Financial perspective

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has announced the news of Singaporean's investment of S $ 360 million in the Air India. It has been more than half a month.Continue to discuss in the development of India's economic development and people in India and Asians.Some views believe that India allows foreign capital to share long -term protected former state -owned enterprises and strategic areas, re -ignition international investors' hope and longing for the prospects of Indian market economy. This view should also be to a certain extent. It is now trying to try to try to now.China, which is out of the epidemic, has brought some inspiration in China.

Singapore Airlines is the Indian Airlines method that combines the Indian Airlines method through the TATA Sons of TATA SONS (Vistara), which is invested to Indian Airlines after the transaction is completed. After the transaction is completedLay the foundation for getting a stronger foothold in India in the future.Tower New Airlines is a joint venture established by Singapore Airlines and Tata in 2013. Indian Airlines has been a state -owned enterprise for a long time before. Because of its losses for many years, the Indian government has decided to privatize it.It is rare that the Indian government also appointed Wilson, who had served as the president of Singapore Airlines, who had privatized India Airlines, which not only showed the tolerance of state -owned enterprises before foreigners to manage, but also further cleared the potential emotional emotions for the merger.obstacle.

It can be said that Singapore Airlines can come to this day in the Indian aviation market with excellent competition. In addition to relying on their own local persistence in the local area, it must be said that they must be traced back to the "defeated Eastern Airlines" operation 15 years ago.EssenceThis may have been forgotten now, and it can be said without saying that it has terminated the intention and interests of Singaporean and even many foreign airlines to later refer to the equity of China's aviation industry.If the investing transaction can be traded in the year, it can be boldly inferred that Xinhang may not be so persistent in the Indian market for a long time, or there is so much spare no effort to operate.

Then look back at the 2007 new aviation enrollment of shareholders' aircraft, and from it to understand why the issue of stocks is involved.

As Shinhang and Temasek Holdings began to detonate in the second half of 2007, the U.S. subprime storms began to detonate.EssenceEastern Airlines has suffered a lot of losses for more than two years since 2005, and has a very positive attitude towards the introduction of strategic investors like Singapore Airlines. This shareholding plan also happens to meet the focus of the State Council's State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission in 2007 -the release of the development of the industrial layout adjustment documentsIt is generally believed that the SASAC is also happy to see the cooperation model of China Eastern and New Airlines to solve the problem of capital, and to introduce advanced management models, which is a matter of one thing.

It seems that everything is available, and the shareholding transaction should be okay through the reason. Unexpectedly, China National Aircraft Carrier Corporation AVIC Group sees the "Xindong United".The stock price of China Eastern Airlines has added uncertainty to the passage of China Eastern Airlines and Singapore Airlines.

Sure enough, under the circumstances that the price gap between the offering of Xinhang and the market price was too large, the China Eastern Airlines shareholders' meeting rejected the investment transaction, which caused the plan to settle the original layout of the Chinese market.

Some people may say that it is meaningless to reintegrate this unbearable case of shares, but if considering the Indian government, it is no longer a strategic area for the long -term protection of accidents in the Indian government. In addition, China is facing reform and opening up at this time.The most difficult economic situation in the past, the Central Economic Work Conference of the Mainland Government's Central Economic Working Conference just held last week has emphasized that it is necessary to fight for economic growth. So how to restore foreign capital's confidence in China and ensure that things that happened 15 years ago are not repeated, but it is not irrelevant to it.Permanent.

In fact, after three years of rigorous and zero -epidemic prevention policy, foreign investment confidence in China can be said to have generally fallen into the bottom of the valley.Confidence was also shaken.According to the latest survey report released by the German Chamber of Commerce on the 15th of this month, the business confidence of Wald's enterprises and the attractiveness of the Chinese market have reached a record low this year, and more and more German enterprises are promoting the diversification of the industrial chain.In the nearly 600 interviewed, 61%of the enterprises in Waldes do not intend to invest in the Chinese market in the next two years, or plan to reduce investment, and 10%of the interviewed companies even consider withdrawing from the Chinese market.

No matter how optimistic the Chinese officials are in the future, the confidence of foreign investment in the Chinese market is one of the key factors that decide to revitalize economic results.After witnessing that local private enterprises have been severely damaged in recent years, state -owned enterprises have received policy support to move towards the goal of bigger and stronger. It has long no longer existing aspirations and intentions like Xinhang in the early years.

It can be said that in the visible future, foreign investment cannot imagine an example similar to Singapore Airlines' entry and printing, and it will appear in China, so assuming that such an example can be actively cooperated by the Chinese government, or it is promoted behind the back.A major measure to laid a strong needle in order to restore the confidence of foreign capital?Even a more symbolic transaction is to some extent, which can play an auxiliary role in promoting the economic growth track.As for whether it will appear, it needs time to observe.

The author is a local freelance writer