Thinking Space

People will define the planets where they live around their stars, and define a cycle for a week, and select the planet's specific relative position for the stars as the reunion between the old end and the new starting point to set the abstraction to set the abstractionThe scale of the transformation is meaningless and endless time, giving people understandable meaning, this is one year.

At the end of each year, people tend to review the past starring cycle of the past and many events that have occurred.Every incident is to ensure a comprehensive inventory, but from the perspective of giving meaning, it seems to see flowing water.The author does not take the liberty based on the concept of meaning, and reviews the incident that can develop meaningful ripples in the long river of history in the long river of history.

The Cold War order after the end of the Russian and Ukraine war

In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, trying to quickly subvert the legal government of Ukraine and capture Ukrainian territory.Russia launched the war that aimed at changing national boundaries, which was rare after the end of World War II. It was only seen after the end of the Cold War. The historical significance was to completely end the post -Cold War order.

After the Cold War Order Cao Chuang in the Gulf War, characterized by: values -based national behavior, replacing naked national behaviors based on national interests, and singing high on the international stage; non -traditional threats replace one country to survive another country to survive another country.The threat gradually became the main threat of stability in the international community; the camp disintegrated, the competition and cooperation between the country realized the globalization, and it was no longer able to distinguish between non -red or blue. Members between the old hostile camps could also cooperate with it.There are also fierce competition between the old allies.

The most criticized American interference in the United States, compared to Russia's aggression, has the characteristics of post -Cold War: the United States does not seek to expand its own or allies, but Russia is still pursuing land.

Russia's aggression in Georgia in 2008 and the naked annexation of Crimea in 2014 accumulated the pressure of the cold war after crushing. The comprehensive invasion of Ukraine in 2022 completely stimulated the European and American allies.: Reappear.NATO, as a combination of traditional national interests based on collective security, has a strong revival.The comprehensive resistance of Europe and the United States to Russia can declare that the situation of globalization "you have me and you have you" can be changed. This paradigm, this application is successful, which means that the fierce competition in the future can also take a similar road.

From a historical perspective, the Russian and Ukraine War may promote the revival of the traditional "alliance -confrontation" system.

"Luo Loving Wade Case" was subverted and ended in progressiveist strategic offensive

This system is not even the Cold War -type, which is divided by ideology as the camp, but is based on the safety of the territory security.Between countries may pay more attention to the defense and competition of strategic land, geographical land, and resource land. Values may be reserved from the main driving force of their acting to packaging their actions.

In June 2022, the US Federal Supreme Court overthrew the "Roe V. Wade case" 50 years ago. Since then, the abortion right is no longer protected by the Constitution.

After the

Watergate incident, progressism started from the United States and opened a period of half a century in Europe and the United States and the entire world.Progressiveists successfully operate many issues into the world's major political and development issues, including the rights of ethnic minorities, immigration rights, women's rights, sexual niche rights, environmental protection, etc.The victory of the Cold War is more advanced. In the post -Cold War era based on values, the development of progressiveism has been encouraged.

In 2015, the US Federal Supreme Court declared legal marriage in the form of a jurisdiction. This method of regulating the theme of social controversy by force was considered a great victory of progressiveism.The waves of progressiveism are farther and less traditionally radical in Asia.In 2017, Taiwan passed the "Shi Zi No. 748" to declare that he was legal in Asia in Asia.

As the strategic offensive of progressiveism reached its peak, conservativeism finally rebounded.Since the beginning of Trump in 2016, it has opened the road to the right of Europe and the United States.

This right rotation trend is not a simple party rotation, but a counterattack calculation at the level of social consciousness.Trump's high support rate, Brexit, Europeans' fear of immigrants, and the "white left" stigma trend finally integrated in 2022 with the "Robe's Vender case".Progressiveism has ended for a half -century strategic offensive, and it forms a staminated situation with the conservatives of counterattacks.

In a historical period in the future, the phase of progress and conservativeness may show a tug -of -leversed state, and the new international order formation is continuously affected by the end of the Cold War order.The proposition of progressiveism is no longer a matter of course, but the debate and no unique truth. Progressists will have to "bend to respect" and try to persuade the people instead of those who cannot immediately accept the concept of progress.fossil.

Perosi visits Taiwan to reveal the fundamentalization of China and the United States

In August 2022, Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, visited Taiwan with a high profile.The U.S. government's administrative branch tried to soothe the angry Chinese leaders, but this time the visit to Taiwan was an iconic incident that accumulated the accumulation of quantitative changes and revealed the fundamentalization of China and the United States.

The reconciliation and cooperation between the United States and China is based on the co -enemy of the Soviet Union.In the design of the Nixon's "triangle relationship", the combination of the enemy to fight against the main enemy is the main axis of ideology.After the main enemies were destroyed, the permeated Cold War optimism, dominated the United States full of imagination of China, thinking that peaceful evolution is on the road, but it is only a matter of time.

With the strengthening of China's strength and gradually abandoning the "tug of light" tactics, and the gradual disintegration of the post -Cold War order, the United States has gradually formed a new consensus: that is, China will not change according to the optimistic expectations of Klinton. China from values to geopolitical interests, all of whichContrary to the United States, the United States must find a way to stop China before it can be stopped.

When Pelosi visited Taiwan, although the U.S. administrative branch conducted tactical comfort to China, it was still based on the main strategic considerations and the arrangement afterwards.

Similarly, the Perlis visiting incident and the internal consensus of the United States revealed behind the incident have made Chinese decision -making space increasingly narrow.The smaller the power of the "friend and me" in the United States that can be used by China, the more urgent the time for China to solve the Taiwan problem and the time arrangement with the US showdown; in contrast, the more urgent the preparation of the United States to China.

Persistence is urgent. In a historical period in the future, it may be the most dangerous period of the Western Pacific.

The author is a Beijing cultural worker

In a historical period in the future, the phase of progress and conservativeness may show a tug -of -leversed state, and the new international order formation is continuously affected by the end of the Cold War order.Progressive claims are no longer taken for granted.