Sing Tao Daily News

It has been more than half a year after the new coronary pneumonia's epidemic has been raging. Not only has it been unable to curb, but also in Europe's outbreak of outbreaks.In addition to a few countries such as China, many countries around the world seem to be unprepared to the new crown virus, but it is only expected that the vaccine can be successfully developed as soon as possible.However, even if the vaccine can be supplied in large quantities, many people in the wealthy country will still have problems such as vaccination and poor country without sufficient vaccine, which will still be difficult to get rid of the new crown pneumonia next year.

According to the latest figures, the number of new crown pneumoniars in the world has exceeded 39 million people. As European explosion again, India and other countries have been unable to curb virus, which has led to the number of new diagnosis in the world.Thousands of people are expected to have more than 40 million patients with diagnosis worldwide on Sunday.

The global new diagnosis has increased sharply again, partly due to the out of control of the European epidemic.France, Britain, Germany, and Yi and other countries have recently recorded a single -day diagnosis. France has added more than 30,000 people a day.More than 150,000 people have been confirmed.The European explosion again due to resistance to diseases. People are impatient about strict epidemic prevention measures. In addition, European emphasizes personal freedom.ferocious.

Two or three adults in Europe and the United States expressed their refusal

As for another type of country such as India, Brazil, Russia, etc., in the early days of the epidemic, severe epidemic prevention has caused the virus to spread rapidly, and community explosions appear in various places. Due to the tight resources of these countries, they are everywhere in treatment and isolation patients.It is unable to curb the epidemic at all, so it has always been at its peak.Many governments in these countries have given up their attitudes to the epidemic.

Regardless of the fatigue fatigue of the richer country or the weak resistance of the poor country, the epidemic situation of many countries has been on the verge of losing control, only to wait for the vaccine to rescue.Fortunately, the development of the new crown vaccine has entered the final stage of tackling. Ten vaccines have entered the third phase, that is, the final stage of the test, four of which are from China, three from the United States, and one of them in Germany and Russia.

Although the Oxford team and Johnson & Johnson developed a problem in the third phase of the test, it is necessary to suspend or a local suspension of the test, but it is generally believed that at least one can be successfully passed before the end of the year and can enter a large number of production and use.In the second quarter, large -scale vaccination plans should be launched.However, two major problems will still occur, which will trouble the world.

First, 20 % or more or more people in Europe and the United States refuse to take over.In the past few months, many polls have reported that many people in Europe and the United States will refuse to vaccinate the new crown vaccine. Among them, 40 % of Italy will refuse to plant, there are three points in the United States, 30 % of France, 20 % in Germany, 10 % in the UK in the UK, 10 % in the UK.Six -class.

Before the outbreak of new crown pneumonia, there were many negative rumors about vaccination, such as the sterilization of sterilization, might suffer from various diseases, etc. Society also experienced the exercise of vaccination.Now global populism and nationalism are more prosperous, and the conspiracy theory of the new crown vaccine is also spread in social media like viruses. In response to this social platform, Facebook has just launched a new policy to prohibit the publication of anti -vaccine advertisements.

Fa -country buying and cutting to the poor country

Unless European and American countries are forced to vaccine, two or three adults may refuse to plant, which will make the effort to stop epidemic work.However, Europe and the United States advocate personal rights and freedom. In terms of epidemic prevention measures, the government has continuously relaxed the prevention of epidemic prevention due to the dislike of the public, causing the epidemic to get out of control. Whether the people can force the people to take vaccine needles in the future are not optimistic.

Second, the poverty -stricken country has a serious deficiency of the vaccine.Because the epidemic is a global crisis, in order to allow more countries, especially poor countries to have vaccine supply, WHO has organized a new crown pneumonia vaccine fair allocation plan (COVAX).It also joined earlier this month and promised to provide vaccines to developing countries.

However, because the United States and Russia have not joined, half of the vaccines that have been successfully developed may not be included in COVAX; in addition, large powers such as the United States, Britain, and Japan have ordered several hundreds of millions of new crown vaccines.If you deal with these large orders first, you can make out the global vaccine that will be stretched.COVAX's goal is that there will be 2 billion vaccines for participants next year, but this is still a lot of money for the world.

International infectious disease experts have already pointed out that only after everyone is safe, all human beings will be safe, but under many people in the wealthy country refusing to take vaccination and the poor country is not vaccinated, the world may still be unable to comprehensively curb the new crown epidemic, human health and economyThe impact that can only be eased and cannot return to normal.To fully overcome the new coronal virus worldwide, it is necessary to try to solve the predicament of the above vaccination.