Author: Shi Qiping

Kissinger, 97, said at a seminar hosted by the New York Economic Club that he hoped that the United States and China can paint a red line for the threats in the relationship between the two countries.

Kissinger warned that the United States and China must set up combat rules for increasingly fierce competition, otherwise it may reproduce the uncertain situation before World War I, and even wipe the guns for a small matter.He said that my country and China must discuss what kind of boundary between China and China will no longer further threaten each other and how to define the boundary.

This is Kissinger's latest speech on Sino -US relations.As the birth of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and the promoter of China -US relations, Kissinger still cares about the changes in the relationship between the two countries at the time of the twilight. It is not surprising.It is interesting and noteworthy that his conversation can also reflect the status and trend of the relationship between the relationship between the two countries.

May wish to have a review since Trump was elected president 4 years ago.In November 2016, a few days after Trump was elected, he invited Kissinger, then 93 years old to Trump Building in New York to ask for national affairs.After the two talked deeply, Kissinger, who was in the year, flew a trip to Moscow and made a long talk with Putin.It is speculated that this is a strategic suggestion made by Kissinger to Trump: United Russia resistance.Such a strategic thinking fully conforms to Kissinger's strategic logic, and combined with the third child to deal with the second child. In the 1970s, China's comprehensive strength was the third child, so the United States fought against the largest opponent in the United States at that time.Half a century later, the potential enemies of the United States were replaced by China, so the United States of Russia was very reasonable.This rumor later had a media certificate to Kissinger himself.The United States was later in Russia, which was related to the strong domestic anti -Russian forces and emotions.

After Trump's ruling, China's rise is unabated, and the pressure on the United States as the boss has increased daily.Trump continued to increase on the former Obama's Chinese curb strategy (Asia -Pacific rebalancing), and the trade war and scientific and technological wars have successively played.At this time, Kissinger spoke: Sino -US relations can't go back; Sino -US relations can no longer return to that time.Obviously, Kissinger is very clear about the end of China and the United States.

However, formal development may be unexpected. Trump's tricks are not unparalleled (such as Xinjiang cards, Hong Kong cards, trade war), or two defeats (scientific and technological warfare). At this time, Kissinger began to be a little annoyed.Yue, he said that if the United States fails, no one has thought about it, especially China.After annoying, he seemed to feel the crisis in the United States.But at the same time, he was a strategicist of a world pattern. He faintly saw and said: The new crown virus is popular and will always change the world order.Isn't this changeable world order, isn't it the world order that has always been dominated by the United States for a long time?

This time, Kissinger finally had a reflection.He believes that the United States needs to change a new way of thinking to understand the complicated world today, because no country can enjoy unilateral advantages that are not threatened by other countries in terms of strategy and economy.He also said that the decision makers of the United States should understand that there is no ability to extort the United States in the field of pure economy.However, achieving this goal does not mean that we must target and weaken any potential technical capabilities in other countries.

It seems that Kissinger saw the American ruling authorities. If you fight alone with China, he may not be able to take advantage of the upper hand, and he also sees the improper decision -making thinking and behavior of the American governor.