Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Laningli

The Think Tank "Strategy and International Research Center" (CSIS) in the U.S. Huafu announced the result of "the first battle of the next war: China Invasion of Taiwan's Battle" results.The annual attacks on Taiwan want to determine. The results show that if the U.S. military involves a large involvement in Taiwan, the PLA is unlikely to win, but the United States, Japan and Taiwan will also win, and Taiwan will only have an island without electricity and basic people's livelihoodEssence

Personal is the founder of the Supreme Military Chess Center of the Taiwan Army. He has been immersed in mode, simulation and soldiers for a long time.Taiwanese are habitually concerned first, such as sinking several aircraft carriers and how many fighters. In fact, because the data is not a practical value, people who really understand do not have to care about this.Honestly, whether the people who play the Red Army played the Red Army are fully aware of the strategic tactics of the PLA, the use of military dialectics with military strength, and the philosophy of war in China.I have studied the strategic tactics of the PLA for many years, and I have always been unable to summarize the rules of regulations, and it has changed too much.Results and lessons.

Although most of Taiwan's push in this soldier wants to survive, the United States, Japan, and Taiwan have lost heavy losses.Even if the offense in mainland China has not been successful, the ending is destroyed for Taiwan. These wanting to depict a dull future for Taiwan.Although the military in Taiwan has not been broken, it has severely downgraded and can only guard the damaged economy on islands without electricity and infrastructure.

It is specifically mentioned in the US think tank report that Taiwan does not have the so -called "Ukrainian model".This is very heartbroken that Taiwanese people who have been affected by the DPP for a long time.Because once the Taiwan Strait is in war, it is impossible for any troops or supplies to enter Taiwan. This is very different from Ukraine that has a steady stream of supplies after the war. Therefore, Taiwan must store necessary materials before the start of the war.In fact, CSIS completely forgets that Taiwan is comparable to the lifeline's shipping route. It can be stored first. What should I do if oil, gas, and grain?


CSIS report also said that in order to prevent the final control of Taiwan in mainland China, the US military presented four unchanged rules in its 24 soldiers: 1. The ground force in Taiwan must be able to curb mainland China on the beach head position;, The United States must be able to use its combat operations at the base in Japan; 3. The United States must have a long -range attack missile missile in order to "concentrate" from the distance to combat the PLA Navy;Involved in any conflict immediately.

I think that mainland China attacks Taiwan will immediately destroy the import and exports that our economy depends on survival, causing its economy to collapse in the short term, so the possibility of attacking Taiwan in an all -round way is extremely small.However, the United States is completely opposite. In the United States' strategy, China has been listed as a threat to the United States, and it will go fast. Taiwan is a good card that the United States has stirred the martial arts of the mainland.In the past 6 years, the DPP government has completely listened to the American puppet puppets. In the future, the Taiwan Strait conflict will be the use of Taiwan to "increase provocation" in the United States according to their national interests., Mainland China had to have martial arts.

These 24 soldiers, answered two basic questions: Will the attacking Taiwan be successful?What is the price?CSIS reports that the possible answers to these two questions are negative and huge.But "even if objective analysis shows that the attacker may not succeed, war will happen."

The author is the Taiwan Navy's retirement Lieutenant General