Source: Wall Street Seewan

Author: Ge Jiaming

To put it on the year's hot words in 2023, AIGC (artificial intelligence automatically generates content) should have a place. It seems that as long as it has reached the concept of ChatGPT, each company can become a "pig on the wind".

A number of companies announced the addition of the war on the 8th, promoting the rise of the stock price: the aurora stock market rose by more than 40%; the Alibaba stock market rose 4.5%before; NetEase Hong Kong stocks once rose nearly 5%; 360 harvested three daily limit boards; Even knowing that it can help the development of AIGC with a large amount of data it owns, it has soared 57%on the 8th.

Media analysis believes that the appearance of AIGC is like "long drought and Ganlin" for the venture capital industry. At present, the venture capital company has a gunpowder of gunpowder of $ 300 billion (S $ 396.9 billion).

This can't help but make investors think of the NFT that was born in 2021. How fierce the tide of NFT was surging, and the speed of ebb and the controversy came quickly.At the peak of the market enthusiasm in 2021, the venture capital company broke all records, profitable from nearly 1,000 unicorn companies of about 730 billion U.S. dollars.

The boom brought by ChatGPT may form another round of foam.

AIGC's boom is the game of venture capital companies?

The media pointed out that venture capital can basically be divided into two investment models: the first is the value theoretical model, which is invested in startups that can continue to grow and create value.Invest in a family who can persuade retail investors, larger investment companies or large companies to promote its IPO, and then retire from profit.

The media said that the current situation is that under the air outlet of AIGC, it is actually difficult to find and invest in high -growth startups that can generate long -term high returns, so most venture capital companies have chosen the "fool theoretical model"Speculation SPAC.

Last year's data showed that many of the companies that speculated are actually long -term capital traps, which requires low interest rates and investors' excitement to save the performance of venture capital funds.Since 2020, nearly 1,000 SPAC liquidation has made retail investors understand the business model that startups attempt to expand scale.

Spac, also known as the "blank support company", is a shell company that raises funds from investors and publicized it. The purpose is to merge with a private company to go public.After the regulatory agency reviews the transaction and completes, the listed company will replace the Spac in the stock market.

Analysis believes that in the past few years, venture capital companies have used Web3, cryptocurrency exchanges, and NFT to make a story for SPAC. The concept of AIGC, which is now a fire that is brought by ChatGPT, has become these venture capital investmentThe company's "savior".

Similar to Web3, ChatGPT has its own underlying technology network technology model. Many experts believe that the underlying technology of ChatGPT is not new.Meta's chief AI scientist, Yann LECUN, once said that ChatGPT is not so innovative: "Although in the eyes of the public, it is revolutionary, but we know that it is a good product, that's all.Not a pioneering innovation. "

But no matter how long this boom can last, the long -established venture capital industry has found a field that can issue huge checks and let 300 billion US dollars useful.