Guo Liangping column

Large -scale sealing with the goal of clearing zero has lasted for three years in a large country with a population of 1.4 billion, which is a miracle in itself.The beginning of the effect is very good. By the summer of 2021, the countries around the world seemed to be stormy under the epidemic, and in Wuhan, the first outbound epidemic and the first city of the city a year ago, the masses gathered in the water park to play water.The photos of the world are rumored on the world media.At that time, China raised his eyebrows, and the "institutional self -confidence" reached the top again. The leader repeatedly called China's "world first".

However, the situation has changed greatly a year later, and the countries around the world have gradually returned to normal, but the emergency state is frequently staged in various parts of China, including Shanghai and Shenzhen, which is essential to the world's industrial chain.The damage to the Chinese economy for a long time is injured. In the second quarter of this year, the economic growth was 0.4%of the record.Trump has been decuming with China and rebuilding the supply chain outside China.Until October, the 20th National Congress report still said that "insisting on dynamic dynamics and shaking."

The folk is even more complained, not only because of losing freedom and decline in quality of life, but also because of the uncertain prospects of sealing and control.A large number of small and medium -sized enterprises and shops have closed down, and people are sitting at home and eating mountains, and they are deeply concerned about their prospects.Local governments have spent huge outbreaks and reduced taxes, and even governments in developed coastal areas in the eastern coastal are stretched.

Sudden protests are the signal of the nation's dissatisfaction that reaches the critical point, and it is not allowed to give up.However, when the highest level was loosened, the chain reaction of the local governments, which immediately triggered a dying local government, was like a dam to break the embankment.This exposes many other problems, such as the vaccine injection rate is not high enough, the hospital's severe illness bed is insufficient, and the scarcity of coronary drugs is scarce.The sudden opening of the lack of preparation, especially before the winter and the Spring Festival population flow, the hidden danger is great, and the large -scale infection is inevitable.Going to the economy.

No matter how the epidemic of this winter and Mingming worsening, China will eventually go out of difficulties and return to the road of economic growth.But the evolution of this situation exposes a series of problems in China's governance model.In a broader historical background, the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" also proposes a series of fundamental problems in concept, path, culture and value system, and institutional arrangements.

Do not miss the "Third Axis Era"

Unlike all rising powers after the Industrial Revolution, China has risen in an era of alternating new and old civilizations.It is the banner of "national rejuvenation", but faces the task of participating in creating new human civilization.The mainland government claims that "the new form of human civilization" is probably premature.From the perspective of anti -epidemic experience, obviously does not have the charm of the "new form" civilization, but it reveals the essential characteristics of the system. If it does not surpass this system, it cannot talk about the "new form of human civilization."

Human beings have experienced two leaps of spiritual civilization so far.The first time in the hundreds of years before the 2nd century BC: Almost at the same time as the same geography, a group of thinkers who profoundly affected future civilization have appeared, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Aristotle, andSocrates et al., Sakyamuni in India, a hundred sons in China.This era is also known as the "Axial Age", which means that history is like turning along the axis and entering a new stage of the development of civilization.In the axis era, the ideas and ethical foundations of the millennium empire were laid in China, and the Buddhist and Hinduisms that have been widely spread in India have created Judaism, Christianity, and Islam under the birth of Jewish prophet Abraham.However, the achievements of the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome lasted for a long time. As the Roman Empire was destroyed by the northern barbarians, Europe entered the darkness of the Middle Ages. Until the Renaissance re -discovered the ancient Greek Rome, a large number of philosophers, thinkers, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs were enlightened.It laid the modern science and political system, set off the first industrial revolution, and created modern industrial civilization.We can call it "the second axis era".

The modernization of this era is mainly divided into two paths.One is democratic politics on the basis of free capitalism, and the other is the totalitarian rule under planned economic conditions.The result of the two in the Cold War was the latter collapse overnight. The former won the victory and declared "the end of history."However, after 30 years, the capitalist economy and democratic politics were both in crisis, and it seemed that after doing its internal resources and wisdom, it still could not find a way to get out of trouble. This opened the window of the third axis civilization era.China's "national rejuvenation cause" is at this time. If it can seize the opportunity, it will have the opportunity to return to the forefront of civilization.

But the "national rejuvenation" pattern is not large enough to assume the mission of world history.The essence of civilization in the first two axis eras is universalism of non -border ethnic world, and the third axis era is impossible.On the contrary, what it wants to solve is the common problem faced by all human beings.The second axis civilization developed from an inconspicuous corner of the earth. At that time, there was no problem in consideration of the trouble of plaguing the world, such as climate change, degradation of resources and environment, large -scale killing weapons, epidemic diseases, human safety, employment and employment and employment.Immigration issues, meaning of life, medical and social insurance, polarization of the rich and poor, subversive technology, extreme politics and social tear, refugee tide, terrorism, human and artificial intelligence relationship, interstellar development and immigration brought by oneSeries issues and so on.These have exceeded the ability of the civilization of the second axis era, and need to be solved by the new civilization of the "Third Axis".The "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" can only get universal significance in exploring and solving these problems.But China wants to surpass its own universal, and three shackles are blocked in front.

