China Focus

Many elderly people in China died in January, two of them attracted widespread attention.One is Hu Fuming, the main author of practice that tests truth; the other is the earliest and most influential "individual households" in China.The two are included in the historical book as the iconic figures of China's ideological liberation and economic reform and opening up.Their death does not mean that the completion of the mission of China's ideological liberation and economic reform and opening up; on the contrary, China may be more urgent to promote their pioneering and innovative spirit at the moment.

Hu Fuming in 1977 was an ordinary teacher at the Department of Philosophy of Nanjing University. He keenly noticed that although China had knocked down the gang of four at that time, the ideological world was still shrouded in the atmosphere of "left".Best people's thoughts.This made him as an intellectual, he felt depressed in thought, not spitting out, hesitated for more than a month. During his wife's hospitalization, he wrote a practice as the only standard for testing the truth and voted for the Guangming Daily.

The potential significance of this article has attracted the attention of the leaders of the senior management. After the collective modification, it was first published on May 10, 1978 in the theoretical dynamics of the internal publication of the Central Party School.The article was published on the front page, and the Xinhua News Agency reposted the full text on the same day; the People's Daily PLA also reposted the full text on the 12th.The article triggered a big discussion about the standard of truth, providing theoretical weapons for breaking the restraint of the "two ordinary" thoughts, and also created public opinion conditions for the 3rd Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Mainland Government in December of the same year.

The reason why this major discussion is important is that in the words of Deng Xiaoping, the discussion of the truth of truth is basic construction. Without emancipating the mind, the correct political route cannot be formulated, and it cannot be implemented.

After the

Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee (December 1978), the Chinese economy is still the world of planned economy.The bold and daring Anhui hawker Nian Guangjiu saw the opportunity.He set up a stall selling melon seeds on the streets of Wuhu, and the business was very hot.He registered the trademark of "Fools and Gourd Seeds" and began to hire workers to stir fry seeds.With the increase of employees, Nian Guangjiu encountered great trouble, which involved ideology.According to the discussion of capital theory, more than eight employees are exploiting behavior, and he faces prison again.

Fortunately, he received the strong support of Deng Xiaoping.Deng Xiaoping clearly affirmed the individual economy, and requested that the "fool's seeds" involved the problem "put it" and "take a look."Deng Xiaoping's remarks rescued Nian Guangjiu and also turned on a green light for the private economy.

In 1984, Deng Xiaoping also explicitly pointed out that the development of "fools and seeds" could not hurt socialism.In 1992, Deng Xiaoping mentioned "fools and melon seeds" again in the southern conversation.He said: "In the early days of rural reform, Anhui had a" fool melon seed "problem. At that time, many people were uncomfortable and said he made one million and advocated him. I said that the policy could not be moved.There are many problems like this. If it is not handled properly, it is easy to shake our policies and affect the overall reform. "Deng Xiaoping once again saved Nian Guangjiu and turned on a green light for the private economy.

Nian Guangjiu is a legendary character. He was imprisoned three times in his life and was mentioned by Deng Xiaoping at least three times.He is known as "China's first dealer" and is a barometer for the development of China's private economy in the 1980s. How to treat him has actually become a "global" issue of "affecting reform."

Although Hu Fuming and Nian Guangjiu struggled in different fields, the achievements and fate of the two were closely linked to China's reform and opening up.Reform and opening up have affected them, and they have also participated in the process of shaping the process of reform and opening up.From the deeds of both of them, we can get a few inspirations.

First, there must be ideological liberation before there will be real market opening.Without true ideological liberation, the market is open is unstable, and the confidence of the market entity is not enough.

The second is the active promotion and response of high -level central senior management regardless of the liberation of ideas or the opening of the market.Without the positive recognition and promotion of high -level high -levels, it is bound to be unhappy.

Third, the underlying participation and the response to the high level are a kind of interconnection relationship, both of which are indispensable.If the bottom layer lacks creative spirit, dare not say that he dares not to move, fearless, or high -level conservative, stubborn, or even blindly suppressing, it is impossible to have true ideological liberation and market opening.On the contrary, the bottom level is courageous to express and dare to create, while the high -level courage to be tolerant and happy, the benign mutual structure can be achieved.

Fourth, after the interaction between the bottom and the high -level, it is generally introduced with major decisions, and then the supporting facilities of laws and regulations appear.However, it is doubtful that follow -up measures often interfere with the seriousness of the law, which will cause new uncertainty, causing repeated phenomena to occur from time to time.

At present, China faces many practical problems in terms of ideology and market aspects.The dispute between the "left" and "right" of social thoughts, and the "entry" and "retreat" of the private economy has become more and more intense.We noticed the statement and response of senior leaders, but the levels and strengths of the response are still not enough to clear the fog. Some people think that these responses are only "appropriate measures", and the sense of uncertainty in related aspects still exists.Perhaps the formation of today's situation is related to the specific situation of the epidemic control in recent years. Fortunately, the response to the Chinese epidemic is basically successful. When the dust is settled, it may be able to use the opportunity of the victims to miss the two pioneers.

Through the setting of coffin, the candleframes, the confusion and the opening of the new bureau, choose a more powerful form to respond to the dispute, to strengthen the confidence of the knowledge class, private entrepreneurs, and even international aspects of the prospects of China's reform and opening up.This may be the best way to miss the two pioneers.

The author is the teacher of Ningbo University, China