December 23, 2022

Recently, many rape cases involved in children were sentenced in court, which aroused widespread concern in society.What is even more disturbing is that these cases involve children raped by male relatives at home.However, some rapists are over 50 years old because they are convicted, and those who exceed the law that can be punished can be applied for a long time, and they are replaced by long imprisonment.

President Halima posted on Facebook on December 19, saying "extremely uneasy and disgust" to a series of cases.She therefore called for a review of the law of rapes at the age of 50 to avoid being whipped.She pointed out that the cruel actions of these criminals caused the victims to withstand "serious trauma for a lifetime", and ironic was that they were able to escape the pain caused by whipping.

The biological daughter, stepfather or adoptive daughter who rapes the young and helpless biological daughter, stepfather, or adoptive father, not only serious criminal behaviors, but also called no moral beasts.It should be severely punished by law.However, it can escape the more deterrent and scary punishment of the whipping because of the law of age restrictions. It seems that many people are indeed unrealistic to many people, not to mention that some people are less than 50 years old when they commit crimes.

You can't whip after 50 years of age. It is the provisions left over in the colonial era, and it is obviously outdated.Therefore, in recent years, members of Congress have issued a call for review.For example, Mu Renli Mu Renli, a martial arts, pointed out last September that the 50 -year -old restriction was formulated in 1900. At that time, the expected life expectancy of British men at that time was 47 years old, which was similar to the age limit of whipping.After more than 120 years, the life expectancy of local men is in their 80s, so he questioned whether the current age limit is still applicable.

Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, responded at the time that the government did not think it was necessary to raise age restrictions.A man over 50 years of age involving a severe crime of whipping punishment is obviously less than the man under the age of 50. The court also has the right to judge the additional imprisonment period to replace the whipping.However, this is undoubtedly losing the whipping of the whipping.

According to the data of the Ministry of Social and Family Development, cases in which children have been sexually assaulted in the past 10 years have gradually increased.For example, in 2011, the official investigated a total of 72 cases, increased to 181 in 2017, 248 in 2018, 210 in 2019, and 261 in 2020.However, the data about male sexual assault, succession or adoption of children are paid.

Children's sexual assault cases have attracted official attention and have been amended the previous year to improve sexual crime punishment involving children under 14 years of age.However, President Halima's response is enough to explain that in many people's eyes, the crimes of rape young children are particularly serious. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish and make more targeted treatment.For example, the court is allowed to deal with such criminals more severely.As a father, they not only did not fulfill their responsibilities to protect their children, but also used the relatively hidden environment of the family to sexually assaulted them.

President Halima's proposal proposal, and some people also hold opposition, such as local women's actions and research associations (Aware), mainly from the position of opposition to all whipping.But more people agree.Some people suggest that if it is inspected and proves that the prisoner's health is fine, they should be punished.

Some people even think that in addition to reviewing whipping, individual rape criminals can also consider using "chemical castration".The so -called chemical castration is not a real castration, but to reduce male hormones and inhibit sexual impulses by injecting drugs.Some countries have done so.

Whether these suggestions are applicable are worthy of further discussion.In addition to trying to improve the punishment and scare of criminals, society should also seriously discuss how to strengthen the protection of children from being sexually assaulted by loved ones, such as trying to strengthen children's sexual education, let them know which of them have violated their behavior, and know how to go towards them.Other relatives or teachers expose the crimes of the offender.

Children are raped by male relatives at home, although it is not just a legal issue, but law is the most direct and effective way to deal with criminals. In view of the signs of such cases, it is timely to discuss whether the law should be amended.