Ideology orthodox

The two axis eras were produced in the blooming flowers and hundreds of schools.In the third axis, a large number of pioneering giants need to appear in various fields.If there is no considerable freedom in thinking and speech, it will be impossible to explode in the last two civilizations.The ancient Greek Rome is famous for its democratic democracy; Europe in the second axis era is in a feudal society with scattered power, as well as in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of Chinese hundreds of schools.And today in all aspects of China is under control.

The historical vision of Marxism directly leads to future human civilization, but its strengths are analysis and guidance "smashing an old world" instead of "building a new world".It is almost zero in guiding the market economy. Its class struggle also said that it also has the role of creating social contradictions and political conflicts.In any case, it is the early product of the second axis civilization, and many important conditions that produce it have no longer existed, and the world today is unexpected.Holding it to death, he could only be dragged by the past and could not move towards the future.It uses national authority to regulate people's thoughts, create a restricted area, and lock China in the second axis era.China needs its own Renaissance and Enlightenment to go to the future.

It is undeniable that freedom of speech has political consequences.The chaos of Western countries is often caused by irresponsible extremist remarks.However, the social stability cannot be achieved by shutting down people, and it is necessary to rely on the wisdom and brain holes to find a better way to resolve contradictions.Before emancipating the mind, before reaching the consensus of the whole people, you can implement the "separation of the notes" to replace the unity of knowledge and action to avoid ignorance.

There are advantages in the unified collection system, but the disadvantages are also obvious.The Chinese "Infinite Government" below it has hardly burden the responsibility that should not be affordable and should not be responsible.Everything that resistance is "deployed in person and instructed in person."This universal feeling is not what the modern rational government should have.Even the Singapore -type urban country, the Prime Minister did not have a lot of packages, but was authorized to go to the trading of a deputy prime minister and expert team.Yueye is a manifestation of political discharge and insufficient governance capabilities.

If you press the "Great Leadership Model" on the unified system, you can read the "four consciousnesses, two maintenance, two establishment"The tight curse is even more energetic. Power is too concentrated, and the officials are not right. It is the source of all bureaucratic disadvantages, including the" one -size -fits -all, layer of layers "that causes huge people's complaints, as well as formalism, bureaucracy, bureaucraticism, Traceism, corruption, abuse of power, rewarding good news, etc. These are consistently opposed by the mainland government, and they have always spared no effort to strengthen their conditions.

Power on the basis of consensus is the only way to govern China's oversized and super -complicated country.Give local autonomy, give grass -roots autonomy, and the central government mainly rely on the legal system to regulate the behavior of each subject, supplemented by party discipline, and use the model of party members to make up for the leakage, which can form a dynamic governance system.Correcting the "Kowloon Water" is not centralized, and more optimized division of labor cooperation, and more effective decision -making procedures and systems.

Social development lag

The other side of centralization is the lag of social development.For the problems faced by the above -mentioned human beings, countries with less concentrated democracy and other powers and relatively loose social conditions have emerged in the folk new concepts, new ideas, and a large number of tests.These are undoubtedly laying a foundation for the civilization of the third axis era.In recent years, the space of Chinese society has become more and more tight, and the innovation ability of local governments has also been bundled. It seems that a new idea has cured all diseases.The practice of controlling the epidemic in the past three years shows that it is not the case.

If "national rejuvenation" is reviewed at the personal level, as a Chinese with flesh and blood, it has never "Xing".From "country" to "home", the independent space of the development of society is missing.To survive in the gap is the normal state of the Chinese and the cause of inferiority of the people.When the first wave of epidemic in Wuhan was coming, the quality of rescue teams and volunteers from various places were very high. Their selfless and dedicated spirit quickly won the nation's respect. Xi Jinping said that they were "the cutest people."However, with the spread of the epidemic, long -term control, and a large number of local personnel, the "big white" transformed into the "evil politics" of the "evil politics".

The slogan of "going out to interrupt the legs and still locks off his teeth" is posted, and there is a mood of "where the officials are angry and the woman crying" in Du Shi.These universal resistances and immortal resistances, after changing the protective clothing, they have shown martial arts. In response to the ancient Chinese language, "once in hand, we can do the order", which reflects the distortion of human nature of the authoritarian system.Chinese people often compare the advantages of the country at the national level, but they cannot see the huge gap between individuals and social levels.The deepest source of power of civilization comes from the inner and healthy and mature society of everyone. At this level, China may not have entered the second axis civilization.

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore

No matter how the epidemic of this winter and Mingming worsening, China will eventually go out of difficulties and return to the road of economic growth.But the evolution of this situation exposes a series of problems in China's governance model.In a broader historical background, the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" also proposes a series of fundamental problems in concept, path, culture and value system, and institutional arrangements.