Chen Rui

Reading Lin Renjun, the editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post, Lin Renjun's remarks on January 14th, the article was attacked and calmly — LT; Lianhe Morning News GT;Lying a gun, some people criticized their "pro -China", and some accused them of "anti -China". Not only did I feel dumb in my heart: the original Morning Post also faced such a difficult situation.For the author who often writes current affairs comments, this situation is as good as my heart, because our comment articles often face the same situation.

As a teacher who teaches news communication in the university, my responsibility is to tell students how to report and spread information about the world. I dare to speak for hot events. I have always encouraged students to do it.But unfortunately, the independent voice seems to be less and less in the public opinion world, and people are always forced to choose the border stations. In the increasingly serious opposition, especially under the impact of social media, the emotional extreme speech has become increasingly increasingly increasingThe larger the market, and the gentle neutral sound without obvious positions is getting weaker.

The submission of comments in a comment article is the habit of forming for many years. This allows me to find a balance in teaching and practice, so as not to completely separate from professional practice.In the past year, because of my visit, I have been at Nanyang University of Science and Technology. During this period, I also published several comments in Lianhe Zaobao.The original intention of these articles, in addition to personal habits, sometimes some ideas in my heart are unhappy and express their inner thoughts.There will be criticism in the comments, but I think that criticism does not mean anti -China, and praise does not mean pro -China. There is no political considerations here.

Even so, after the article is issued, some friends advise me to be cautious and not to talk. Maybe they feel that the views I say are a bit too much; others will express my gratitude to me because I say they have said themWhat you want to say.So I know that in the eyes of different people, the information interpreted is different. This is based on the personal understanding of readers' inherent knowledge experience.For the author, the article is just an open expression of my personal thoughts. I have never considered the problem of choosing the side station when writing.

In addition, as a writer who contributed to Lianhe Zaobao and published a few articles, I still have a certain right to the so -called "position" of the United Zaobao: My article was published by the United Zaobao, not because of the position, because because the position is because of the position, because the position is not because of the position, because the position is not because of the position, because the position is not because of the position, because the position is not because of the position, because the position is not because of the position, because the position is not because of the position.In fact, there are also articles with the same position, in fact, there are also editors that cannot be reported.

So the selection of Lianhe Zaobao is not starting from the position, but from the article itself, that is, Lin Renjun said, upholding professional principles and objective attitudes, that is, his own news values.

In the interviews of social psychology, the researchers found that if everyone around everyone is different from us, even if their views are absurd, it will put pressure on us.True thoughts.At this time, even if there is only one person in the surrounding viewer, the views are consistent with our ideas, which will form support forces, so that we are willing to openly express our views.This is the value of publicity.So I think that even in this era of more and more extreme public opinion, we should adhere to our own point of view. Even if both sides are not pleased, we must make independent judgments based on our own values, not to follow the flow of people.

Because of this, neutral sounds with no position at the United Morning Post are more valuable.In recent years, whether it is international politics or public opinion, the extremes are becoming more and more obvious, and the neutral sound is becoming more and more silent.The sound of the sound is not afraid of the left and right attacks, and it can be said loudly.

The author is associate professor of Communication University of China

Now Nanyang University of Technology

Academy of Academy of Dissemination and Information of Golden Hui