Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: Sun Xingjie

Due to the accidental incidents of the airship in the United States, Sino -US relations are twists and turns.Chinese civilian unmanned airships used for scientific research purposes such as meteorological research are affected by the west wind belt, and their own control capabilities are limited, and their own control capabilities are severely deviated from the scheduled routes and "wandering" to the North American continent.At that time, it coincided with the barrier of US Secretary of State Brillin, who was about to visit China, and the "stray balloon" added variables to the recovered Sino -US relations.

The continuous fermentation of this occasional incident has greatly hindered the return of Sino -US relations to the right track.Brinken postponed its trip to China, but as an important diplomatic activity to meet the consensus on the consensus of China and the United States at the Bali Island of Bali, Indonesia last year. After the "stray cannons" incident subsided, Brinken may be recovered.Dynamics promotes the smooth development of bilateral relations.Treating the balloon into the United States' led by "discussing the matter" is the key to avoiding the continuous fermentation of this occasional incident, which has caused China -US diplomacy to return to the right track.

Occasionally technical incidents become diplomatic events

From the airship's deviation from the route to the American continent, to the United States to postpone the trip to China to visit China, and then the US military dispatched a fighter to shoot down the airship, the nature of the incident has changed dramatically; and the cognition and judgment of the incident between China and the United States, China and the United StatesThere are obvious differences.From the perspective of civil airship deviations, this is a technical problem that is completely beyond human control.China ’s explanation is that the influence of the western band and the lack of control capabilities itself have led the airship to“ wandering ”on the earth.After the United States shot down the airship, another airship was discovered in Latin America and the Caribbean, and it also proved that the airship was indeed out of control and wandering.

The United States originally determined that this was a "spy balloon" from China, which means that the balloon is consciously collecting American intelligence in China, and some Chinese self -media interpretation of imagination echo the US ""It is", which has formed the "resonance" of China and the United States on this issue, making the "stray cannons" incidental incident into a diplomatic event.

Brinken announced the postponing visit to China, while a Chinese spokesman counterattacked: "Neither China and the United States have announced any interviews, and the United States released the news that it is the United States."It is difficult to eliminate obstacles in the short term.The United States dispatched the F-22 fighter to knock down the airship with missiles, and the military collected and salvaged the wreckage; what is more, the US military disclosed that during the Trump administration, there were three airships entering the US airspace.The intervention and hype of the US military have obvious military colors.The US Secretary of Defense Austin issued a statement saying that the U.S. shot off the airship in response to China's "sovereignty" against the United States.In this way, the difficulty of dealing with the crisis of both parties is greatly increased.

Relations between the two countries have recovered the atmosphere and encountered "Cold Tide"

The balloon found from the United States to the end of the end of the ball balloon in the end, "Chinese Spy Balloon" has become a hot topic that stirred American politics and public opinion.From the perspective of diplomatic mobilization, the impact of this incident on the domestic politics of the United States cannot be underestimated, and then it has been promoted with the strategic strategy of China that has already taken shape in China.It can be said that "Chinese spy balloon" has become the intersection of domestic politics and foreign strategies. It has formed a major debate between the court, the two parties, the courtyard, and even the current and the predecessor.The balloon incident entered a state of high cold relations. The recovery atmosphere formed by the Bali Island summit was undoubtedly a "cold wave" attack.

There was a fierce debate between the two parties in the United States. Republican lawmakers violently attacked the Biden government. Some members even asked the Biden Harris government to go to the wild. One of the reasons was why the US government did not shoot the balloon as soon as possible.The Biden government has explained some explanation to avoid the image of "weakness to China".The Biden government also plans to report to Congress on the balloon incident that Congress's right to speak on China will further improve, and some members will have more actions to provoke and use China -related issues.Many media in the United States reported on the balloon incident within a few days to render the "Chinese threat", and the US public opinion foundation for China was more fragile.It is particularly noteworthy that the Biden government disclosed that during the Trump administration, there were three balloons entering the US airspace, and even informed the information to the government officials, which caused the current government and the former governmentScenes.The significant consequences brought by this is to further exaggerate and upgrade the impact and harm of the "balloon" on the United States.

In addition, the balloon incident may become an opportunity for the United States to integrate and mobilize the allies. In addition to the coordination between the United States and Canada, it is possible for the "spy" to force the balloon as the "spy" to force the American allies to choose border and statement, which affects international public opinion.

Avoid the crisis upgrade to return to the incident itself

The United States' qualitative and complicated interactive games in China has made the occasional and technical incident of "mistakenness" of balloons, which has become diplomatic and even strategic issues.The United States has shot down the civilian output air -control airship with missiles, which also makes China unacceptable. A spokesman for Chinese diplomacy and national defense departments responded.

From the historical process of Sino -US relations, the occasional accidents will bring a fierce and short -promoting impact;The two sides should have an attitude towards occasional incidents.The important way to avoid crisis upgrades and fermentation is to return to the incident itself, let the relevant technicians clarify the truth together; and at the level of diplomacy and strategic, we still need to pick up phone communication and communicate to avoid guessing and imagining occasional incidents in the public opinion field."" ".

First of all, China and the United States must grasp the main channel of bilateral relations, and implement multiple telephone and video exchanges between the two heads of state, especially the strategic consensus reached by the Bali Island summit meeting.The earth is wide enough to accommodate the development of China and the United States.The out of control balloon is in a "rafting" state, but Sino -US relations cannot be derailed or even lost.Sino -US diplomatic executives are very necessary to communicate in the first time.The United States "delayed" access itinerary. In other words, the United States also has the willingness and motivation to implement the consensus reached by the Bali Island summit and restore the communication and dialogue of diplomacy and various channels, which is crucial to the return of Sino -US relations.

Metal Salvation and Research Wrekry China needs to participate

Secondly, the balloon incident is occasional and unexpected. The technical personnel and parties between China and the United States need to communicate and communicate, especially the research after the US salvage wreckage."spy".Let the balloon return to the original and original appearance, this incident can return to technical events from diplomatic and strategic events.

In the end, China and the United States, especially high -levels, have made great efforts for the stabilization of bilateral relations, and handle the balloon incidents in pragmatic, rationally, and professional in order to avoid the impact of noise and noise in Sino -US relations.Mr. Tang Jiaxuan, a former State member of China, once said: "Diplomacy is often like this. The struggle is struggling. The cooperation should not cooperate because of the struggle.The fundamental purpose is to safeguard national interests. "