Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: He Sishen

Japan is the rotating country of the seven major industrial groups (G7) this year. In May, the "G7 Hiroshima Summit" will be held.British, Canada, and the United States are the starting type, which will become the focus of strengthening defense, new capitalism, and "green transformation" (GX) such as "green transformation" (GX) that realizes carbonized society.

In addition, the G7 Summit will challenge the joint claims of G7 brought by the conflict between Russia and China and China, and establish a basic position to adhere to the international order of rule of law.The highlight of this trip is undoubtedly the US -Japan Summit that will appear on the 13th, but in the UK and Prime Minister Suonak's signing of the mutual access agreement (RAA) of the Japanese and British defense cooperation (RAA), it is also high.

Kishida signed a Japan -Australian RAA with the then Australian Prime Minister Morrison in January last year in January last year to eliminate the obstacles of joint military training in each other's territory.For the first time, Japan agreed to an agreement to enter Japan outside the United States.Following Australia, Japan and Britain concluded RAA to expand their defense cooperation to members of NATO (NATO), and at the same time completed the alliance with the "AUKUS" (AUKUS).Establish close security cooperation.

Relevant persons in the Japanese government have called Japan and Britain Raa as the "Japanese and British League" in 1902, the most important defense agreement between the two countries is not an exaggeration.Kishida is committed to constructing a diversified security relationship outside the United States and Japan, in order to respond to the challenges brought by China and North Korea to Japan.Japan will jointly promote the "Global Combat Air Program" with Britain and Italy to develop the sixth -generation hiding fighter, which is the first time in Japan to cooperate with countries outside the United States.

Japanese media believes that Japan -British RAA aims to deal with China's rise.In Beijing, it is clear that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on the 11th that the development of defense cooperation in relevant countries should be conducive to improving mutual understanding, trust and cooperation between countries.The group's old thinking was introduced to the Asia -Pacific region.

Lomestins in November last year showed that 81%of Japanese interviewees believed that China constituted a military threat to Japan, and 68%of them supported Japan to enhance their defense.Only 44%, most Japanese citizens have doubts about whether they are sufficient to provide Japanese security guarantees.

The finale of Kishida's foreign visit is "worshiping the shore". Although the US President Biden, which attaches importance to the allies and the international coordination route, will use China's challenges as a challenge to strengthen strategic security cooperation with Japan to ensure the free and open Indo -Pacific area.The US -Japan Foreign Affairs and National Defense Minister ’s“ 2+2 ”talks have greatly increased the anti -ship missile deployment in Japan to effectively observe China.Japan's security interests.

Kishida published a "New Year's Word" in New Year's Day. Although it has not been re -referred to the "constitutional amendment", after the revision of the "Security Three Documents" and redefine the "Defense Defense", the peacefulness in the constitution may be withJapan's security strategy is getting away.Although the history of East Asia in modern times does not necessarily repeat itself, Japan's security policy has shifted, which will affect the goodness of Sino -Japanese relations. For the future of the Indo -Pacific region, it will be unpredictable.