the Fenhe River in Shanxi, and near a countryside near Luliang Mountain.The terrain of Shanxi is nearly regular parallel squares. The north and south are long, east -west, and two mountains.The Fenhe River is a valley. From the central and northern parts of Shanxi, it has been extended to the south to enter the Yellow River. Opposite the Yellow River is the Weihe River in Shaanxi. In the history of the Fenwei Basin, there is a large earthquake zone, and there are many magnitude 8 earthquakes.

After the Tangshan earthquake, the news was intermittently uploaded to our countryside.At that time, the only telecommunications media in the countryside was broadcasting, and the radio was not reported very much. The newspapers were almost free, and there was no TV.But soon it is said that the Fenhe Basin will also be earthquake, which scares farmers. All people in the nearby rural areas are panicked.At that time, farmers called earthquakes to move on the ground, and the ground could move under their feet.

The people's soil method can detect earthquakes

So this scene appeared: farmers took out the white noodles that they couldn't bear during the day, and ate steamed steamed buns and fried frots.At that time, the rural areas were really poor, and the best was white -faced steamed buns and fried fritters.Farmers did not work very much. They moved all the quilts outside at night and slept on the street to prevent the house from collapse.The neighbors who are uncomfortable on weekdays have also spoke; family discord will suddenly become mutually concerned and be polite overnight; the husband and wife always quarrel like a new wedding.

In the evening, a group of people carrying kerosene lamps to check whether there were well water dried up or suddenly setting water. See if there were birds in the sky, whether the dog suddenly screamed, whether the animal rushed suddenly, whether the chickens suddenly had the chickens, did the chickens suddenly suddenly?Whether the pigs suddenly ran out of the pigpen, whether there were mice and bugs suddenly drilled out of the wall cracks and ran around, whether the sky was ominous.Some people dug a deep pit, cover a large iron pot at the pit, and put their ears on the iron pot from time to time to listen to whether there is a sound from the underground.

All of these are the soil methods for ordinary people to detect earthquakes.

After a while, nothing happened, and the people moved back to the house to sleep one after another, and lived a weekday life.However, after the earthquake, farmers are united than before, which is an unexpected effect.However, those who had a good life for a few days after eating fried dough sticks began to worry. After eating the white noodles and oils, they couldn't cook without oil at home.

In 1986, I was admitted to the second year of college. The university was in a regional city -level city by the Fenhe River. It is said that in the fall, it is said that the Fenhe area will make earthquakes. Students must not be able to study all day, and no one listened to the principal.On that night, there was a student prank. I do n’t know where to get a shotper rolling in the corridor of the student dormitory.Go to the playground.A graduate student jumped directly from the second floor, but broke a leg, and finally turned into a joke: "Graduate is a timid ghost, afraid that death will break the window and break the legs."

The next day, many students in the school rushed to the train station and bought train tickets to go to the outside world to avoid shocks.As a result, the earthquake did not happen, but students' learning was delayed a lot.Some people evaluate this: there is no earthquake but heartbreaking, and heart shock is greater than the earthquake.If the earthquake has scientific forecasts, it can reduce a lot of damage and waste and reduce the loss of life and property.

Although Singapore is inherently inadequate and has no natural resources, there are no natural disasters, no earthquakes, typhoons, tsunami.Heaven is fair, and when he close a door, he will also open another door.Singapore's politics is clear, smooth and orderly, the government is far -sighted, detailed in deployment, planning, and exhausting the people.I have been in the sun, and my life is as usual.

The author is a cultural tourism communication operator