Cultural perspective

On November 19, 2022, he listened to the Ye Cong 20 concert at the Concert Hall of the Hall. This is the concert that the Singapore Chinese Orchestra to celebrate Ye Cong for 20 years.This concert will deeply feel that there is absolutely no problem with Hua Le's symphony, because it is an indisputable fact.

We should have full confidence in the current development of Hua Le.Culture is definitely not static. It will gradually evolve with the changes of the times, becoming a way of lifestyle suitable for modern society.Hua Le needs to be continuously improved. In the process of improvement, do not forget to retain the excellent part of its tradition, absorb nutrients from tradition, and learn the advantages of other music.

Some people still can't figure out what the symphony is, and blindly oppose the symphony of Hua Le.In fact, Hua Le's appearance on the stage is only decades. In the early days, Huale was a small self -entertaining small entertainment. There was neither harmony nor the tradition of performing on the stage.Later big ensembles were completely established by imitating Western Symphony.It can be imagined that at the beginning of the stage, due to the humble instrument and the strong personality of each kind of instrument, many problems in the sound have caused many problems in the sound. After decades, Chinese workers have been continuously improved. Although there are still some problems that have not been solved, the sound is much better than before.It's right.

Should Huale be symphony?This problem is the same as people encountered by people encountered by people in the 1970s and 1980s: "Should Huale play popular music" and "Should Hua Le become a large national orchestra", many people are always opposed.

Let's talk about the first question first: Should Huale play popular music?At that time, some people held a strong opposition and believed that the popular song of Hua Le's performance was undoubtedly a kind of damage to it. It was more serious and an insult.To this day, this opposition wave has long disappeared.why?The reason is simple, the social atmosphere is gradually open, and the Hua musical instrument can also play its characteristics in different fields.Example: Ye Yanwen sang a chic and walked back if there was no erhu leader in front, it would be greatly lost; Jay Chou's chrysanthemum platform, if the middle accompaniment part was missing, it would be inferior.National Musical Instrument Bulu!

Since the piano, piano, and guitar in the western musical instrument can play pop music, why can't Hua instrument be?A musical instrument, if you can play a variety of different types of music, it means that its function is strong and suitable for various races to play different local music.Only in this way can the Chinese musical instrument go out of the category of Chinese and become a worldwide instrument.Isn't this what all Chinese workers want to see?Excessive conservatives will only cause damage to the development of Huale.

Second question: "Should Huale evolve into a large national orchestra?" It was proposed by some conservative Huato workers in the last century.They believe that Hua Le is a folk self -entertainment method. It should not imitate Western music, so large, perform in the concert hall.In particular, some people also think that Guqin, Dongxiao and Sheng are the real Chinese musical instruments. Others such as Erhu, Pipa, Flute ... are from abroad, not the real Chinese instrument.Hua Le has his own way of playing and should not follow Xile.It sounds like this argument today, and it can't help but make people laugh, and it is not worth discussing at all.

Time is the proof of everything.In that era, the above two problems seemed to be a little reasonable, and there were some followers.It seems to be naive and extremely conservative today.Similarly, some people think that Huale should not take the path of symphony, and it seems that there are certain followers.Several years will inevitably become a ridiculous subject.

Should Huale be symphony?Before discussing this subject, we must have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.China, ancient Egypt, Babylon, and ancient India are also known as the four ancient civilizations. Now the culture of the other three ancient countries has disappeared in historical smoke. Only the Chinese culture has a long history, which shows the tenacity and profoundness of Chinese culture.

Here I have to emphasize the characteristics of Chinese culture: they are profound and inclusive.Under the influence of different cultures, Chinese culture can absorb other cultures and finally evolve into part of its rich culture, and even assimilate it.During the Qing Dynasty, the female real person (Manchu) ruled China, but in the end, it was completely sinicized. Even the existence of its own text became precarious; China ’s May 4th Movement was originally westernized and eventually derived its new culture.Chinese culture has such capable, not afraid of imitating others, it will improve and evolve after imitation, and finally become their own things.Just like the clothes we wear today, they are basically western -style.But can you say that we are in Western -style clothing, isn't it the Chinese?

