< /p" Faced with a demonstration of a new generation of a new generation of political parties, the situation in Thailand has entered a new turbulent period.(Agence France -Presse)

October 13th is the fourth anniversary of the death of the former Thai King Pu Mei Peng. The Thai anti -government demonstrators gathered near the capital of Bangkok's Democratic Monument, and broke out of physical conflicts with the police.On October 14, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the Thai government office building, and once again asked the Prime Minister Bayu Government to step down, requiring Congress to convene an emergency meeting to discuss political reforms, and restrict constitutional restrictions on the royal power.

Bayu signed an emergency order at 2 am on October 15th, announcing that Bangkok entered a very urgent state from 4 am and prohibited five or more ralments.MRT system services.

Although Bayu said that the situation has not caused the authorities to declare military law, a new round of military coup will occur in the Thai folk customs in the near future.Bayuyuan is the military leader. In 2014, a coup launched a coup and amended the constitution. After the election last year, he continued to stay as the Prime Minister. Facing the increasing wave of anti -government waves, Bayu showed that he would not resign on Friday.Then indicate to strengthen the suppression.

In the past three months, there have been many protests in Thailand, including Bangkok, and the main demands of the protesters include the dissolution of parliament, re -drafting the constitution, stopping the people, etc.system.On October 14, when a team carrying Queen Steada in Thailand passed the streets of Bangkok, the demonstrators held up the three finger gestures symbolizing the three demands along the way to protest.

Due to the extremely harsh crime of offensive monarchy in Thailand, the demonstrator blocking the royal team is an unprecedented move, showing that the anti -government movement has been further upgraded.The Thai Cabinet has approved the implementation of an emergency order in Bangkok. If the turmoil deteriorates, the implementation will be implemented.

However, the anti -government demonstration that lasted three months has become more and more intense, and the promulgation of emergency states that can be effectively and quickly end the turmoil. In particular, the spearheads of the demonstrators have shifted from the coup to seize power a few years ago, and turned to the sword to the sword.Refers to the reign of a few years of scandal, luxury life, tens of billions of dollars assets and many concubines, and consciously expanding the Thai king Kajiralonki.

The Thai royal family can get a government budget of 37 billion baht (about S $ 1.6 billion) next year. The direct allowances that can be obtained are 9 billion baht (about S $ 396 million), which is more than 18 million yuan from the British royal family last year.There are still many Xinyuan. The demonstrators not only are dissatisfied with the huge amount of the royal family, but even make even more bold demands, allowing the people to exercise the right to speech for the royal family, as well as the right to restrict the royal family to support any coup.

The protests from last Wednesday have once again placed the controversial current Thai king in the vortex of public opinion. Wakaraton, who lived overseas for many years, returned from Europe last week.Report the largest demonstration in recent months.Thailand has always respected the royal tradition, and the taboos around the monarchy are rapidly disappearing. The protesters now call for the restrictions of the royal power, claiming that the king cannot override above the Constitution.

The suppression of the Thai police for several days has not shaken the determination of the demonstrator to fight. Some demonstrators have stated that they will continue to participate in the demonstration regardless of the emergency law, and even willing to sacrifice their lives and fight to the end.Wow Jiralonki said in a pre -recording comment on the National Television on Friday: Thailand needs the people who are patriotic and love the monarchy, but the younger generation has taken the lead in public against the king of Thailand.Great pressure.

In recent years, Thailand has more than ten military coup. From January this year, more than 200 demonstrations from all over the country have started. The emergency laws will make this momentum protest on the fire. I believe that more demonstrators will continuePromote their actions.From the past experience, it is announced that the emergency state cannot promote the demonstrators to leave the street, so violent bleeding incidents will not be ruled out next.

A recent round of demonstration may not be a watershed time that determines the political situation in Thailand. The trend will depend on how the protesters, the government, the royalist, etc. are played.The end of the government's street fighting is also far away.

After the emergency cabinet meeting on the 16th, Ba Yu told reporters: Waiting to see hellip; hellip; if you do wrong, we will use the law.Faced with the demonstration of a new generation of a new generation of party burdens, the situation in Thailand has entered a new turbulent period. Although the demands of the demonstrators may not be realized, the people have a major change in the freedom of speech on the royal family.It is almost the factual fact.