Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The recent dialectics of "suspicion of beauty" are extremely lively; they have become battlefields from TSMC to invest in the United States to military sales.At the beginning of the month of the 21st century trade initiative in Taiwan, the scenery of the 21st century was held in Taiwan. There were also many doubts about the society. In particular, foreign media also reported that Taiwan would join the Chinese camp to challenge the United States in the WTO at the beginning of the year.Suspected theory of the United States has its own point of view, but it is also very harmful to Taiwan. Therefore, it should be cautious regardless of support or opposition, and government decision -making should be the same.

There are different definitions of suspicion and theory of the United States, but there are three main axis of the basic direction. They question that the United States is not in the interests of Taiwan, questioning the United States intentionally empty the important industries in Taiwan, and that the ruling party has only one move.What's more noteworthy is that suspicion of American theory has the effect of two blades, that is, the more fermented the theory of the United States, the more fermented the United States, and the "suspect theory" in the United States will also expand, so clarifying the authenticity of suspicion theory is of great significance.

The reason why the theory of suspicion and theory of the United States is the main reason is that Taiwan and the United States have been upgraded in recent years.The United States, as the most important security guarantee for Taiwan and the second largest export market, is a good thing to improve relations. However, in the process, there is constantly doubts about the tool theory of "Tingtai is just to resist".Indeed, the U.S. platforms are lingering and anti -China, but all kinds of diplomacy, economy and trade and military measures are also the common way of forming an alliance with various countries in the Indo -Pacific region in the Indo -Pacific region in the United States, which is the so -called Tongtai.Taiwan is deemed to be peer -to -peer partners in the Indo -Pacific region, which is difficult to say that it violates Taiwan's interests.

During the heating up of Taiwan and the United States, of course, the opposite shore continued to oppose, and the domestic (especially Congress) of the United States (especially Congress) also has a clear provocation of Beijing, which is similar to "Taiwan and the United States to build diplomatic relations."Suspected American theory was fermented again on TSMC's investments in the United States, and then transformed into a "de -Taiwanization" point of viewing Taiwan.This debate gradually subsided with the response of TSMC's "no door", but as Taiwan entered the presidential election model, suspicion and American theory would probably continue to appear in different topics.The important thing is the influence of suspicion of theory, not only simply political offensive and defensive; its unavoidable attachment damage is that the "suspect theory" in the United States has suspected Taiwan's trust in the United States, suspects of Taiwan's will to fight, and even suspects that TaiwanWhether there is a tendency to surrender.

In the aspect of many suspicion of aesthetic theory, economic and trade interaction should be the most neutral and lowest political sensitivity in nature, but recently it seems to have become a flame that encourages suspicion.For example, the important breakthrough of the 21st Century Trade Initiative of Taime and the United States has also questioned the US position and lack of substantial benefits.The more incomprehensible development is a consultation that the government has announced the application of China ’s complaints to the US chip control in the WTO.

The background of this case is that China believes that the United States' semiconductor export control has violated the WTO rules over the past few years, so he filed a complaint with the WTO dispute court at the end of last year.According to the procedures, both parties of the dispute should be negotiated first, and the negotiation cannot enter the litigation procedure.According to the WTO rules, in addition to the original and the defendant, any economy that considers a favorable relationship can also apply to join this consultation process.According to this, Taiwan's application is submitted.In the past experience, most of the other member states applied for joining were not passers -by, but a country that was also dissatisfied with the defendant.In addition to Taiwan, Russia also applied for joining. Of course, it was for the United States. It was no wonder that foreign media saw that Taiwan also applied to join a consultation. It was excited that Taiwan had a major change in "joining China and questioning the United States".

The government issued a statement afterwards, pointing out that joining is to master development and collect information, "does not mean supporting or opposing any of the positions of the parties."If the communication is smooth, there are other information collection pipelines, questioning the changes in Taiwan's position is a reasonable response, which has increased the "suspicion of beauty theory and doubt the theory of doubts".

We believe that Taiwan's position has not changed. The problem reflected in this incident is that the issue of economic and trade issues is relatively neutral, but in the environment of "discussing things" in everything, government decisions must increase political sensitivity and greatly increase significantly.The research and judgment and consideration of the situation on the international, Taiwan and the United States, and the two sides of the strait; the clearness of Taiwan should be clearer, and the misunderstanding that should be avoided is to avoid the greatest interests of Taiwan.