Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Jin Yanbin

A balloon from mainland China in the United States, and the public opinion is full of public opinion; under the oppression of the US presidential election next year, the balloon is finally shot under the beauty.We will take action to protect the country, and we have done it! "Biden starred in a Hollywood hero film, but dragged for seven days before ending. Some "painted lacquer" heroes still have to pay attention to whether the two countries can continue to "fight without breaking".

On the occasion of the United States and the Land Fighting Law, my Ministry of Foreign Affairs was anxious to cheer for the United States. The government knew that the beauty was competing.Mainland dialogue and cooperation and exchanges, but the government knocked on the side, it was extremely unwell!

The Kuomintang visited Mainland China after visiting Military Show with Mainland China in Pelosi last year, and went to the other side after the balloon incident.As always, the Democratic Progressive Party criticized the "promoting the Communist Party", while the Kuomintang called it red.Xia Liyan, the vice chairman of the Kuomintang, said that this trip has no political purposes. Since the policy of policies is still in the hands of the Democratic Progressive Party, why must it be at this time?

Kuomintang knows the pros and cons of pros and cons, but believes that he can go to "only talk about people's livelihood and not to talk about politics" to shape the ice -breaking cross -strait relations.The small waves can really allow the Kuomintang to win 2024 smoothly?The Kuomintang seems to have forgotten that the people are dissatisfied with the Democratic Progressive Party and do not trust them equally.

The Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Lai Qingde tried to get out of the fuzzy words of "Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan" and "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China.""Sovereignty and independent country", covering the Taiwan independent wolf skin in sheepskin, the Kuomintang is anxious to visit mainland China, but the party's internal cross -strait discussion is different.After 2024, talk to Lu, or really think about the people.

The inheritance of the movie Pope describes Benedict XVI and the successor of Fang Ji, who takes over the development of churches, and the establishment of the friendship between the two.Social and church needs to be changed, or there is a fierce argument for compromises.In the end, Bensix XVI believes that the leaders do not rely on power and talent, but like Fang Ji depend on the way of life or spend a life way.The one -sided determination of social compromise is expected that the church is like his pedestrian. As long as he stops, he will be reminded "Keep Going" to advance with the times.

The country and the Democratic Party also need to keep pace with the times. From their own changes, they can get the support of the people. The Democratic Progressive Party's cross -strait discussion is to "compromise" with the people after the selection.The party's "occasional bag", deeply or nostalgic in the past with Lu's friendship with Lu, forgot that he is in the wild, you need to echo the people to follow to have the opportunity to govern, and then change the hostility of the two sides of the strait.

Midea and Lu's competition, Taiwan needs to change in order to survive in the two strongs. Relying on the sincere dedication and love of the people and the superiors of politicians and superiors.Considering Taiwan's realistic situation, like Master Nebula, who was silent, once said: There must be no love in the world, and there is a power to have love.