Source: China News Network

Author: Liu Huan

The green round collar shirt, wearing the iconic green workers and the Green collar shirt with the small emblem of the Ukrainian national emblem, the Ukrainian President Zelei arrived at the White House on the 21st local time and met with the US President Biden.

This is the first time that the situation in Russia and Ukraine has worsening in February this year, Zelei Sky has left Ukraine for the first time.

The Associated Press described that the relationship between the two seemed very harmonious, and Zeelianzki and Biden photographed each other's back.However, Zeelianzki's trip is more than greeting. One of his important tasks is to continue to put pressure on the leaders of Western countries in order to obtain more support for Ukraine.

Talking about each other, Biden and Zelei Sky said these ...

"I am glad you can come here. It is my honor to be with you." Bayeng said in a bilateral talks with Zeelianki, who visited the White House.He once again promised that the United States and European allies stood with Ukraine.

Zeelianzki thanked Biden for their support and the US Congress and thanked the American people.He said that "it may be very important for Ukraine."

Bynden said that Zelei "is willing to give life for his country and everyone who comes with him today. Therefore, what I think is that he will know that we will do our best to ensure that he succeeds."

Bynden pointed out that both parties in the United States are standing with Ukraine and "in Europe, Japan, and elsewhere to ensure that you get the safety assistance you need."

In bilateral talks, Biden also said that the United States will support Ukraine to pursue "fair peace".

Biden and Zellenzki also discussed the way the Ukraine crisis may end.Biden said that Zerrenki would "decide how to win" the crisis.He reiterated the US position that although Washington provided a lot of assistance, the United States would not impose peace conditions.

In this regard, Zeleiski said that he does not know what is "fair and peaceful", but for him, it means that he does not compromise with the integrity of Ukrainian territory.

After that, Zerrenzki gave a speech in the US Congress and was warmly welcomed.

Zeleiski said: "Despite various difficulties and doom, Ukraine has no occupation. Ukraine is vibrant." He also thanked Americans and "all people who cherish freedom and justice" for helping Ukraine.

Zelei Sky emphasized that the support of the United States and allies is "vital to victory in Ukraine."He said that Russia has launched special military operations on Ukraine for more than 300 days. Ukrainian soldiers are defending their country, but they need more weapons to win.

In addition, Zerrence urges US parliament to strengthen sanctions against Russia.

"Patriot" to the expert: not "Wanling medicine"

Zeleiski once said that his purpose of visiting the United States was to continue to strengthen the United States and Ukraine.And he really did not do this -he received military assistance from US $ 1.85 billion (about S $ 2.495 billion) in the United States, including the "Patriot" air defense missile system that Ukraine dreamed of.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskel issued a statement on the 21st local time saying that the United States welcomes Ukraine President Zeelianzki to visit Washington. The United States will provide Ukraine with "new and additional" military assistance to express the US support for Ukraine.

In the military assistance provided by the United States this time to Ukraine, US $ 1 billion will be withdrawn from the Inventory of the Ministry of National Defense, including the "Patriot" air defense missile system provided by Ukraine for the first time.In addition, the U.S. Department of Defense will provide Ukraine with US $ 850 million in assistance through the "Ukraine Safety Aid Project".

Since the President of Biden, the United States has provided Ukraine with a total of about $ 21.9 billion in military assistance.

Since the situation in Russia and Ukraine has deteriorated, Ukraine has been asking the United States to ask various weapons and equipment assistance. The "Patriot" air defense missile system is one of the most wanted military aids that Ukraine wants to get.

Zelei said at a joint press conference held by the White House and Biden: "This is a very important step for the establishment of a safe airspace for Ukraine, and it is also that we can stop the terrorist countries from attacking our energy department, ourThe only way for the people and our infrastructure. "

Biden said that he and Zeelianzky "completely" did not discuss the impact of a new "Patriot" air defense missile system that sent a new "Patriot" air defense missile system to Ukraine.He said: "This is not an upgrade, this is defensive ... We don't want them to use it -just stop attacking."

Experts point out that although the "Patriot" air defense missile system will be a valuable supplement to Ukraine's air defense, it is not "Wanling medicine".

According to the description of the US Strategy and International Issues Research Center (CSIS), the "Patriot" radar system "combines monitoring, tracking, and combining combination of combination in one unit", which makes it stand out in other air defense systems.The system of the system is "almost autonomous" with the coming air threat, except for the people who need to operate it to make the "final launch decision".

Former U.S. Army officer Mark Hetling told the United States Limited Television News (CNN) that people may have some unrealistic expectations for the "Patriot" air defense missile system.Hitlin said, for example, after the United States agrees to provide it, it will not be available immediately -it takes a few months to train the army how to use this complex system.He added that it takes about one year to train the U.S. military as a maintenance or repairman.And it cannot provide comprehensive coverage for the entire country.

Putin made an important speech. The Ukraine crisis is "the results of the third country policy"

At the same time as Zeelianzki visited the United States, the Russian satellite news agency reported on the 21st that Putin delivered a long and important speech at the expansion meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the same day, emphasizing that Russia will achieve all military operations in Ukraine, andPromise to the army with "everything they want".

Putin said that conflicts with Ukraine are inevitable.What happened in Ukraine is a common tragedy now, but this is not the result of the Russian policy, but the "result of the third country policy."

According to the Russian News Agency on the 21st, President President President Pesov said on the same day that the Kremlin is expected to change its position with Russia after visiting the United States, and will not change positively.

He said: "The supply of weapons continues and the supply scope of supply is expanding. All of these will cause conflicts and have no benefit to Ukraine."