Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Hu Fengying

The Russian and Ukraine military conflict will be one year since the year, and the mixed war between the United States and Russia has continued to upgrade in Russia and Ukraine's conflict, making the two sides unable to implement the third stage of the newly reduced strategic weapon treaty.Russia interpreted the US President Biden's national situation as a continuation of Russia's aggression policy. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabocov believes that the United States and Russia are in the risk of direct military conflict.

On February 2nd, Russia celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Starlingrad Defense War in the Anti -Fascist War.Stallingle was the leader of the Soviet Union's spiritual fortress and oil and food life pulse during World War II, symbolizing the current historical task of Russia's strategic position in Russia.Russian President Putin regarded the German transportation car to Ukraine as a fascist ash.Then, while the United States regards China and Russia as a strategic enemy, it is necessary to open up the Eurasian joint front to serve the autocratic combat service for American democracy.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the conflict between the interests and the national contradictions between Russia and Ukraine immediately appeared in several aspects: first, the nuclear process of Ukraine; 2. The ownership of the Crimean fleet; 3.Ukraine owes Russian natural gas debt; 4. East Industrial Zone and Russia's economic integration; 5. Russian and Russian ethnic status; 6. Ukraine join the European Union and NATO.Therefore, Russia and the West competing for the Black Sea became the goal of the Cold War.Russia adheres to Ukraine's nuclear, neutral and non -militaryization, and the establishment of a natural gas pipeline that bypass Ukraine to Europe, has always been the core interests of Russia's national security.

When the Soviet Union's economy entered the stagnation, Gorbachev tried to reconcile economic reform with the West, and the internal separation ofism was naturally very loud. The brothers' mountaineering worked hard and provided the Western unique and friendly environment in the West.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia's then President Yelsin regarded Ukraine as the primary unstable factor in Russia's national security. He believed that more than 10 million Russian ethnic groups in Ukraine would conflict with the nationalist groups of Ukraine.

The Budapest memo in 1994 is the result of the compromise of Russia, the United States and the United States to deal with Ukraine's nuclear nuclear. Yelin continues to accelerate the market economy and play the supplier of cheap and energy in the West.Russia's transit natural gas and the industrial zone of Eastern Ukraine support the main economic growth of Ukraine.Therefore, when the Western dynamic colors revolution and co -flow with the Ukrainian nationalist, it caused the dissatisfaction of the Russian ethnic group and eventually evolved into a civil war.The Minsk agreement signed in 2014 and 2015 was the second compromise.

Bynden published a national situation on February 7, arguing that Putin launched the war of aggression.In Russia's thoughts, it is very difficult to admit that a person has absolute free will and attributes to Putin's responsibility.The Russians take space, time, mutual dependence, and causality as the constant law of survival. Therefore, they put group interests on their personal free will.Putin completed the task of merging Crimea and Southeast of Crimea and Ukraine during his tenure, and put the Black Sea and Caucasian strategic band in the scope of Russian territory. This won high domestic public opinion support.

Under the premise of solving the Russian and Ukraine War, regardless of whether Putin is in the position of President, he has set up Russia's national security strategy deployment on the original territory of Eurasia's identity and existing geopolitical.The height of attack, retreat and retreat ".In the process of arguing between the historical long river, the West will inevitably see the stitches.Therefore, Russia needs to restore self -confidence in Russia's contradictions in Russia and Ukraine. Combining with all its forces to rich the country and strong soldiers to solve problems from historical laws, Russia will not be limited to the dilemma of attribution.

As long as Russia maintains stability in the war situation of the economy and the new territory of the southeast of the Ukraine, it can continue to strengthen the local currency transactions with non -Western camps, and master independent energy prices, thereby changing the US dollar hegemony and Western 500 in the West 500Over the years of military advantage.

China is the leader and infrastructure of global people's livelihood, and Russia is a great energy and food power.Therefore, Sino -Russian cooperation has a considerable advantage in the development of living levels with poor countries and the development of basic industries.In order to weaken the Russian national strength, it is necessary to continue to assist Ukraine.For Russia, it is still the overall battle of its space integration, multi -ethnic integration, and the will of all people's will.