Source: Surging News


On the 26th local time in Germany, German Defense Minister Pestous said during the inspection of the Federal Defense Army armored infantry training that Germany would deliver the "Leopard 2" tank to Ukraine by the end of March this year.At the same time, as a producer of the "Leopard" tank, Germany also allows the third country with the "Leopard" tank to provide the tank to Ukraine.

The director of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, Ye Ermar, said on the 25th that Germany agreed to provide Ukraine with the "Leopard" tank decision that this was the first step on this issue.More "Leopard" tanks.The Russian Embassy in Germany responded that the behavior of providing "Leopard" tanks in Germany was extremely dangerous.

"Tank Alliance" is about to be formed

According to the plan, Germany will first allocate 14 "Leopard 2" A6 main battle tanks to Ukraine from the Federal Defense Army inventory.It shows that Germany hopes to set up two "leopard" tank camps for Ukraine.

After a few hours of the news in Germany, the United States also announced that it would transport 31 M1 main battle tanks to Ukraine.The US President Biden claimed in the Roosevelt Hall of the White House that "a Ukrainian tank camp usually consists of 31 tanks. This is the number of (aid).

Earlier, the British government also confirmed on January 16 that it will provide 14 "Challenger 2" main battle tanks and other advanced artillery to Ukraine in the next few weeks.As many western countries announced the assistance of the main battle tank, there will be a scene of multi -type Western active main battle tanks on the black land from Ukraine.

As an important military industrial production center in the Soviet Union, Ukraine once distributed with Harkov and Kiev as the centered on technology reserve and large -scale tank armored vehicle R & D and production enterprises, Ukraine Halkov MaresheseThe Fu Tank Factory was once known as the "Pearl on the Crown of the Red Military Workers". The famous T-34, T-54/55, T-64 and T-84 "Fortress" main battle tanks are masterpieces of the factory.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, all these military industry companies belonged to Ukraine. After the Crimean incident in 2014, Ukraine successively established several new tank armored vehicle companies.As of the end of 2021, there were 19 companies in Ukraine who developed and produced tank armored vehicles, six of which were located in Halkov, seven were located in Kiev, and the remaining six were distributed elsewhere.

However, after Ukraine's independence, the newly on stage political "elite" is not interested in national defense development. Large -scale reduction of national defense funds has made the research and development and production capacity of these military industrial enterprises a sharp decline.Enterprises were hit.Russian military experts analyzed that 90%of the production capacity of tank armored vehicles in the Ukrainian military system was destroyed, which led to Ukraine, which had independent production and development of tanks, had to request the United States and NATO countries to assist main war tanks everywhere.

Judging from the promise of assisting Ukraine's main battle tanks issued by Western countries such as the United States and Germany, the tanks provided by these countries are the main equipment of active duty., M1, "Leopard 2" A6 and "Challenger 2" main battle tanks have also ranked at the forefront of various tank rankings in the world. In terms of some performance, even more than the T-72, T-80 and T used by the Russian army's current equipment.-90 main battle tank, such as optical aiming system and digital fire control system more advanced than the Russian tank.

The other side of the coin

However, there is still a long distance between the assistance commitment to the assistance commitment to the delivery of the tank, the formation of combat effectiveness, and affecting the war situation.There are two sides in the world, and Europe and the United States aid Ukraine's main war tanks under the appearance of advanced technical and tactical indicators also hidden many "Achilles".

For example, because the U.S. M1 tank adopts the design concept of priority, the main installed armor thickness of the front end of the turret has even exceeded 600 mm.For the first time, the M1 main battle tank has also achieved ammunition partition storage, and some ammunition is stored in the tail cabin of the turret to prevent the occupants from being killed in the second time.However, such heavy protection also brings a problem, that is, the tanks with up to 56 tons (more than 62 tons in the later period) have no appropriate diesel engine, so the United States has used the gas turbine on M1 for the first time.Although the gas turbine has the advantages of fast response, low smoke, small vibration, etc., the fuel consumption is very high.The early M1 internal load fuel capacity was 1900 liters, and the driving distance was about 460 kilometers. In the future, the heavier M1A2 dropped to 420 kilometers. The proper "oil tiger".Ascended, the driving distance exceeded 550 kilometers.After the Ukraine obtains the M1 tank, it has to consider how to continue and stably provide fuel for the M1 tank (the gas turbine uses aviation kerosene).

The "Challenger 2" main battle tank promised by the United Kingdom is the first main battle tank in the world with the J-J-J-ability, so that the type tank has a multi-target combat capability like a fighter.However, due to the sunset of the British military industry, BAE Systems, the manufacturer of the "Challenger 2" main battle tank, announced on May 3, 2009 that it will stop the follow -up model of the follow -up model and close the tank production line.After the British assistance in Ukraine's 14 "Challengers 2" main battle tank loss, the new tank of subsequent production from BAE Systems can no longer be obtained from BAE Systems.EssenceHowever, as of 2019, the British army had 148 "Challengers 2" in service, 59 of which were used for training, and the remaining 201 vehicles were in a state of storage.

From the current point of view, the German "Leopard 2" tank seems to be a good choice.The "Leopard 2" tank using the diesel engine is lower than the M1 maintenance cost of using the gas turbine. Compared with the precise and complicated M1 and the "Challenger 2" main battle tank, Ukrainian soldiers are also familiar with the operation of "Leopard 2" operation.principle.The high -level leaders of Ukraine believe that the training of Ukraine soldiers only takes about three to six weeks to use the "Leopard 2" tank, and at least 13 countries in Europe are using about 2,000 "Leopard 2" various improved models.This makes the supply of Ukraine more convenient.

However, under the premise that there is no air advantage, how the Urpicious Army provides fuel transportation guarantee for large -scale armored clusters and maintains maintenance of advanced main battle tanks from different models in three countries.The Russian Army armored forces, which is more experienced and more advanced than the Ukraine's combat experience and the level of guarantee, encountered difficulties in logistic supplementation in the early days of the conflict. In the stage of counterattacks and stalemate after July last year, the Russian armored forces were even more due to the fuel library.The ammunition store was repeatedly attacked by the US "Haimas" rocket launcher and it was difficult to form combat effectiveness.

By compilation of the European and American Army, each grass -roots tank even needs to be equipped with air defense missile teams, sufficient fuel supply vehicles, mechanized infantry teams with collaborative combat, and other auxiliary equipment.With the current comprehensive quality and ability of Ukrainian personnel, it is unknown whether the ability to coordinate the deployment of relevant synthetic protection.It is reported that Ukraine recruits have put adult men from 16 to 60 in the scope of recruitment. If rumors are true, it is difficult for Ukraine to put together a high -quality armored vehicle maintenance, maintenance and use personnel in a short time.And some "volunteers" from Poland or Europe and the United States are also difficult to become actual users of these three main battle tanks.

Finally, after nearly a year of conflict, the road conditions in Ukraine have become very different.For M1, Challenger 2 and "Leopard 2", the main battle tanks with more than 60 tons of battles in the three combats, its passability has become very unsatisfactory, and the current Ukraine's air control is controlled by Russia. ThisHow to enter the battlefield for three main battle tanks will also be a problem.

In summary, although the tank nature aid in the WestIt can be good, but different models will also bring a lot of difficulties to the Black Army's logistics support. In addition, there are only about one hundred numbers. It is difficult to set off a big wave on the battlefield.ability.