Author: Zhao Guanqi

The International News Collection of the Washington Post in the United States published a short review on October 7, entitled what the US election means to China, which quoted a number of Chinese and foreign experts. The conclusion is simple: no matter who is elected as the President of the United States, China has a problem in China.It is already the consensus of the court and the country, and it is expected that Sino -US relations will worsen. Compared with Trump, which destroys the relationship between ally, it is expected to consolidate the threat of Beijing's threat to Beijing.

As far as the first half of the conclusion, a group of official experts in China will certainly point out that the responsibility is exactly in the United States, but both stated in the same way that the White House's replacement will not bring policy steering.At each level of the cultural and educational guards, the situation of comprehensive confrontation is in front of it.

What is the body of the body?

Trump made a bilateral relationship in 4 years, and set a new model of interaction with China in disguise. Even if the successor intentionally returned to the original framework, he had to consensively consensus the melon with the so -called chair.Historical experience and policy architecture left left by the Trump model.

In fact, American diplomacy has its own trajectory. It is not that the White House can move against the trend.Looking back at Trump's 2016 campaign, it once stated that he was dissatisfied with the allies who did not pay military expenses and occupied the cheapness of Washington. Many presidents spent national resources on overseas war and lost US national strength in vain.Whether you want to return to the road of isolationism, or even let the global affairs.

After 4 years, Washington did retreat everywhere to show that he was dissatisfied with international organizations to help American opponents, but the most did to advance China step by step.The Chinese people ask allies to join forces to block China.

In addition to the policy of China, the United States under the rule of Trump obviously did not have an isolated policy, and it was more concerned about international opinions than the Obama era.Wei, every move is to tell all countries around the world: the United States is still the world's first, there are conditions and the ability to take unilateral action in various fields, and what is the first to do the United States.

Can Biden unite the circle of friends in the United States?

To some extent, the two strong and strong struggle between China and the United States have been hidden for a long time. As soon as the economic and trade exchanges have lost the original weight, the large ship of bilateral relations is floating and sinking.The reason is not as good as the result or presentation.

The short -term review of Huayai quoted Kurt Campbell, the assistant Secretary of State of the Obama era: I think there is extensive recognition in the Democratic Party, that is, Trump's judgment of Chinese invasive acts is generally correct.Campbell, in office, is the Asia -Pacific and East Asian affairs, planning Huafu's return strategy to return to the Asia -Pacific, and is regarded as one of the leaders of the Bayeng government's diplomatic team.

Needless to say, the article is also tough in expressing Biden, and it will also fight against China more accurately and effectively because he can unite the circle of friends in the United States.

From a different perspective, after Trump's rush of punching feet has pushed down the policy of many years, it seems that American public opinion seems to be more refined and more ally.The important degree of beauty and corner power: With the strength of Washington alone, even the siege of China is difficult, and most members of the Western camp must be mobilized to be mobilized at the low limit. It is best to add India.Siege circle.

Clarify the goal of blocking the Chinese to improve the effectiveness of the policy

On the other hand, Huyou's article also saw the judgment of international relations expert Paul Haenle: (Trump administration) did not try to solve the problem.I can't say what their goals are.(Controlling China) is even more attitude, not a policy.This is even more emotional.

Trump wants to reduce the trade deficit with China?To keep American order in East Asia?Or should I repeat ideological confrontation?Where should the final set of curbs be set?These issues have been asked in the past 4 years, and after all, there must be a goal ahead of many ways.

For Beijing, if you put on Biden as president, Washington may answer these questions more clearly, or the economic structure is greatly rectified according to the requirements of the United States, or the sovereignty disputes in the region are dying.The bone is not good, and may even shake the fundamental system.

Nevertheless, if the United States really sent from a hundred punch to a precise blow, although the effect of individual tricks may be heavier and more painful, it is easier for Beijing to get the opponent's choice of the primary and secondary order, and it is easier to block from the current soldiers to block from the current soldiers.The situation of water coming to the earth, through the understanding of the tendency of the United States, transitions to actively guiding the opponent expectations. If it is, it will also get more opportunities to freeze the secondary contradiction and even reach a local consensus.