Another obvious example: After the Western pop music and jazz music "invaded" China that year, it caused great shock in the Chinese music industry.Especially in terms of folk songs, some people add jazz drums in folk songs to popularize folk songs, causing debate in the music industry.But this is an unstoppable phenomenon. Slowly people are also used to adding many modern elements to folk songs such as strengthening rhythm, adding jazz drums, and making folk songs popular ... Folk songs are indeed a treasure in China.But if the treasure belongs to the treasure, it is equivalent to zero if it cannot be caused by modern people.After such a toss, the so -called "new folk song" was formed.Because of the formation of new folk songs, traditional folk songs can continue to be circulated.Of course, some folk songs have been slowly forgotten. Re -presented these folk songs to the lover, which is also what our music workers should do.At least, with the new folk songs, folk songs can continue to spread.

What I want to say is: No matter what foreign influence is affected by Chinese culture, it can always assimilate it and become part of its own culture.Not only music, literature and other art, but also the same way.For example, the modernization of new poems is the same.

The development of

Hua Le really imitated the organization of the Western Orchestra at the beginning.Its biggest feature is that there is a set of pop -up music than Western Music, and there are distinctive percussion.In addition, there are many types of Chinese instruments.For example, there are basically only four string music in the West Orchestra. There are more Hua Orchestra. In addition to Gaohu, Erhu, Zhonghu, Cello, Bass and Piano, there are also Banhu (treble, middle, secondary sound ...), Tihu, Erxian, Coconut Hu, Jinghu, Falling Hu ... endless.When it comes to the percussion instruments in Hua Music, there are more more Western percussion instruments.

In fact, the real Chinese traditional musical instruments mainly include cave flute, Sheng (formerly called 竽), Guqin and Guzheng.Others such as flute, Erhu, Pipa, etc. are also instruments passed from the Western Regions; Yangqin is called Yangqin. It is known that it is a national musical instrument from Assyria in Central Asia and Persia;Ruan Xian was passed on, so it was named.In fact, the instruments played by Ruan and Ruan Xian in ancient times were very different.For me, whether it is Gao Ruan, Xiao Ruan, Zhong Ruan or Da Ruan, they are the new instruments made by modern people based on the principle of Western musical instruments, not the original use of Ruan Xian.

These foreign or newly -made musical instruments have now become an important part of the Hua Orchestra.If the foreign influence is eliminated, the modern Chinese band will not.However, the evolution of musical instruments can prove one of my arguments: Chinese culture has a powerful combination and tolerance characteristics, which can combine various different cultural and artistic arts, and eventually become a new form of art.Rong is big, which is why Chinese culture can be so profound and long.

From the above examples, "Should Huale be symphony?" This question has already had a clear answer.If Western music can, why can't Huale be?However, there are two points to note here: First, Hua Le and Xile are different in the structure, sound, volume, performance method, rhythm, and band compilation of the instrument.Therefore, it is impossible to fully imitate Western bands, and must be improved to create their own characteristics.Second, symphony is only one of the ways of Hua Le's development, not the only one.In the process of trying to be symphony, don't forget that Huale has many other feasible ways.For example: in -depth understanding and excavation of folk music, especially some of the endangered music; some local music such as folk songs, Jiangnan silk bamboo, ethnic minority music; local opera such as Peking Opera, Yue opera, and Yue opera,, Yue opera,,, Yue opera,,, Yue opera,Tide opera, Nanyin, Cantonese opera ... In short, Hua Le is still a music that needs to be developed, excavated and tried to innovate.

We must accept all possibilities with an open attitude. Except for nutrition from traditional music, others such as Chinese music, modern music, new century music, jazz music, pop music ... should try.In short, like Hua Le, like Western music, become a music that can be played everything, so that Hua Le has a greater breathing space, so that different formsPerform and listen to another choice other than Xile.

The author is the poet musician

This question is the same as people encountered by people encountered by people in the 1970s and 1980s: "Should Huale play popular music" and "Should Hua Le become a large national orchestra", there are always many people who oppose it.What I want to say is: No matter what foreign affected Chinese culture is affected, it can always assimilate it and become part of its own culture.Not only music, literature and other art, but also the same way.