Author: Su Qi

President Trump is a rare amateur in American politics, and he is a hundred -year -old political madman.In the past four years, he has shocked the United States as a nuclear bomb.

In terms of personal style, he spoke to open his mouth and never cared about evidence.He does whatever he wants, and often does not follow the rules or traditions.When he encountered criticism, he continued to do what Fake News (fake news).

He only sees the foreign policy, and there is no line and no face -to -face thinking, so the policy is often not connected before and after, and it is not coordinated left and right.

The domestic situation is even more embarrassing.Four years ago, the total number of votes he was elected was not as good as his opponent Hillary.After taking office, they are more active along the boundaries of race, religion, urban and rural, and party. They have repeatedly cut the United States' diverse society, so that domestic cracks deepen, non -left or right, non -blue (Democratic) red (Republican).The middle class has also weakened comprehensive, getting richer and poor, the poor.Large companies are getting bigger and bigger, and fewer and fewer small and medium -sized enterprises that can create employment.

The most worrying is the current political violence tendency.The United States was originally the country with the most flooded guns. The 33 million population had 27 million guns.In the past, politicians argued whether they should be legislative, but no one would deliberately dial.

In June of this year, Trump's fear of race turmoil and the black life and the black life spread to Washington will endanger the White House. He asked the governor of the country to emergency dispatch of 5,000 national soldiers from military aircraft to Huafu to escort.In the end, only 3,800 governors of Republican members made 3,800 people (the Democratic Party was not symbolic for less than a hundred people).Trump ordered them (instead of Washington police) to dispel peaceful demonstrators before the White House with tear bullets, aroused the country.In the end, the Minister of Defense and the heads of the joint meeting of the three armies apologized, and acknowledged that soldiers should not intervene in politics.Trump encouraged the militia organization to stand behind (I), such as proud boys, at any time, and even claimed that he would mobilize the U.S. military to the Democratic cities and protect life and property.Recently, if the Governor of Democratic Party Michigan was successfully abducted by a certain organization, the political effect could not bear imagination.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that I would not lose, unless they made votes, they did not promise to choose a peaceful transfer of power; Republicans even accused the Democratic Party's administration of the United States and West State (California, Oregon, Washington) in governing the Democratic Party.It was announced to be separated from Federal Independence after the election was lost.All these have deepened the confrontation and hatred within the United States, so that the past elections were raised, and the next election of drinking was covered with a strong smell of gunpowder.

After the voting on November 3 is over, the passion is over?The answer is that, if one party is overwhelming, everything may return to normal.However, if the number of votes is close, the anti -Japanese war of the 79 days (as to the new presidential inauguration on January 20 next year) has just begun.

Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, as much as one -third of the votes this year may be changed by mail.Because most states will only check the ticket on the day of the voting date, and the ticket inspection procedures for mailing tickets are complicated, and the time of voting will inevitably be stretched.Then because Democratic supporters tend to mail the voting ratio, more than 69%than 19%of the Republican Party, Trump has repeatedly denied the legitimacy of mailing voting, and uses public power to interfere with the post office operation.Essence

Related political and legal disputes, with the assistance of hundreds of top lawyers on both sides, are likely to quarrel from the voting date to the voter day of the electorate on December 14.The famous millennium Bush and Gore's political competition ended at this time by the Supreme Court and the end of Gore.However, this year is likely to be extended to the final accounts of the New Congress on January 6, and even the New Congress joined the political competition to go to January 20.

The most famous precedent in American history was two candidates representing North and Southern State in 1876, winning the total number of votes and votes.Seeing that there are two inauguration ceremonies, two presidents, and two supreme commanders, they will give the president to the north through the back room negotiation the next day.After the implementation of black people's political power.This extension was passed until the 1964 civil rights bill, and the United States realized real democracy.

Of course, we don't want history to repeat it so, but unless one party is overwhelming, American democracy will be fiercely turbulent.If it is, Taiwan, which is tied to the United States by the Cai government, may follow the torment.

(The author is the chairman of the Taipei Forum)