Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Huang Huihua

In mid -December 2022, the Japanese government confirmed the military and political routes in the next 10 years through security through the new version of the "National Security Strategy".These three documents include the National Security Protection Strategy (NSS), the "National Defense Strategy" and the "Defense Forces Preparation Plan".The cabinet was revised for the first time.It is worth noting that since the military exercise of mainland China in August, several missiles have fallen into Japan's exclusive economic zone. Japan's new security strategy has particularly emphasized the safety of Taiwan and China.

Defense Taiwan Strait New Strategy

The most noticeable revision of Japan's new version of the "National Security Protection Strategy" is that Japan will have a counterattack ability to break through special defense.Japan promises to adhere to the security policy of self -defense and not become a military power.Prior to this, Japan pursued a complete defense policy. Now, if necessary, the Self -Defense Forces can use the minimum force to prevent missile attacks on Japan or nearby countries.

But the Japanese government emphasized that this possible counterattack operation will coordinate with the United States, and any act of use of force will be at the minimum.Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi emphasized that "this is a response within the scope of the constitution, international law, and domestic law."The premise of counterattack ability must meet the following three conditions: "Japan's attack or friendly country is threatened to survive in Japan; no other appropriate means can repel attack; force use is controlled to the minimum." This is based on new security in 2016.The legal system basically does not destroy the original legal system.

In order to make up for the Japanese Self -Defense Force to only adopt the restrictions on the trend of defense and the use of force, the purpose of modifying the security documents is to improve the ability of the United States and Japan.As early as January 2022, the Japanese Self -Defense Force and the U.S. military formulated a joint combat plan to prepare for the emergency situation of Taiwan.If the situation is used on the Taiwan Strait conflict, it is in line with the first and second points. As for the third point, Japan can only intervene in low degree.

Of course, before Japan uses force, it must be approved by Congress.After all, the Self -Defense Force is not a regular army. The key to being able to truly move is to make the restrictions of "abandoning war, not maintaining force, and not having battle rights" by modifying Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution.There are still restrictions on Japan's sending troops to defend others.

The latest national security strategy of the Japanese government emphasized that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community.In order to maintain the strategic balance of the Taiwan Strait area, it is now possible to follow the "comprehensive deterrent" strategy of the Bayeon government in the United States.But the deterrent strategy is not the same as the use of force.Under the premise of not using force, Japan ’s“ comprehensive deterrence ”strategy emphasizes strengthening the defense capabilities of the Southwest islands and improving the defense budget.

Strengthen the defense capabilities of the southwest islands

In January 2022, the US -Japan Foreign Defense Minister (2+2) reached a consensus during the talks. The United States and Japan joint combat plan established a temporary attack base in the southwestern islands from Kagoshima Prefecture to Okinawa County, southwest of Japan.The purpose is to respond to the emergency situation of the Taiwan Strait issue and make a good preparation.In early December, Japan announced that in order to effectively fight the threat of ballistic missiles around Japan. In the past, the land self -defense force defense forces with the main task of intercepting enemy aircraft and regional air defense as the main task will have the capacity of ballistic missile defense (BMD) to strengthen the defense combat power; This also means that in the southwestern islands of Japan, the BMD self -defense force is expected to increase by nearly three times.Before the end of March 2023, at Ishigaki Island in the South West Islands, he was equipped with medium-range air-to-air missiles, anti-ship missiles and about 500-600 Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSF).Before the end of 2031, the Battle of Battered Missile (ABM) was strengthened on the Southwest Island.

Improve budget as an effective deterrent ability, create conditions

In order to respond to the conflict of the Taiwan Strait, Kishida Wenxiong has instructed relevant government units to study the scale of the US military budget as a new military budget for Japan.Therefore, in this new security document, in order to improve the ability of the Self -Defense Force, the Japanese government must consider that military expenditure must maintain a certain level. Before 2027, the proportion of general expenses will increase to 2%.Necessary measures.

In 1976, the then Prime Minister of Japan, Miku, the government, controlled the defense budget to the GDP ratio within 1%.In the G7 countries, the Japanese defense budget is the lowest.Only in 2010 exceeded this number, at that time, Japan's GDP fell due to the influence of the global financial crisis.So in the past, for nearly 10 years, the Japanese defense budget can be said to maintain a low -degree and restricted growth.In order to respond to the next 10 years of plans, including human resources, new operations, the reform of the Self -Defense Force, advanced weapons procurement, etc., appropriate budget support is required.

Japan tied the Taiwan Strait safely together, reminding the Taiwan Strait's military forces to be unbalanced on the white paper, and the purpose should be reminded not to ignore the possibility of the Taiwan Strait conflict.Although the Japanese self -team has not fully used force to fight against foreign enemies, in recent years, Japan has paid more and more attention to security issues. The Self -Defense Forces must be able to fight against enemy forces at sea and the air.Advanced weapons of R & D and procurement are the key points of the victory of the development of asymmetric strategies.