However, if you do n’t look at the phenomena, do n’t look at the fate, do n’t pray, do n’t meditate, do human beings make good and safe results with their own rational analysis or intuition?

The Presidential election has not been as close to Asians as much as Asians as this year, and even the October surprise that has always been considered to affect the election. In 2020, there are some discounts, because the 2020 itself is really true itself.It's so surprised.

But at the beginning of October, President Trump announced the crown disease 19, and all humans looked at the luggage bag that launched a nuclear bomb to follow him into the hospital, which was also surprising.However, it is even more amazing that he was discharged from the hospital for a weekend. Before the world had time to figure out what to do if the candidate died or could not continue the election campaign, it was confirmed that the hybrid therapy was valid a few days later.The old man is fine, and continue to live in the campaign!

These days have appeared in real surprise.Democratic candidate Biden was exploded within his tenure of Vice President. In order to safeguard his son Hunter's interests in a energy company in Ukraine, he used its powers and US aid to pressure the Ukrainian governmentEssence

The New York Post, which broke the news, is not an unknown tabloid, but a traditional media with an age of more than 200 years and the fourth issue of circulation.There are many unbearable videos and photos of Hunter.

But the most dumbfounded surprise is that the mainstream media in the United States seemed to be aspiring together, and the first time (the vice president used national resources to threaten foreign leaders), even the social media platform facebooks and pushing pushSpecial has also taken the initiative to block. In the past few days, it has caused strong criticism from all walks of life. Some public opinion even described Biden that Biden has not been elected, and the media community automatically shielded remarks like totalitarian countries.The Republican Party -controlled Senate has summoned the decision on October 28's hearing on October 28.

In fact, Heter Biden's incident in Ukraine had been hyped a year ago, but because of her father and son, she couldn't get it.However, the details involved in Biden may be the first exposure, so the lethality is greater, and the Biden camp has not been completely defense so far.

It is likely that the mainstream media and platforms are generally unable to bear Trump's personal style and do not want Biden to be defeated early, but therefore, Trump has been in the long -term charges of the media to the left wing, deliberately creating the remarks that are conducive to the Democratic Party.The atmosphere is not targeted.However, it is difficult to open up the phenomenon to the end of the opening of American society, and more and more mainstream media have to start talking about this.

Hunter Biden's hard disk content not only involves Ukraine, but also involves e -mail with China Huaxin Energy Company in 2017. It talks about the establishment of a company and charging up to $ 10 million an annual consultation fee. It is clear that he gets these opportunitiesThe only reason is to be Biden's son.

Perhaps another wave of surprise will appear soon from the email from former Secretary of State Hillary.Trump has repeatedly urged the State Council to decrypt more Email content during his job, and said that the degree of corruption involved is incredible.According to some sources, the content of Trump's anxious breaking news is likely to be killed by the US ambassador to Egypt in 2012. Among them, it may involve the high -level government of the government at the time.Responsibility.

It is not unique to attacking political opponents that lead to the reversal of the election, but because the result of this year's election results, who is the main White House is considered to affect the world pattern that has been affected in the next years, especially the political situation in East AsiaCan be called Wen Surprising.

What is really worrying is Wu's surprise.The United States and Japan are getting closer and closer in the Western Pacific military alliance, and Taiwan, which has become more and more strong in defense as the trend of restraining the force of Mainland China. It is becoming increasingly obvious. The Taiwan Strait's cross -strait relations are difficult to slow down, and the situation has become even more unpredictable.

Recently, several aspects of military forces have been continuously deployed and drills from space to deep water. It seems that in the chaos before and after the US election on November 3, it is very likely that a long -breaking big surprise MDASH; mdash; mdash; MDASHThe key question is only who has the first shot.

However, once this surprise occurs, it is likely to be the biggest and ultimate this year, because the two camps will start when the trust disappear, and no party will stop easily.The result of Wu Jingqi must be outside the epidemic, another long -lasting and destructive tragedy in 2020.

Negative surprises are frustrated, but there are many positive surprises recently.After half a year of depression, the news that two places (such as Singapore and Hong Kong) communicated with each other is enough to be surprising and proved that human economic activities and lives cannot be isolated from each other.

The latest data from the World Bank shows that 90 million people will be poverty this year, and the food will also have a more serious shortage due to various natural disasters. Many humanitarian -related crises will appear one by one next year.If the governments of various countries have dismissed subsidies due to financial difficulties before their economic recovery, the crisis will worsen.

From October to the end of the year, the most anticipated surprise includes economic and tourism activities safely, but the biggest surprise is the emergence of reliable vaccines, but it is not so optimistic, but as long as the epidemic does not spread on a large scale, it is considered to be the end of the year.good news.

In the first half of the year, the predictions of the Indian star -watching boy's film seemed to be a bit accurate. He also predicted that there would be more disasters from December 20th to March next year, including a war that caused a large number of deaths.In an unknown era, things such as prophecy will become very popular because humans tend to find certainty.But the certainty of such things is always limited and even misleading.

However, if you do n’t look at the phenomena, do n’t look at the fate, do n’t pray, do n’t meditate, do human beings make good and safe results with their own rational analysis or intuition?It turns out that this is not the case. From individuals to the country, a decision to lead to evil results abound.This is the reason why there are thousands of years of learning such as astrology or numerology, because as long as someone is making a decision, there will be surprise from time to time.

After this year of surprise, the world will be very different, and the reorganization of international politics and economic sectors is almost irreversible.However, our ordinary people should also learn. Only by making good psychological preparations and unchanging inner unchanged, in the outside world, can we face surprises and not be frightened.

(The author is [email protected])