Source: Ming Pao

Author: Zhang Bingliang

Comprehensive withdrawal and customs clearance. In 2023, Hong Kong can eventually get out of the epidemic and live back.The SAR Government is committed to "saying a good Hong Kong story" and creating "Hong Kong is back", and all walks of life also responded to the story of Hong Kong.

However, in the past few years, it was caused by political toss in addition to the epidemic, and the trauma has not healed.Moreover, the epidemic "freeze" the focus of the society to a large extent. Once the ban is lifted, the contradictions and emotions that have been suppressed or put on the side will "return".EssenceIs Hong Kong still returning to this time still?Does the return world still be friendly and appreciated by her?Is Hong Kong people still confident?

As a city symbol, Hong Kong has represented advanced opening up, integrating with international standards, daring to work, "Can DO" (can be done), and it is not dogmatic.In the 1980s and 1990s, a member of the "East Asian Economic Miracle" and a model of the reform and opening up of the mainland., Even if there are defects, Hong Kong people are proud.

Continuing the characteristics of the Hong Kong system, it is the original intention of one country, two systems, to ensure many exceptions with the Basic Law, so that Hong Kong, China will gallop the international stage and play a greater role.When returning, one country and two systems won the endorsement of the Western world, and the future parties are optimistic.If the implementation of highly autonomy and the development of social and economic management, democratic development, the Hong Kong story that has been passed down can be more adopted and increased to the country.

In the past, the level of governance, social stability, diversified tolerance and enlightenment of Hong Kong was no less than the democratic government of OECD (Organization).The advantages of finance and finance, shipping, air transportation, trade logistics, and information exchanges have consolidated its geographical characteristics of the international metropolis -connecting Chinese and Western, gathered talents, and accepted Baichuan.The legend of Hong Kong is familiar with the world. Why do you need to tell a good story today?

Everything has been inverted in recent years.History made people, and after returning, Hong Kong fell into a political differentiation mud and could not extricate themselves. The new generation of identity was confused. The society became increasingly introverted.EssenceThe central government not only worried that people have not returned, and they even realize that Hong Kong -style democracy is out of control. By 2019, the turmoil and the intervention of external forces are determined.

Hong Kong under the new order of the West, regards the deterioration of one country, two.Hong Kong has the advantage of Chinese and Western intersects. Today, she is not flattering: She is too western to the pose of suspicion; she is too Chinese in the West in doubt.Under the US and the United States and the United States, the relationship between Hong Kong and the British and American countries is not as good as before. The Western camp is dwarfing Hong Kong's functions, allowing Singapore to take advantage of its position to replace its position.On the other hand, the Central Vision of Hong Kong is a place where the color revolution is germinated, and it is everywhere. Some people are worried that the country has never been degraded in Hong Kong, which has the words "Shenzhen (Shenzhen) ascended to Hong Kong".

Therefore, George Kennan, a historian of the Cold War, once said (the idea), once the war will find that they must fight for things that have never been imagined and completely different.Hong Kong is also like this in 2019, and sequelae are serious.The government worked hard to sing Hong Kong, launching various blueprints, attracting promotion, and seeing cars in the market, and the disappearance of confrontational actions; but behind the calm surface, deep depression was unsolved.And alternative uneasiness, dare to say and dare to do it. Nowadays, there are more scruples, first ask if it is "safe".The tide of immigration is resurrected, the young talents have been lost, some companies have moved by foreign investment, and people's hearts are floating. Internationally asking: Is it just the middle pain or the end of history?Hong Kong deviates from the original track, and it is difficult to sing the song of the past.

Mid -section pain or history end?

The key is the future of one country, two systems -is it maintained or the particularity of Hong Kong gradually shrinks in Hong Kong?Will there be no Hong Kong in the Greater Bay Area?Does Hong Kong dare to take the lead in the world?

Doubt the emotions of Hong Kong, spread from the pole.Some people think that they are familiar with the "old Hong Kong", which have been washed away like the annual tea stains of the purple sand teapot; the extremes preach "Hong Kong is dead" and attribute everything to the constitutional system of "one country", and even regarded nine.Seven regression into historical errors.In other eyes, I saw Hong Kong's defeat, love colonial and Hong Kong independence, and blamed the "chaos" on the return road in 1997. There was no thinking and system shackles that got rid of British colonial rule, and advocated completely transformation and de -westernization.Many people are calculating between the poles.

