Regional focus

Malaysia is currently in power by the "unity government" consisting of the five major political party alliances such as the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional. Anwar announced the on -.Double rising, letting the people of Malaysia who have been in a low tide and complaining suddenly felt new and new expectations and new expectations; the first time in the Malaysia country, the first time in the history of the Hanging Parisians had dispelled the smoke.

After the political changes of the 14th election on May 9, 2018, Barisan Nasional, which has been in power for more than 60 years, lost its appeal for more than 60 years.Drama came to power in power, Mahathir was appointed in the second time, and then replaced by the non -people's election Prime Minister Mu Yuding, and later Isemisabiri, until the 15th election appeared in the parliament, the development before and afterA wonderful and living political drama.

All political parties and political alliance leaders of the government signed a unity government cooperation agreement on December 16th.The two majority members supported to obtain commitments with intimidation, and consolidated and supported his stable leadership to complete the five -year term.

Then, although Congress voted oral voting on December 19, through the motion of trust in Anwar, but with the support of how many members of the members who could not be specifically understood, political observer generally believed that Anwar would not face major recent expectations.Political challenges, but it is difficult to guarantee whether the policy policy can survive his political career safely.

The 15th election confirmed the power of "green tsunami".The election results show that the Iraqi Party, which emphasizes religious governance, has surpassed the UMNO, the Justice Party and the Turkish Mission, and has become the largest single party in Malaysia.Malay voters pin their hopes on the Iraqi Party and votes to the Iraqi Party, but the Chinese votes are biased towards the Democratic Party.The development and evolution of this ethnic dualization is definitely not conducive to diversified racial society and hindering national unity. Whether Prime Minister Anhua will face the problem of ethnic polarization is a topic that the people of Malaysia, especially Chinese, will pay attention to the future.

The Chinese Chinese do not want to see the radical and extreme Muslim ideas spread quickly in cities and rural areas, and do not want to split the Malay community, let alone the use of racist emotions during the election during the election period.Bad means.In the 15th national election, the Iraqi Party Chairman Hadi Awang took the grazing as a metaphor and asked the Malians to "be more willing to be a cow or a pig", which is a veritable instigating racial strategy.

Malaysia Chinese people are looking forward to the united government of Anwar.But how far can the "unity government" go?Can Anwar's political wrist quickly rescue Malaysian politics that is deeply trapped in the mud, and whether its political wisdom and policy pattern can get the hearts of Malaysia and Chinese people who are concerned about Malaysian politics.Vanity.

Anhua was once a radical radicals and was also chairman of the National Muslim Student Union.Mahathir introduced him to politics, from a future Malaysian leader who loves one in the future to enter the Cold Palace, and then return to the stage of the stage of Malaysia politics today.Smart unity of the country and improve ethnic relations.

But who can Anwar be safe?Perhaps it still needs to be reminded.

On September 16 this year, the Iranian moral police accused the 22 -year -old woman Mahsa Amii who arrested her after wearing a headscarf.This incident caused public anger. Anti -government demonstrations broke out from all over Iran, fighting for freedom and rights for women, and setting off the "headscarf revolution". The tide of university campus protests that lasted three months have not subsided. Iranian students did not follow public places in public placesThe rules of men and women should be separated from the classroom.Singing the national anthem before the start of the Qatar World Cup, Iranian player Mo Yan's lips calmly, using the action of singing the national anthem to express the support of the headscarf demonstration; the American Times Weekly even announced that Iranian women were "annual heroes".

Religion's sound of resistance has attracted the attention of the world. Presumably, Anwar must not ignore the power from the people. The unity government of Malaysia should cherish the significance of unity and really formulate unity policies for Malaysians.

The author is Malaysian columnist