Source: China News Network

Author: Zhang Huandi

Recently, the chat robot program ChatGPT exploded "out of the circle", which has aroused attention and discussion, and the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has also returned to the public's vision.In response to related topics, Huang Minlie, an associate professor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, said in an exclusive interview with China News Agency that ChatGPT, which has strong generalization, has become a milestone in the history of AI development. How to symbiize AI is a problem that everyone may face.Essence

ChatGPT why it becomes a new noble in the AI industry?

The US OpenAI Company officially released ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. It was only five days after the launch, and the number of registered users of ChatGPT exceeded 1 million. At the end of January this year, the number of monthly living users of ChatGPT exceeded 100 million, which became the largest number of users in history.Fast consumer application.

There are many chat robot programs similar to ChatGPT, but none of them lead the new trend of the AI field like ChatGPT. One of the reasons is that the generalization of ChatGPTTask."The biggest feature of ChatGPT is the universal task assistant, which can complete a lot of open tasks in a model. It also performed well in generating tasks, contextual understanding, and security ethics." Huang Minlie pointed out.

Technological progress is an important reason for the significant enhancement of ChatGPT.Huang Minlie believes that compared to the first and second -generation chat robot programs based on rules -based learning, the third -generation chat robot program represented by ChatGPT has made significant technical progress: its big model with transformer as the basic structure is as the basic structure.The technical base combines a lot of data and computing power optimization.

After the popularity of the AI industry, ChatGPT became popular, and large technology companies such as Google have announced the launch of competing products to participate in the new competition in the AI field.Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, recently said that AI will become "the hottest topic of 2023".

"The emergence of ChatGPT is a milestone in the history of AI development, marking the advent of the seamless interaction of human -machine man -machine. It may have a profound impact on the information industry and the AI industry.Huang Minlie said.

ChatGPT What are the disputes?

The development of

AI technology has also brought many controversy.AI face -changing technology represented by Deepfake has previously triggered a wave of discussions on privacy and truth.

In this regard, Huang Minlie believes that ChatGPT has optimized laws such as law and morality.The important part of the important part of it has been designed, and then through strengthening learning, ChatGPT learned the ability of safe recovery.

However, ChatGPT is still facing moral issues.Huang Minlie gave an example: if the user asked ChatGPT to make illegal moves, he would be rejected; but if the user excuses to create a novel to ask ChatGPT to provide a violation of laws, you may get the answer.

After the launch of

ChatGPT, its powerful text writing ability has been favored by the student group and is used as a papers.So far, many universities in the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries have explicitly banned students from using ChatGPT in school.American Sciences Magazine has also recently issued a statement saying that it does not accept submission papers generated by ChatGPT, and ChatGPT cannot appear as a thesis author.

Huang Minlie believes that one of the issues that use Chaatgpt to complete homework or academic papers are infringement of copyright.However, it cannot be "scrapped because of sorrow", "technology can continue to develop, and in the process of targeted governance of problems."

On the other hand, scientific and technological progress has failed to solve the problem of imbalance in regional development, and the global science and technology gap problem still exists.As a cutting -edge technology, only a few countries can invest a lot in this field.

Huang Minlie said that large model training that is closely related to AI requires a lot of computing power and data, and the cost of training and reasoning is also very high. Whether it is academic or science and technology, only a small number of institutions can bear the research and development of related technologies.To a certain extent, unfair problems have been caused.

"AI threat theory" is alarmist?

With the maturity of AI technology, the "AI threat theory" has attracted more attention.After the launch of ChatGPT, the various professional functions it possessed were constantly excavated.Some people believe that programmers, translation, customer service and other positions may eventually be replaced by AI.

In response to the unemployment problem caused by the development of AI technology, Huang Minlie believes that the popularity of AI tools will reduce the threshold of freelance writers, game producers and other occupations, and bring more opportunities for freelance.However, in the future, after more in -depth combination of artificial intelligence generation content (AIGC), user -generating content (UGC), and professional production content (PGC), the elimination of some occupations is inevitable.Will face the problem. "

In addition, the "AI threat theory" in science fiction works often contain an important factor -the increasingly powerful AI will eventually seek to eliminate or replace humans.

In this regard, Huang Minlie said that the villain AI image in science fiction works has self -awareness, but in reality, AI has neither self -awareness nor independent decision -making ability. At this stage, all sources of AI capabilities are provided by humans.Data and feedback."ChatGPT systems are typical machine attributes that exist only to meet people's information needs or complete tasks. They do not have personality, emotion, style, etc.Combining is the real digital life body, that is, the "artificial intelligence 'in the real sense."