Beijing News, at 10 o'clock on October 16th, a staff member of Chengdu Tiandi Shengyuan Etiquette Service Co., Ltd. told the Beijing News reporter that at about 7 am, the company received the body of the secretary of the party committee of Chengdu University Mao Hongtao, the public security departmentForensic doctors have come to check.A staff member of the Chengdu Tiandi Shengyuan Etiquette Service Co., Ltd. told the Beijing News that their company was mainly engaged in funeral services. After the death of the personnel, the forensic medicine of the Public Security Department will conduct autopsy at the company.The above -mentioned staff revealed that at around 7 am, the company received the name of the registered body of the company, and the name was Mao Hongtao, around 50 years old.Forensic doctors at the public security department have been conducted in their company.

The Beijing News previously reported that on the 15th, Mao Hongtao, secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu University, suspected that he lost contact after the post of friends' circle.At 15:00 on the 15th, the staff of the Wenjiang Branch of the Chengdu Public Security Bureau told the Beijing News that the Wenjiang Police had received an alarm from the relevant units and the masses about Mao Hongtao.Multi -news.Chengdu University issued a notice on this incident through the official Weibo. Comrade Mao Hongtao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu University, posted on the personal WeChat circle of friends.Our school immediately set up a special class and is cooperating with relevant departments to conduct investigations. The progress will be announced in a timely manner.

The party secretary of a dignified Chengdu University left a suicide note, choosing to be light, not corruption, but not being able to fight corruption, which is extremely worthy of our thoughts.How many of us have this kind of fighting and corruption and being hit.

Public resumes show that Mao Hongtao, male, Han nationality, born in November 1970, Wuling, Henan, undergraduate and graduate students have been completed at Southwest University of Finance and Economics.The deputy director of the Division reached the Director of the Division. In the September 2016, May 1, 2014, he served as the deputy dean of the Sichuan Academy of Tourism and the member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee (during this: 2014.05 1 2014.08, and the second phase of the Sichuan Provincial Party School of the Provincial Party School of the Provincial Party School.Class training), then work in government departments, 2016.09 1 2016.11, member of the party group of Meishan Municipal People's Government; 2016.11 1 2018.12, Deputy Mayor of Meishan Municipal People's Government and member of the party group; 2018.12mdash; 2019.03, member of the Standing Committee of Meishan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Publicity Department; 2019.03, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu University.

The party secretary of Chengdu University posted a circle of friends before his birth.The content is below:

Have never sent a circle of friends, just end in this way.

Fifty life is not full, young people are diligent, young forge ahead, and middle age is successful, but because of the final mistakes of professional choices, they have entered the desperate situation.In the past eight months or even a year, it is indeed the most difficult time in life. The spiritual collapse and the body have been disordered. They face increasingly unclear chaos every day.

Finally confirmed that he has always adhered to principles. In a uniform units, it is true, because their interests are more firm and stubborn; although they are alone, their two sleeves are breeze, but they are trapped in muddy water.helpless.It is still lacking the experience of difficult and complex environment. He is angry and righteous. At this age and level, he is naive and simply believed in the truth, kindness and beauty of human nature.

Along the way, Wang Qingyuan had encountered a villain, pseudo -gentleman, and evil humanity.

Putting on the coat of scholars and chasing fame and fortune; the interest groups and independent kingdoms established at Chengdu University, which strongly defended the policy requirements of the principal's responsible system under the leadership of the party and party committee, continuously squeezed the three party committee secretaries, and whileI am the deepest of the victims and the strongest struggle.For more than a year, the injuries and injustice I have suffered in this life are extremely well known.With Yin moves, leaking selfishness, Laoshan head, no bottom line, on the surface is the dispute between the principal and the secretary, and behind it is profound justice and evil. It is indeed not expected that it is such a difficultness in the construction of the institutional mechanism and the sound governance system.Helpless to the price of life.This is the political ecology of Chengdu University, led by Wang Qingyuan: does not talk about politics, destroys the rules; gang gangs, arranged in the same way; management chaos, hidden dangers are overwhelming; private fraud, arbitrarily dedicated; medium -full private bagBy delaying career development.

Sorry for the cultivation of the party organization, there was no real tranquility to train into a steel warrior, and defeated!Sorry for the love of his loved ones, he failed to bear the responsibility of the man, and he broke it on his own!Sorry friends and classmates who are sincere, thank you for unconditional support and understanding in any circumstances!Sorry for the teachers and students who used to be so harmonious and united, I finally left everyone is regrets and bad example hellip; hellip; I really have to do it.Broken, no longer care.It ended because of the failure of work, and I felt ridiculous, but life and workplace were so cruel. I accepted and put down hellip; hellip;

hellip; hellip;

Seeing this circle of friends, the author really regrets the good party committee secretary who is not smooth enough for the principles of the righteousness.

In recent years, China's anti -corruption has achieved great results, but there are still party and government officials at the level of municipal bureaus. They are hit by corruption. They are oppressed by corrupt elements and corruption.Why can't our country's supervision and guarantee system play a role that should play in time, and why is tragedy still happen?Isn't it worth our reflection?

We must understand that the municipal bureau level is still the same, and some cadres and employees at the grassroots level are bound to be more rampant and more flooded.The suppressed cadres and people are definitely more dare to say.So how can our government and society help these suppressed cadres and the masses, how our system can control the restraint to supervise the behaviors of some cadres, and whether our system has established and improved the supervision system for cadres to suppress the alien.Is the cost of illegal and violations of cadres who suppress dissidents too low?Whether or not in our system is not exposed because of the excessive abnormal behavior of leaders' suppression of aliens, and it has also led to an extremely common effect.Whether everyone dares to be angry or not, is it common? Whether the cadres and the masses that are suppressed by the leader are far from Mao Hongtao alone. I think this answer is yes.

Our system, our legal system and system, and the behavior of suppressing dissidents for officials may not be enough, and the legal system and system are far from sound.The control and punishment of the act of suppressing dissidents are far from eliminating the behavior of suppressing aliens.This behavior of suppressing dissidents may also be on the fuzzy line of illegal and illegal regulations, and it is also easy to make officials drill out. No one can better control his behavior.Because many suppression behaviors may be within his rights, should China ’s suppression of alien behaviors within their rights be deeply studied and better control?I think these are worthy of our work.

We must not understand the fragility of an official.Instead, this society has made him despair and failed to give him the hope of justice and principles.Our government and system failed to preside over fairly.Choosing light life is to resist with life and choose light life.Even if our system has given him a little hope, I don't think he chooses to live lightly.

This incident cannot pass by. Mao Hongtao's death with life is to cause our government and society to focus on the problem of solving the problem of Chengdu University.If a life is still unable to call the government and society to solve the possible problems existing in Chengdu University, then as a living person, we also talk about what the national national rejuvenation and harmonious society.

May the deceased rest in peace and hope that the government has found out who has forced Mao Hongtao to the end?May just be so easy to be crushed by corruption.May Mao Hongtao's suicide note and light birth can open a new chapter in Chengdu University.I also hope that China will no longer appear Mao Hongtao's tragedy.

The Chinese government's anti -corruption is still far away, and we must do it for the dare to do it.Those who tell the truth in real things to adhere to the principles must also resolutely fight the threat to threatening to do the truth and tell the truth to persist in justice and principles.Molecular hell; hellip;

In the end, it is not only someone who forced Mao Hongtao to the end of the road. It is not just someone. The sound and effectiveness of our system and legal system is an important promoter to force Mao Hongtao to the road.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher at Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the International Financial Forum (IFF) Research Institute