Zhou Nongjian

In recent years, there has been a claim in China to achieve "modernization of national governance".After these years, have this goal reached, or have the level of governing the country have improved?Judging from the problems exposed in the three years of the crown disease epidemic, China is still a long way to go.

There are two realms in national governance.

The first realm is modernization.The so -called modernization of national governance is to respect science.Manage the country with modern scientific thinking.

The modernization of national governance cannot be understood as a modernization of technical equipment, thinking that it is big data, firewalls, and network monitoring; urban and rural areas are full of cameras, full coverage, no dead ends; itinerary, health code, and personal whereabouts.

The modernization of national governance cannot be understood as a modern replica of the Family route: the super power of Wuyuan, one pole to the end, a word nine, the law is followed, and the line is prohibited.When it comes to sealing the city, the city is sealed and guarded strictly.When you let go, let go, and the destiny of the sky is at the expense, and it can jump from one extreme to another.

The modernization of national governance is not only political.For example, epidemic prevention and epidemic resistance must respect the opinions and consensus of medical experts, and avoid using political understanding to replace medical awareness.Think of medical problems as a political issue. Others use some ways to prevent epidemic in some ways. In order to reflect their institutional advantages, they must choose another way to show the difference between the system and the high civilization.

The second realm of national governance is neutralization.The so -called medium -to -Taoism is to govern the country in the moderation. It is not paranoid, does not toss, and avoids extremeization. It is not "unbelievable evil", but in conforming to the heaven, human heart, and trend.Although this realm is not based on modern scientific and rationality, but from China's political wisdom for thousands of years, it is compatible with modernization.Because when the entire external world, social trends and people's hearts are influenced by modern science, they conform to people's hearts and trends, that is, keep pace with the times and indirectly accept modern science.

Although the governance of the golden mean, although there is no intention of innovation, and there is a stream of flow, it is suspected of "copying people's homework", but this is always better than the best of the new way, it is lonely, and finally it will end with bad end.

In national governance, China has had many lessons in the past.The institutional advantages considered the institutional advantage, but in the end, the result is incidental, and the result is embarrassing.

At that time, the large -scale steel refining the steel, blast furnaces everywhere, red flags, and full of voices. Although the scene was spectacular, it was endless.The People's Commune, Great Leap Forward, Boat Rice, Public and Private Companion, Unified Purchase, and Running into Communism, even if their desires are good, they will not be resolved for a long time because of violations of economic laws.

Family planning, fiercely popular.Fined fines, entered the village to catch people, forced ligation and abortion.Until today, the policy is 180 degrees reversed, and three babies are released, and fertility is encouraged, but it is still difficult to prevent the population from falling.

Of course, China has also achieved praise in the past. For example, in the 40 years of reform and opening up, the economy has developed rapidly and has become the world's second largest economy.However, this is precisely because it is in line with the trend of the world and the people's hearts, respects science, respects the laws of the market, respects objective laws, pursues modernization, does not toss, and does not paranoid.Fix.

The Soviet -style original teachingism has a common problem, that is, always trying to "transform the world" with subjective will, regardless of the regularity of tossing and dryness. Although the ambition and passion can be gone, the practice around the world will end with disasters.

After three years of emergence in China today, there are many lessons. It is very professional and related to the health of the people, or respect the consensus of medical experts. It is relatively stable to learn from other medical experts.Not only epidemic prevention, but also other such as economic construction, industry management, state -owned enterprises and private enterprises, real estate, Internet platforms, education and training, literary and artistic creation, etc., all must respect the laws of economic and opinions to avoid willfulness.

Except for God in the minds of religious people, there are no omnipresent people in the world.It is not easy for a person to live in a certain career throughout his life.How can there be political and economic and people's livelihood, medical epidemic prevention, literature and art, across the border geniuses across the world, can point out the country and beyond the industry's experts?

Governing the country and governing the country, even if you do not seek the first realm, do not talk about managing modernization, do not like "foreign moon is better than China", do not learn Western governance models, respect science, experts govern the country;The second realm is to rule the country with the political wisdom of thousands of years in China, and the Tao of the Golden Mean. Everything is based on it.It can also be left and right.Although there is no creativity and unique, at least follow the stream, cater to the mainstream, and avoid the risk of going to the dark.

In fact, whether it is a western -style modern governance, science, rationality, or the moderate governance of the country, talk about the Chinese way, and talk about benevolence, and do not advocate the extreme.The "unbelief" that ignores common sense and trend is not worthy of preaching.It is not the same as going to extreme ability.From the perspective of authoritarian aesthetics, to appreciate the ability and practice of taking extremes: the right to do everything, in the north and south, in the middle of the east and the north, the country is in the country, the order is uniform, the movement is free, and it is freely collected.It is regarded as an institutional advantage, political advantage and characteristic model, and laughed at the lack of this ability in other countries. Why not copy my "homework" is obviously wrong and eventually embarrassed.

The author is a Chinese aesthetic scholar

Whether it is a western -style modern governance, science, rationality, or the governing of the country in the east method, talk about the Chinese way, and talk about benevolence.The "unbelief" that ignores common sense and trend is not worthy of preaching.