The central government reiterates to adhere to the original intention and does not go.State President Xi Jinping's important speech last year's "July 1st" was set, and "must be adhered to" one country, two systems; on the premise of maintaining the principle of "one country" and interests, "must maintain the unique status and advantages of Hong Kong" and "maintain the normal law system", Expand international connection, cherish and make good use of Hong Kong," continue to carry forward the fine traditions of tolerance, tolerance, simultaneous survival, self -improvement, and good luck. "He demanded a special care of the new generation, saying that "the prosperity of youth, then Hong Kong is prosperous."

To live the essence of the middle, the song of Hong Kong sings loudly.Nowadays, the sense of alienation of young people is serious. After the "improving election system" at the end of 2021, the first Legislative Council election, the voting rate of young voters plummeted, only 6.4%to 6.6%!According to the Hong Kong Youth Association Youth Chuangye Library survey last year, nearly half of the young interviewees (46.9%) were pessimistic about the future of Hong Kong, and only 37.9%were optimistic about the future development of individuals.The rule of law, human rights, tolerance.Therefore, at the same time as Daxing civil engineering and material construction, it is also necessary to highlight the value civilization, so that Hong Kong people -especially the new generation -know why.

The existence of Hong Kong in one country, two systems, in turn also reflects the truth of one country, two systems.Today and the back (exceeding 2047), the environment of the 25 years is not the same. The constitutional requirements have changed. However, a "active VS. passive" Hong Kong will still be strong in the same color of one country, two systems.At the forefront of the country, the separate characteristics of Hong Kong lies in the creation, testing, and breakthroughs, especially in the connection with Western capitalism, the hub and cross -cultural atmosphere, and it is difficult for mainland cities to replace it.

The country is good in Hong Kong. It is necessary to achieve "the need for the country, the director of Hong Kong."No matter how beautiful the last century was, if Hong Kong lacks the length of the country today, it can make up for the insufficient mainland, and it will be difficult to value the country's modernization.Understanding the overall situation of the country, not only seeing the prospects of national rejuvenation, but also facing various challenges internal and external, worrying about the country's worry.At present, Sino -US relations are at a low point, geopolitics worsen, and the global economy is severe, testing the wisdom of China's great power.The more China can integrate into the world, and the world is also trustworthy and optimistic about the future of China, Hong Kong has strategically played space and existence.

Hong Kong must be internationally -especially the Asia -Pacific -re -layout. If you can't marginalize you, you will be more introverted.The state requires a Hong Kong that has radiation power instead of hiding behind the country. It can attract Sifang talent enterprises, capital and technology, and lead the Greater Bay Area to play an external circulation role.When political tensions can still be done well, the positioning of the "eight centers" is to see the true chapter, which is the essence of returning to the international stage.

Adversity combat must be self -improved to the moment.In the future, the contradictions in the practice of one country, two systems are unified, difficult, and the challenges are high: how to highlight the high degree of autonomy of the special zone under the central government's comprehensive governance power, how to achieve the local politics of five lights and ten colors under the main axis of the Patriot, how to maintain national security and national security and national security and national securityThe colors of the rule of law of free human rights, how to let young people embrace both national identity and pride, and how to obtain both trust in the country and the international.Re -industrialization and re -intermediation, we must surpass traditional operating models, develop new functions, open up new industries and new markets, and do not simply copy the inside continent, integrate with the mainland not only to see business opportunities and pursue short profit.

Hong Kong's resurgence, not only relying on national support, but also to abandon self -intoxication or dwarfing. It is willing to imagine and dare to take risks again to reshape the brand and charm.The online term "FOMO", "Fear of Missing Out" (afraid to miss it).BeardSelf -asking: "If you miss Hong Kong, what you have lost"; if you lose nothing, people do not mind giving up and bypassing Hong Kong.To tell the story of Hong Kong, you need to impress the local, mainland and international listeners, why can't it without Hong Kong, and what kind of "Hong Kong" is this?