Source: Taiwan United Daily News

Tsai Ing -wen's double ten conversations were interpreted as a goodwill to mainland China, but in addition to the backbone back to the 1992 consensus, the setting conversation was a lecture on independence.EssenceIn the New Cold War in the United States and China, regardless of the double -ten conversation or name of Taiwan independence, it is an advance deployment for the evolution of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, especially the security impact of the heating up in the United States and Taiwan relations with Taiwan's constitutional amendment.

This year's President Double Ten speech, specially, allowers different political claims can find what they want to hear in it.People who support peace on both sides of the strait seem to see Xiaoying's window of reconciliation; those who look forward to the normalization of Taiwan countries seem to get her promise to move towards the light.Looking back at the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in the past year, the populist fanaticism in the United States and the United States, weighing the positions of the United States on cross -strait issues, and the people's hearts of the people of the Taiwan Strait, and Cai Yingwen's conversation has the purpose of cooling down;The national strategy heralds the desire to come.

It can be seen from the Two Ten talks that the cross -strait issue has been placed in a geopolitical structure by the Cai Government. From economic and national defense to diplomacy, all reveal the leadership of Washington, especially to actively participate in the establishment of new international and regional order in the future, the value alliance of the Value LeagueIsn't that based on the confrontation of the United States and China?When the US -China -Taiwan triangle relationship becomes a parallel line, Taiwan is regarded as an important fortress that the United States is anti -China. How much is Tsai Ing -wen's autonomy of cross -strait relations?

Standing on the front of the Indo -Pacific League to discuss the expansion hegemony of mainland China. The perspective of the Cai government ignores the expansion of Western allegations. Some are territorial disputes. From the perspective of the mainland, it must be refused to give up. For exampleSovereignty in the South China Sea and Diaoyutai.When the Tsai government sees the Cai government from historical textbooks, cultural identity, and territorial definition, it gradually defines the Republic of China as a country that has nothing to do with China, and even use constitutional amendments to stir state identity.Concerning Taiwan independence.And this is also questionable that the peaceful dialogue that the Tsai government advocates can be transcended from the India and the strategy?

The Cold War and the century -old epidemic in the United States and China have raised the Cai government to raise cross -strait issues to the defense war of universal values. It is the main theme of the world trend through the internal promotion.This populist fire ignites Taiwan's self -confidence in the United States and the United States, and the variables of regional security. Based on national interests, the United States requires the Tsai government to control it.Taiwan will not engage in Taiwan independence, unless it is crazy; they speak in the occasion of dialogue with the United States to cooperate with alleviating the situation of the Taiwan Strait. In addition, the government has not improved the active actions of cross -strait relations.

At the same time that the Cai government's statement of the mainland was not provocative, the ruling party and the wing side of the wing side completely destroyed Taiwan's only openness and tolerance of the national identity through legislation and social bullying.The artist performed on the National Day program of the mainland and was charged with the rebels; however, the parliament of parliament can discuss the normalization of the constitutional country in the double ten vertical and sneak out of Taiwan's independence.The launch of amateur spy to show the public in the mainland, and many cross -strait exchanges have obstacles.

The Tsai government's two -handed strategy internal and external, clearly showing that the problem is not established in Taiwan independence, but the growth of separation awareness: For Taiwan, the United States and China are anti -Taiwan independence.Keeping the Taiwan independence red line, but the Cai government is committed to the United States.Even if the Taiwan spy warning Taiwan independence is useless, it is useless to make Taiwanese people find more reasons for the United States and China.

Ironically, the government alone has sovereignty over the Chinese mainland. In the face of the United States and Japan, not only the sovereignty of the South China Sea and Diaoyutai can be thrown, but even the issues related to the people's livelihood abandon the city.The tragedy of Lai Pig becomes a bold pig.The governor uses the shell of the Republic of China to coax the people to hypnotize themselves in the imaginary community, and regard the incarnation of the US fortress to the world, so can there be a peaceful olive branch from there?