Wu Jungang column

I do n’t know who released the news to the US media first, saying that the Secretary of State Brillings will visit Beijing from February 5th to 6th, and will also meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.However, a atmospheric balloon (China is called an unmanned airship) suddenly appeared at the United States, and suddenly the transition of Sino -US relations that made people think turned into a bubble.Brinken announced its delay in visiting China.

Interestingly, when the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman was asked about the incident on February 3, the response was: "In fact, neither China and the United States have announced any visit.We respect it. "What mysteries are there in this way, we don't know, but Xinhua News Agency reported on January 17 this year that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said that China welcomes US Secretary of State Brillin to visit China. China and the United States are Zhengzheng.Keep communication about specific arrangements.This shows that at least Brinken is ready to visit China, although China and the United States have not yet released official news.

Regarding the atmospheric balloon (the three buss are said to be as large), the Chinese explanation is: "The airship is a civilian nature and is used for scientific research such as meteorology. Affected by the western wind belt, and its own control capacity is limited, the airship is seriously deviated from the reservation.Route. This is an unexpected situation caused by a non -resistant resistance. The facts are very clear. China has always strictly complied with international law, respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries.

The United States claimed that this was a spy balloon, and it was found on January 28th that the balloon was "infringed". However, it was only late on February 4th that fighters launched missiles at near sea and high -altitude.It is said that the astronauts are going to China in China, and they even use a "primitive" atmospheric balloon to spay the US military conditions. The old man is a layman, but it is incredible to hear it.The United States is salvaging the seas to determine the true nature of the balloon.However, China has proposed to protest about this, saying that the use of force to attack without people's airships, violating international practice, and China maintains its right to counterattack.However, it is also puzzling that why did Beijing be bleak away from a balloon by the wind and did not say hello to the other person in time?

From the balloon incident, it can be seen to what extent Sino -US relations have deteriorated.This is like a couple's revenge and divorce, and they are suspicious of each other, and the relationship is more and more rigid.China has just ended the three -year -old crown disease zero policy, and wants to concentrate the spirit to boost the economy. Naturally hoping that the relationship can ease; however, due to the complexity of the internal political factors, the general trend of anti -Chinese and revenge has accumulated a lot of accumulation.Unfortunately, the balloon incident was unfortunately poured on the fire and how Sino -US relations will develop. Now no one can say it.

At that time, US -China relations changed from hostility to reconciliation and combined with the Soviet Union, involving the subtle romance of the Three Kingdoms between China and the United States and the Soviet Union.Bring half a century of peace for Asia.Once upon a time, Time moved, and China replaced the Soviet Union and became the number one enemy in the United States.U.S. politics and business elites now not only want to kill Russia, but also determined to defeat China.

From the perspective of Asia, this is an extremely dangerous development, because of elephant fights and grass.If Sino -US relations continue to deteriorate, the possibility of a gunfire and a direct conflict of explosion will become increasing.This not only causes the two to be directly damaged, but also will cause other countries. In the end, it will destroy the peace of Asia, as well as the results of cooperation that countries have achieved on this basis.Van Jackson, an American political scholar who coached the University of Victoria Victoria, New Zealand, is relatively objective for the new Pacific Pacific Power Paradox.And thorough analysis.

"Asia Peace" dates back to the improvement of Sino -US relations after the visit of US President Nixon in 1972.No one can underestimate the importance of this historical turn.Basically, the great country is basically adjusted in foreign policy because of its own needs, but this change may have an unexpected profound impact.This is true of Asian peace that Sino -US changes.However, Jackson pointed out that the true starting point of peace in Asia should be in 1979.This year, China taught Vietnam under the acquiescence in the United States and frustrated the expansion of the Vietnam Communist Party.

Since then, China and other Southeast Asian countries have focused on the development of the economy and put some disputes in one side.The rise of China's economy, and Asian countries have also established an unprecedented and close interdependence relationship.During this period, the Soviet Union disintegrated and the United States dominated the world.The U.S. policy elite has therefore mistakenly believed that Asian peace is the result of the independent support of the US military power.But the facts are not.Jackson pointed out that the improvement of Sino -US relations is indeed the basic factor, but Asia Peace also has to interact with other factors, including the ease of the overall relations between the relationship between the great power, the economic interdependence of various countries, the rise of regionalism (such as the role played by the Asian meta), and theDemocracy and good governance.However, the decision makers in the United States have swelled themselves, and their heads are as big as fighting. I saw one end (the invincible military power in the United States), and the rest was not seen.

The book pointed out that since Reagan's successive US president, he likes to talk about the balance of power, but in fact, he is pursuing military hegemony.This is the US diplomacy issue. It is not to prevent the governance of the country by preventing the deployment of affairs, but to replace it.However, it is extremely dangerous to think that it can maintain Asia -Pacific peace alone by the US military advantage alone.Today, we have seen the signs of arms competition in Asia.The so -called "Asian version of NATO" and "NATO Asia" and other rhetoric are now very arrogant.In particular, it is worth noting that the poor soldiers were in the army, and Japan's invasion and stabbing Japan in the Asia -Pacific region are now reorganizing the arms.

Is "Asia Peace" at danger?Last month, Jackson published a special article in the risk of the United States to dominate the Pacific in foreign affairs magazines to further explain the topic of the United States and "Asia Peace".He went straight into a single knife and pointed out that the period when the United States dominated the world happened to be in line with the "Asian Peace" that appeared since 1979. Unconsciously, Washington thought that this was the result of the United States dominated the world.As the foundation of its regional strategy, there is no US leadership, and this area will fall into war.

According to this "logic" thinking, China has become the number one enemy of the United States, and it is most likely weakening the dominant position of the United States in the Asia -Pacific region, and even affects the ability of the United States to safeguard global interests.The budget has exceeded $ 850 billion (about S $ 1.13 trillion).The United States regards the Asia -Pacific region as a stage of abstract power and politics, completely violates the willingness and interests of regional countries; they must not be involved in the struggle of the great country, but to be stable and developed.

Jackson is not involved, but other scholars have already ordered an important factor in another US military expenditure, that is, the huge hands that the huge military compound (Mility Industrial Complex).This is a stakeholder group with the wrongdoing, and even some so -called think tanks.Selling weapons and pioneering weapons markets are their "livelihoods", and they are over in the world.

Except for countries such as Japan and South Korea, other Asia -Pacific countries, other Asia -Pacific countries can clearly see that this area needs to be balanced and relatively stable and peaceful.Therefore, in the moment when the US -China struggle is becoming more and more intense, how to maintain "Asian peace" to prevent it from becoming a victim of the United States and China game, it should be a major issue that the Asia -Pacific countries, especially the Asian Simpan countries must solve together.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress

Except for countries such as Japan and South Korea, other Asia -Pacific countries, other Asia -Pacific countries can clearly see that this area needs to be balanced and relatively stable and peaceful.Therefore, in the moment when the US -China struggle is becoming more and more intense, how to maintain "Asian peace" to prevent it from becoming a victim of the United States and China game, it should be a major issue that the Asia -Pacific countries, especially the Asian Simpan countries must solve together.