Perspective of current Affairs

Chinese President Xi Jinping has completed his trip to the Middle East. The most notable is the joint statement of the National Cooperation Committee of China and the Gulf of the Bay.With a position in the sovereignty dispute with the Persian Bay Island.According to the Voice of the United States, Ramley, an expert in the Middle East issued in Trump and Bayeng's two -time government, said: "This statement basically adopts the Arab country's position on Iran."In the strategic competition of the Arab countries led by Sunni, the latest attitude of Beijing is a quite unusual international attitude.

The Iranian government naturally responded fiercely, summoned the Chinese ambassador to Iran, and expressed "strong dissatisfaction" to the Chinese side.Hu Chunhua, deputy prime minister of the State Council of Beijing, also has a deep meaning of the "fire extinguishing" trip to Tehran.For example, Premier Zhou Enlai emphasized that "there is nothing small in diplomacy."Hu Chunhua, a high -quality student from Peking University, who was born in the "College Entrance Examination", was once generally regarded as the new generation of Chinese leaders.However, after the Politburo of the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government, Hu apparently stepped down.Sending such a "five -day Jingzhao" to soothe Tehran, the implicit diplomatic information is clear at a glance.

In my opinion, China's latest diplomatic attitude is a "hedge" response to the development of the Middle East.Due to the continued national protest movement triggered by the "headscarf" incident in Tehran, the Iranian regime was fluttering, and its long -term survival was increasingly doubtful.On this issue, Beijing has profound historical lessons.

In early 1978, the mass movement against the rule of king in Iran was intensified under the violence of the autocratic regime. In the summer and autumn, the Papali dynasty had been crumbling.Nevertheless, at that time, Hua Guofeng, the highest leader in China, officially visited Iran at the end of August, becoming the last big leader who received before the fugitive of King Pasley.

In the continuous street demonstration and bloody targets, Hua Guofeng and King Ballevi toasting the scene of "China -Iranian Friendship", which led to the "knock down China" slogan immediately on the streets of Iran.More than 20 years later, when the Washington Post was reported to strengthen relations with China, people in Tehran intellectuals were still looking back at Hua Guofeng's visit to "leave a very strong negative emotion to China in Iran."

The misjudgment of the development of Iran's situation in that year also led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

How long can the current Iranian regime still survive, it is difficult to predict, but the younger generation of Iran who has been educated in modern education has generally no longer believed in the doctrine of religious leaders. It is an indisputable fact.

In addition to the need to hedge international political interests, from the recent economic and trade perspective, the Gulf Arab countries are also beneficial to another.However, Trump said on the president that the Arab regime did not support Uncle Sam for less than two weeks, not bragging out of thin air.

In addition, the Persian Gulf territorial disputes began in the era of the Pakalevi regime, and Iran's strong secular nationalism tradition will never disappear with the religious regime.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America