Sci -fi movie wandering Earth 2, shot by Chinese director Guo Fan, is being screened in the mainland.

The film mainly tells the sun after several years, the sun expands, and it will devour the earth.The United Earth's government has formulated a plan called Mount Mountain, which uses tens of thousands of planetary engines to push the earth away from the solar system, and re -settle the neighboring galaxy outside of 4.5 billion light years.

The film is considered to create a precedent of mainland science fiction movies with a grand narrative, the opening of the brain, high -tech elements and excellent special effects.Different from the past, this time the role of the rescuer is no longer the common Americans in science fiction movies, but the Chinese.All these have contributed to the overwhelming trend of discussions on the Chinese social network.

Putting aside the uncomfortable discussion of the heroes of the heroes, the theme revealed by this film is a crisis and unity, and it is also an eternal theme facing humans.Especially in today's Russia -Ukraine conflict and new crowns, it has more practical significance. Although unlike the movie, one of the causes of crisis lies in the outside of human beings, while the other comes completely from humans.

On January 25, atomic scientists restarted the clock and pulled the time forward for 12 seconds.This is a Cuban missile nuclear crisis that is closest to the change of the disaster after World War II's closest to the disaster.Scientists explained that this stems from issues such as Russia and Ukraine's conflict, nuclear diffusion, popular diseases and climate change caused by human activities.The Russian -Ukraine conflict is the huge pushing factor of this crisis. Scientists emphasized that the conflict makes it theoretically close to the end of the world.

Obviously, we have encountered difficulties on all the above issues.

This year's new crown epidemic has entered the fourth year. After paying the lives of more than 6 million people around the world, although the epidemic has eased and the world's countries have reduced the response level, the threat of the new crown virus has not been eliminated: virus variation is still there, there is still no way to go.Determine, countries still have the consensus on cooperation in response to the possible impact of the next possible illness, and still have undercurrent and quarrels on issues such as the origin of the epidemic situation, prevention and control policies, and other issues.

Ordinary people may be different from scientists in the feelings of climate change in human threats. This is understandable.Perhaps a iceberg break monitored in Antarctica ten days ago could sober everyone.On January 23, an iceberg in the Antarctica is equal to the urban area of London, England. The second iceberg has been separated from the iceberg in the past two years.Although scientists stated that this offering is more inclined to the natural update of glaciers, similar incidents remind us at all times that warnings from nature are real and ruthless. All countries in the world restrict their behavior and work together to deal with climate issues related to the world.

Even after experiencing the painful history of World War I and World War II, conflict and war are still lingering nightmares.

The Russian -Ukraine conflict has been nearly a year. Based on the huge differences and external factors of the two parties, there are no signs of stopping.

In the past month, NATO has increased its aid for the Ukraine, which has been greatly upgraded in the performance of assistance weapons. Russia plans to expand the number of soldiers to 1.5 million, and repeatedly threatened by nuclear weapons.Former Putin Card Friends Russia, Modelvv, has repeatedly said that Russia, as a nuclear country, cannot accept the fate of defeat.Based on historical factors and geopolitical considerations, Ukraine and NATO hope to use this conflict to solve the security problems caused by Russia once and for all, let alone the consequences of losses.Obviously, the Russian conflict has entered the dead alley, and the risks of overflowing and out of control are rising sharply.

In other parts of the world, the factor of fierce conflict is also brewing.

In the northeast of Asia, the North Korean Democratic Republic has continuously tested missiles and atomic elasticity and made continuous progress. In the Middle East, fierce geopolitical competition has made this region long for a long time.In a situation, the Middle East has become a gunpowder barrel that can be detonated at any time; and around the global issues and Taiwan issues, the comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States is evolving into a huge hidden danger of world turmoil, and the prospects are not optimistic.

Looking back on human history, we are deeply confused about the dilemma in front of our eyes: What are the pursuit of human beings?

From the perspective of human historical process, by the backward productivity, human beings have been struggling with the lack of material conditions for thousands of years, even in order to compete for limited resources, fight for living space, fight each other endlessly, and suffer.Entering the twentieth century, especially since the 21st century, with the rapid progress of science and technology, the embarrassment situation of human beings has been accelerated.In the past 50 years, the global GDP has exceeded the sum of all historical productivity in the past. Human society has accumulated a large amount of material wealth. Isn't this the material and productivity preparation required by the ideal society described by the East and West?

Unfortunately, it is no different from more than a hundred years ago, and the dilemma faced by humans is still.Our thinking seems to have stagnated more than a hundred years ago, and we still did not learn to coexist in harmony. Greed and hatred still controlled the world. Disputes in various places were endless. War is still the ultimate way to resolve disputes.

Where is the hope of human beings?

When Fukuyama proposed that history was ended, whether this was aware of this problem.

Unlike the film described with the entire Earth Expedition, the American Musk proposed a ambitious Mars colonial plan many years ago.To this day, with his company's breakthrough in launching spacecraft and rocket technology, the plan seems to be more and more feasible.A few days ago, Musk talked about this, and hoped that the future Mars governance would replace democracy with democracy of the people.In fact, if humans do not abandon their opinions, achieve reconciliation, assume responsibilities, and learn to coexist, even if they set foot on another star, they will still wait for disputes and pain.

In the film, one of the protagonists shows a photo of ancient human limbs healing, encouraging countries, uniting, working together to overcome difficulties, saving the earth to crisis.

Obviously, the day of making a decision has arrived.

Author: Zhang Yongjian