Source: Wang Bao

Wangbao Society Review

Beijing recalled six diplomats involving the demonstrations outside the Chinese consulate in Manchester seem to have the intention of stopping bleeding. It is regarded as hoping to alleviate the dispute and avoid further deterioration of the relationship between Sino -British and Britain.Whether this can resolve the diplomatic deadlock between London and Beijing is to be observed.Whether London stops pushing and chasing and fighting, in addition to affecting bilateral relations between Britain and mainland China in the future, it can also observe the boundary of a series of major diplomatic actions since the mainland government.

Recalling diplomats and resting people

This diplomatic deadlock is planted in the first demonstration of the Manchester Chinese consulate.During the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government on October 16 this year, a Hong Kong person organized a protest in front of the Chinese consulate. The demonstrator and the consulate members broke out in a conflict. A man was pulled into the consulate and beaten.The incident has attracted great attention from British politics and has aroused Sino -British diplomatic storms.The British party summoned the Chinese Embassy in the UK to protest the interim office office, and the British police also involved in the investigation.In order to prevent diplomats from being announced to be deported for unwelling people, Beijing finally chose to recall the diplomats to rest.

British Foreign Minister Cleverly expressed disappointment with no one facing judicial procedures, but also said that the practice of recalling diplomats in Beijing is correct.However, the British Parliament Foreign Affairs Commission Chairman Kanez's attitude was tough, not only describing Chinese diplomats to escape like a daring ghost, but also asked the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs to declare them as uncomfortable people.About two weeks ago, British Prime Minister Sonak said that the "Golden Age" of London and Beijing has ended, and China has a systematic challenge for "our values and interests."

The so -called "Golden Age" in Sunak's mouth refers to the relationship between the two countries from 2010 to 2015.However, in 2019, British -China relations were nervous about the large -scale anti -repair campaign in Hong Kong because of Xinjiang Uygur human rights issues.In 2021, Britain and Australia and the United States signed the AUKUS security agreement. The sword refers to Beijing, and the relationship between the two countries has fallen to the freezing point.2022 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and China. Xi Jinping and then British Prime Minister Johnson had a phone call in March. In addition, there was no other friendly interaction.During the period of the Foreign Minister and during the campaign, the former Prime Minister Tras had a strong statement to China.In order to maintain the stability and peace of the Taiwan Strait, Britain does not rule out sending weapons to Taiwan.

Beijing Diplomacy illegal Leaks British

Since September, Xi Jinping has resumed visits that have stopped for more than two years, and frequently visited foreign leaders. At least it has officially met with the national leaders of 29 countries.Britain and Canada are the only Western powers that have not had talks with Xi Jinping. The two countries happen to be the closest ally in the United States, and have a special relationship with the United States and blood.

At the end of last month, Canada proposed a strategic report of Indo -Pacific, which pointed out that China "is an increasingly destructive global country."The report shows that the Trudeau administration's attitude towards Beijing has changed 180 degrees. Foreign Minister Zhao Meilan also said that Canada plans to send more warships to cooperate with the United States through the Taiwan Strait to highlight the international waters of the Taiwan Strait.In the past, Canadian warships also crossed the Taiwan Strait, but relatively low -key.The Canadian Foreign Minister's announcement shows the possibility of future military cooperation between Canada and the United States in the Western Pacific.

Broken the map, a series of major diplomacy in Beijing from Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa to Europe, leaking the Britain and Canada alone, which is quite fun.In the Five Eye Alliance, Xi Jinping met with the United States, Australia and New Zealand during the G20 summit, and had a good atmosphere of talks.New and Australia are members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partner Agreement (RCEP), which is closely related to China's economic and trade relations.Australia's new Prime Minister Albanis tried to rebuild relations with China, especially during the G20 summit. The relationship between the two sides has improved significantly.

The mainland government is dominated by economic and trade. I look forward to entering the Cross -Pacific Partner Comprehensive Progress Agreement (TPCPP). Canada is a member state. The United Kingdom may also join in one step than China. China is not necessary to deteriorate with these two countries.What's more, the relationship between the two countries will only deepen the opposition of the new Cold War Group, which is also what Beijing wants to avoid.Both Britain and Canada are facing severe inflation problems, especially the British inflation rate is as high as 10%, and there have been many major strikes.Nowadays, Sino -US relations tend to ease. As long as there are appropriate knocks on door bricks or catalysts, Britain and Canada should return to economic and trade issues to seek opportunities for cooperation with China. Beijing diplomacy can be more promising.