Author: Zhang Huiying

The upcoming US presidential election is actually an Ait Trump VS. hate Trump's duel. See which group of people in the end, Bayon's appearance is relatively bland and vague, but there is no way to be with Trump.The player who grabbed the show was not born.

The Germans deeply reflected after the war, why they could do what they ordered Hitler and slaughtered the Jews. This soul exploration should also do it.Pu could not answer as presidents.But Americans may not be so heavy, because this will touch a lot of unpleasant things, at least when the love and hate in front of them will not.

Not only is caught in a faint and hate about Trump. In the eyes of outsiders, the United States, known as the first -class country in the world, has some things that seem to put themselves into the mud pits. Recently, a example of Taiwanese people staggered is that it isMask, such a good thing, some people in the United States were on the streets to demonstrate.From the perspective of Taiwanese people, Trump, who has always faded out of the epidemic, refuses to wear a mask, and leaves after diagnosis, is simply the life of the grass.Of course, Trump is for election, but his operation can encourage the trend, which is related to the collective personality of the United States.

Personality determines destiny, and the collective personality of a country will also create its destiny.Although the United States has always been regarded as a benchmark of freedom and the best model of democracy, the collective personality of the United States has a very strong individualist characteristics since then against the British colonial government.Excessive or excessive intervening in the people's lives.Opposed a mask believes that his face can only be managed, and the government has no right to force the people to wear masks. Trump politically politates the mask and discredit into the Democratic conspiracy with the epidemic.Among the 210,000 dead, I don't know how much it is on Trump's head.

The strong individualism of the United States is also reflected in health insurance, thinking that his health cares and buying its own insurance itself. Therefore, the United States is the only one in the advanced country without national health insurance. This market is divided by several large insurance companies.The premium is expensive and incomplete.When Obama pushed Ouji Health Insurance, the middle class rebounded very much, because rich people were not afraid of paying more. The elderly and the poor had the help of Medicare and Medicaid, but most of the population premiums in the middle of the income rose.If the United States can go to the UK's national health system at the beginning, it will not be sinking in medical insurance now, and it is impossible to remove the re -training at all.

Another more vivid individualism is guns.From the beginning of holding a gun in the west to open its own home, Americans believe that guns are equivalent to constitutional self -defense. In fact, the second of the Constitution is also listed.Political influence is very strong. For example, the National Rifle Association is a long -established and powerful group, and it is an important gold master of Republican and Trump.

Therefore, Trump laughed at the mask, opposed Ouji Health Insurance, and supported a gun. These behaviors that keep the United States continue to be trapped in the mud pits are markets in the votes, because it is consistent with personalism in the United States.The direction of doctrine may collectively harm everyone's interests.

Trump's epidemic prevention is so bad that he has also been infected, and some people are convinced that Trump is defeated, but it depends on how much he can get a few voters in swing states.The US president is actually an indirect election. The votes determine the election group of each state, and then calculate the election group to generate the president. Even if you lose a large population, as long as you have more than a few states with less population, you can win the election.Last time, Trump lost 2.6 million Puppet votes in Hillary, but was elected by the number of votes in the election.Although it is difficult to say that Trump is losing or winning, the tear opposites of American society will definitely continue to fluctuate.