The crown disease epidemic in the past three years has caused people to work hard.Global high -inflation also focuses on the subject of living expenses.However, the two self -evolution cases revealed by the Internal Security Bureau since the beginning of the year have reminded everyone that the threat of terrorist attacks still exists and has not disappeared due to other topics.

Inner Security Bureau revealed on January 11 that Kaelu, a 38 -year -old teacher, was detained in October last year.This is the first teacher of the Ministry of Education to be detained under the internal security law.He tried to hide humanitarian rescue as a cover, and went to the Palestinian Gaza Strip to join the terrorist organization Hamas and its subordinates of the armed faction Kasan to fight against the Israeli National Defense Force.On February 1, the bureau announced that the 18 -year -old student Irfan was detained in December last year.He intends to launch at least three violence attacks, including attacking "non -believers", attacking the Hongmao Kui military camp where the National Student Legion Headquarters is located with a car bomb, and exploding.Beno Saint Grave.

Irfan was radical after watching the promotional video of Islamic State Organizations frequently on the Internet. Keru was sympathetic to Palestine because of the conflict between Israel and Palestine for many years.The roots of the two self -radicals are from the Middle East that is away from us thousands of miles, but it can have such a great influence on our citizens.More complicated and difficult to prevent.As a result, we need to try to strengthen and consolidate the anti -terrorist defense line.

It is worth noting that the brainwashing person has a tendency to be younger.Kaelu is the second Chinese who is affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine and wants to participate in the war.Prior to him, Ameiru, a 20 -year -old national service personnel, was also influenced by the same factors. He planned to assassinate local Jewish and joined the Cassan brigade, and was detained in March 2021.The Ministry of the Interior revealed that since 2015, nine local 20 -year -old youths have resisted internal security laws.The Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, paid special attention to it.He said that youth is influenced by online information and becoming a tendency to be worrying.

There are two main factors in the Middle East. The threat of our opposition to religious extremism will be a long -lasting war.The first is that there is no hope of resolution with Pakistani conflicts, and recently, the two sides have fiercely conflict.The second is that as the United States and other Western military forces withdraw from this area, especially Afghanistan, have caused extreme forces such as Islamic State, Muslim Prayer Group, Pakistan Taliban and other extreme forces, and the threat of horror has also increased.Not long ago, the terrorist attack in Bashawa, Ba Guo, caused 101 people to die, which is a good example.In addition, as an open society, it is impossible for us to ban social media. Officials can only use science and technology to block extremism and terrorist web pages, but we cannot completely avoid people from contacting extreme ideas through various pipelines.

Therefore, Singapore can only prevent the threat of extremism by building multiple lines of defense and reduce the probability of people infected with extreme ideas.Although theoretically, theoretically caused human rights disputes and the concerns of abuse, it turns out that the Inner Security Law is a major defense line.They detained them and transformed them before taking terrorist actions to lead them back to the right track, which is especially effective for young radicals.The case provided by the Ministry of the Interior shows that the results of the transformation work are quite high. Most adolescents who have mistakenly enter the school finally return to school and complete their studies. One of them has become an engineer.

But to detect radical cases in time or as soon as possible, in addition to closely surveillance, there must be a close cooperation of the community.Therefore, the second main defense line is in the community.Mohd Hasbi, president of Jamiyah Singapore, called on the Pavilion community to persevere in the trap of children, friends, and colleagues from the Internet.He said that although we can expect the government to continue their duties to respond to extremist threats, everyone, including parents, friends, communities, and society and religious groups must join the ranks of threats to prevent its tentacles from extending.

Of course, individuals are also a line of defense. To strengthen this line of defense, we must improve the ability to identify young people through unremitting education, as well as a harmonious and inclusive society and religious values.In this regard, parents, schools, and religious groups need to work together.From the individual to the community and the entire society, if every line of defense can continue to be consolidated, the society's immunity and anti -terrorism toughness will be greatly improved as a whole.