Times Time Turns

In 2009, US President Obama visited China for the first time and presented 361 pawns to Chinese leaders.In the context of the fierce competition behind the Chinese and beautiful scenes, gifts can convey relevant information in a silent way, and can "concrete" very abstract diplomatic strategies.profound.

Go is a game entertainment tool invented by ancient China, and it is also a high -level strategic game.Both sides of the game compete for advantages through the contest of wisdom and skills. The overall strategic thinking of the two sides is full of consistent thinking, whether the strategic layout is reasonable, whether it can seize the opportunity, whether it can respond to timely, timely remedy and counterattack, which will affect the victory and defeat.Chess is like life and is more like a big country. The United States regards China as a strategic opponent, and China and the United States will become strategic opponents.Whoever wins the two sides, only through the strength of the power, chess or Go is the problem of winning or losing, there is no problem of concession and cooperation.

As a great power of the big country, playing the chess mode, the siege and killing and killing are trying to destroy competitors; China as a rising country can only play cautiously, play the Go mode, it is better not to talk about you die.Strive for the expansion of Li Daitao's rigid forces, compromise with each other in the struggle, and use the concept of the "post -empire" to make both sides coexist.

Bujetzinsky is the leader of the US strategic industry. He has had an important impact on the changes in the contemporary world pattern, and has made precise assessments on the current status of the world pattern.He published a big chess game in 1997: The primary status of the United States and its geographical strategy make international politics a widely known statement. Systematically discuss how to ensure the global strategy of the United States.The perspective of the geopolitical center believes that if the United States wants to continue to maintain the world leadership, it must control the Asia and Europe.

The World Island Asia -Europe mainland is a big chessboard, and the geographical strategy is a big chess game.On this vast chessboard, there are several chess players in competition. The most important players are in the western (French), east (China), central (Russia) and southern (India) of this chessboard.As an offshore North American giant island country, the United States has held the Britain and the east to control Japan and South Korea in the west. As the two wings of the Balance of Balanced Asia -Europe, it is inevitable and only strategic choice to maintain its global status.

China ’s strategy to deal with the United States is to establish a“ two wings ”with larger things -regional comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (RCEP) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) — at least starting from economic integration,Take this as a hedge of the power of the United States alliance at both ends of the World Island.With RCEP, including the Asian -RMB country and the United States allies, Japan, South Korea, and Australia, the United States cannot give full play to the entire force of China in the way of harming the interests of neutral countries and allies. In additionThe SCO Organization -Further expansion in the future to absorb the countries, Turkey and Egypt in the Gulf of the Middle East, it will make the United States and Europe -NATO inevitably mouse taboos;In -depth cooperation in finance, Western sanctions and restrictions on China are probably only more rejuvenated and harmful than restricting Russian energy.This is the essence of the game that does not pursue the gains and losses of the city in the go of the city.

The vast and rich Asian and European mainland chessboard provides a stage for the "chess player". The condition of the United States to become the winner is: the middle zone of the chessboard -that is, the scope of the SCO today -can be gradually and can be gradually and can be gradually and can be gradually and can be gradually meadpedThe scope of the western forces dominated by the United States; controlling the edge of the land and sea; and the base of the eastern countries that do not unite the United States out of the sea.

If the middle and middle refuse to move closer to the West, or to achieve a certain union in the Eastern RCEP area, the US status will not be able to avoid damage; if the Western partners in the United States pass the European Union through the European Union, the United States will stand out from its western area.The United States will naturally be forced to terminate its competition in the ASEAC.The United States cannot accept that any major power in the ASEAN pose a threat to the leadership of the United States, and has to decide how to deal with regional alliances that may squeeze the United States out of the Asian Europe.

Bujitzinsky made a related discussion on Sino -US relations: China may not only play a greater geopolitical role in the entire Asia -Europe continent.In the Far East of Asia and Europe, China may become more and more important. Unless the United States and China can successfully reach a consensus strategy, the United States will lose its political foothold in the Asian continent.Without the concept of symbiosis in Go, that is, the coordination of the United States and China strategy. As the eastern pillar of the United States to participate in European Asian affairs, the United States cannot have the geographical strategy of Asia. Without the geopolitical strategy of the Asian continent, it is impossible for the United States to have the geopolitical strategy of the Asian Europe.EssenceRegardless of the European and Russian war, maintaining Sino -US peace is the only choice for the Cold War world.

The author is the Deputy Dean of Chengdu Shitong Research Institute