
Since the Cold War of the two major camps in the United States and the Soviet Union in 1991, the wave of democratic civilization has swept the world for a while, and some optimistic people are anxious to start a new stage of the so -called "post -democratization", that is, the globalization of economic and trade globalizationEssenceBut with the Sino -US trade war in 2018 and the invasion of Ukraine in Russia earlier this year, people suddenly discovered that the globalization on the surface is actually more like a pot of "raw rice" with a half -lifetime.

Why is "globalization" "clipped"?The answer should not be too complicated: because the goals and tasks of democratization are far from complete.Under the premise of this immature, it is rushed to advance globalization, and finally faces bitter fruit.Once a non -democratic country turns its face, it can provide weapons in trade energy or food, and to threat to their customers to achieve political purposes, such as Ukraine, a sovereignty country.

There are few wars between modern democratic countries. Disputes can often be solved through voting voting, negotiating negotiations, and mediation compromises.The hidden dangers and outbreaks are counted by dictatorship.In pain, human civilization is coming to the key node of the "Second Democratization Wave".

Ensuring Ukraine's final victory in the Russian and Ukraine War is not only to maintain the integrity of Ukraine's sovereignty, but also the outpost of the "second democratization wave". To this end, human progress has no choice.

In this context, a new round of democratic elections in many countries and regions recently also confirmed that the author of the United States' democratic book, Tockerville's prediction as early as the early 19th century: "It is thought that a long -term social movement can be able to be able to be.Is it not stupid to stop the efforts of a generation! ... In today's democracy has grown so powerful, and its hostile has become so weak today, how can democracy stop! "

In the context of the mid -term and Taiwan counties and cities in the United States, this article focuses on the democratic cognition, practice and improvement of the Chinese society.The Chinese society here contains the participation of the Taiwanese society and the Chinese ethnic group.

The narrow meaning of democracy is that the ruler must obtain the consent of the ruler, that is, the so -called "governing legitimacy" must also be able to be from public opinion.The broader democracy is a society that lacks the necessary signs of this modern civilization. In fact, it has not really entered modern civilization.Some people understand or describe modern civilization into material and capital richness. This is either innocent and simple, or attentive.Human civilization has never been limited to material civilization, and must include the simultaneous development and upgrading of ideas, value, systems, management and culture.

In this sense, Chinese descent of life and work in the democratic system and society, although this consciousness may be lacking, in fact, has exceeded the time and space obstacles of the millennium history. Compared with many of their own compatriots, they have entered modern civilizations in advance in advance.Kangzhuang Avenue.This may be a kind of luck, but it should be a responsibility, that is, for the future and descendants of the Chinese nation, it should continuously explore and enhance the major responsibility of democratic freedom.

The complete democratic architecture is a triple -in -one: democratic environment, democratic procedures, democratic value.The three are indispensable, otherwise it may cause the decline or even alienation of democratic quality.Democracy is not to build a sense of social superiority, but to practice ordinary citizen rights.Professor Lin Yusheng, a well -known Chinese -American thinker, divides democracy into three levels: totalitarian, populist and constitutional government.The cases of totalitarian authority include the "North Korean Democratic People's Republic"; Western mature countries such as Britain and the United States have used hundreds of years of experience to exchange constitutional democracy; although Taiwan has established a constitutional system, there are more populist nature mixing, resulting in operation, which leads to operational operation, which leads to operation.Processes, means, and some results are still far from democracy.

This also reveals the three major misunderstandings that Chinese society often occurred in democracy and practice: First of all, it is to think that entering a democratic environment and democracy.In fact, many people are troubled by deep collective unconsciousness. They do not cherish freedom in freedom, and blindly turn the narrow nation and populism on democratic freedom value. Finally, they are in a democratic society.In the past, many absurd endings and even tragedies were produced.

No matter how the democratic system is established, democracy is justified.For example, Taiwan ’s democratic system and practice have only been more than 20 years, and many links and operations must be improved and improved.Professor Lin Yusheng pointed out: "Most voting is a part of constitutional democracy, but most of them are not necessarily right, because most of them may sometimes be ignorant.The leadership of social and cultural elites with a sense of responsibility, the responsibility of these elites is to promote the significance of most people to understand democracy, and the other is that public opinion can be accurately expressed, but Taiwanese society seems to lack such elites. "

There are also the content of the democratic procedure and democracy.For example, the presidential election of the United States two years ago, because Trump refused to admit defeat after the defeat, and accused the election procedure of unfair fraud, it inspired the research and argument of democratic procedures in the Chinese voter circle.Familiar with democracy is of course important, but not enough.In terms of cognition and value, many people still do not understand what the philosophy of democracy is, which also leads to the lack of basic spiritual spirit of democracy. This is a major defect.

Politicians and thinkers in the West with democratic quality and experience have repeatedly emphasized one of the main points: that is, democracy is the most bad political system.This statement clearly clearly clearles the true meaning of democratic politics, that is, there is no ideal country, no utopia, democracy does not have to pursue the best, but it must be ensured that it is the least bad, that is, the golden mean, the middle, and the extreme modern political wisdom.If in the practice of democracy, it is worthwhile and reflected, because the extremes are just anti -democratic.

But extreme paranoid awareness has an advantage, that is, it is easy to incite people's hearts and emotions, but rationality and moderation often insufficient appeal to ordinary people.Extreme paranoia can lose temptation and market only when they encounter calm and rational minds.This is why Professor Lin Yusheng profoundly pointed out: "... Most of them may be ignorant and blindly followed ... relying on a few social and cultural elites who have the responsibility of knowledge and morality."

Moreover, there are many misleading Chinese public opinion and vocabulary: for example, to render a certain party's "defeat", a leader "blame resign", and even encountered "investigating impeachment".When many people talk about such a topic, it is like the power is not the same, but it is not the victory of modern civilization and democratic politics regardless of the results of the surface election.If such basic cognition is lacking, it means that it does not understand how democratic politics is going on, and it is still severely genetically disturbed by traditional extreme politics in the subconscious.This may be the "original crime" of a traditional and culture, and the biggest obstacle to modern democratic politics.

The author believes that the mid -term elections in the United States are the victory of extreme politics in American society; the results of the county and cities that have just ended in Taiwan are still the nature of the rotation of normal political parties, and there is no need to fury.The DPP is worth improving, lies in more limitations beyond the simplicity and populism, focusing on creating a comprehensive view, the overall situation, and international view;Victory may still be difficult to recover the overall trend of strategic chaos.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States

Politicians and thinkers in the West with democratic quality and experience have repeatedly emphasized one of the main points: that is, democracy is the most bad political system.This statement clearly clearly clearles the true meaning of democratic politics, that is, there is no ideal country, no utopia, democracy does not have to pursue the best, but it must be ensured that it is the least bad, that is, the golden mean, the middle, and the extreme modern political wisdom.